[London, UK - 24/09/2016] Summer's End


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Summer's End

London, UK - 24th September 2016

Well, most of us have returned from the holidays and school is starting up for most people. What a great time to host a tournament (since nothing happened while I was away lel) and once again I can guarantee prizes! Woohoo!
Since summer has ended and we are going into Autumn, please check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. I can imagine it will be a bit chilly...

Summer's End
Prepare for the chilly winds...

Please check the weather forecast...

The tournament itself will start at 12:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive for 11:30am. The Tube and public transport services are not very reliable, so plan your journey well in advance.

Regent's Park. We shall be at the Bandstand as always, but in case of congestion, we may relocate to the smaller shelter on the way to the Ready Money Drinking Fountain. Please check this thread on the day for updates or like us on Facebook for any quick location updates.

Here is a map of Regent's Park. Click on the tab labelled "Monuments, Fountains and Statues". Head to the area marked Bandstand or in some cases, head to the Ready Money Drinking Fountain. We suggest taking the London Underground or Bus to Baker Street.

Tournament Format:
Burst Format. We will be doing Round Robin, seeing as we have a small participant pool. But hey, more battles, more fun! Block Round Robin if we get over 12 participants, so be ready for either! And remember, no Hasbro Burst layers or drivers are allowed, not that anyone would have them yet. Grin
Please remember to read the rules!

Now, all participants must pay a £3 fee for the tournament. We accept cash only!
If you have a valid Blader Passport, entry is free! Blader Passports can be purchased on the day for £10 and last a whole year! Absolute bargain!

Prizes will be put on order and the usual Faces/Credits and even MBG special edition swag will be available to winners!

Hosts and Judges:
This tournament is being hosted by Manicben, WBO mentor and tournament host. I have chosen philo1114 and ~Mana~ (depending on numbers) to be judges this time round, due to their support and experience. If you have any queries, either here or on the day, feel free to PM Manicben or talk to one of us on the day, we would be happy to help!

Important Advice:
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public park. Bad behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from future events. Please keep your personal belongings with you or in a safe place while at the bandstand. If you see any personal items left around with no apparent owner, please hand it in to a judge, so we can return it to its rightful owner. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than 12:10pm, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate.

Message from the Hosts:
Stay tuned on the Revival Thread or the new WBO UK Facebook Page for more info and tournament dates!

Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!

[Image: twitteric.png] @worldbeyblade [Image: facebookic.png] WorldBeybladeOrganization

[Image: facebookic.png] WBO UK Division

Spread the word!

Confirmed Attendees:

Balance Blader

Unconfirmed Attendees:


Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Beyblades back, back again.

I look forward to battling you all once again! After launching at least 10 practice shots a day since the last tournament I might actually be competitive now Wink
Really excited for this event! This will be my first ever beyblade tournament. Have you guys got any advice for a rookie ? I'm planning to buy a blader passport on the day.
Barely practiced at all, but I actually have a wider variety of parts this time, so I won't just be using the basic four releases the whole time Tongue_out

Looking forward to it though!
Can't attend this one even though I thought I could so can I be taken off.
That's alright mate. Luckily we have enough participants for this one. See you at the October tournament!


If any of you have checked out the Experimental Format thread, please let me know what you think in the Revival Thread. I'm tempted to change this tournament's format, but I also realise we have a new blader coming and the Experimental Format may be a bit hard to understand at first. So maybe next tournament will be Exp Format? Let me know. Grin
(Sep. 06, 2016  10:11 AM)Basedsamuraij Wrote: Really excited for this event! This will be my first ever beyblade tournament. Have you guys got any advice for a rookie ? I'm planning to buy a blader passport on the day.

Just take a deep breath and analyze your opponent's Beys alright? See what they usually use and try to strategize. Other than that, have fun. Smile

Try to have some combos ready at hand. Wink

Good luck! Joyful_3
(Sep. 08, 2016  12:00 AM)Brisk AquarioHD Wrote:
(Sep. 06, 2016  10:11 AM)Basedsamuraij Wrote: Really excited for this event! This will be my first ever beyblade tournament. Have you guys got any advice for a rookie ? I'm planning to buy a blader passport on the day.

Just take a deep breath and analyze your opponent's Beys alright? See what they usually use and try to strategize. Other than that, have fun. Smile

Try to have some combos ready at hand. Wink

Good luck! Joyful_3

Yep strategy is key. Research commonly used combos and try to learn all of the parts' tendencies and qualities. And beware the TEETH!!! Tongue_out
^ The teeth is danGeRoUs.

Don't listen to them! All you have to worry about is not pulling a Hayden Wink
Ignore the teeth scares. Just try to have fun instead; we don't bite, everyone is very welcoming, and you'll find plenty of us using combos that probably aren't ideal for battling anyway. You'll have a good laugh Tongue_out

If you want to research some combos to help push you towards winning as best as possible, I do advise looking at the testing threads or Winning Combinations thread to see what others have been using, and why those do so well.
(Sep. 08, 2016  2:06 PM)~Mana~ Wrote: Ignore the teeth scares. Just try to have fun instead; we don't bite, everyone is very welcoming, and you'll find plenty of us using combos that probably aren't ideal for battling anyway. You'll have a good laugh Tongue_out

If you want to research some combos to help push you towards winning as best as possible, I do advise looking at the testing threads or Winning Combinations thread to see what others have been using, and why those do so well.

Yeah I've had a look on a few threads and asked some people. My current budget can only really cover two combos though, hopefully I don't get stomped on haha XD
Again, I wouldn't worry too much. If parts are a concern; between all of us, I'm sure we all have plenty of parts that we could lend you to use Smile
Thank you, How long do the tournaments usually run? I'm leaving to go on a trip the night of the 24th and was just wondering how much time I have.
I'm pretty sure we usually finish up at around 3-4ish
Yay, I am going to be a good judge~ (or not)
(Sep. 09, 2016  5:18 PM)philo1114 Wrote: Yay, I am going to be a good judge~ (or not)

Well I hope so, for everyone's sake hah.
(Sep. 09, 2016  5:23 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Sep. 09, 2016  5:18 PM)philo1114 Wrote: Yay, I am going to be a good judge~ (or not)

Well I hope so, for everyone's sake hah.

Well, he better be, he's planning on hosting an HK tournament before this one! Grin
Put me as unconfirmed! If I can get some good Beyblades at the event then I will attend!
Just letting everyone know in advance, there is a slight chance the prizes won't arrive on time.
My apologies for leaving it so late (didn't have enough money lel).

And a quick update, @[philo1114] and @[~Mana~] will be our judges this time. This is part of my new initiative to get more people judging and get the experience needed to host events, in the case that I can't. Please remember to read the rulebook and get familiar with Challonge, since we will be using it on the day.
Sounds good to me, I was actually going to ask about it anyway!

Looking forward to seeing everyone! Grin
Dayuuuum Samuel, we're looking forward to seeing you too!
Looking forward to saturday Smile)
Really sorry but I can't attend the tournament Unhappy I'm going on a trip the same day and the people giving me a lift can't wait for me. Again I'm really sorry and I hope it all goes well and I hope I haven't messed up the bracket. I'll for sure be attending future tournaments !
Alright then guys, Saturday (today) at 12pm. Remember to aim for 11:30am arrival to be on time!
Check your bus/tube/train route to see if there are any delays and plan in advance.
Also, check the weather before you head out so that you don't get cold or wet! Grin

See you all there!