[London, UK 23/1/2016] New Year's Revolutions


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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London, UK - 23 January 2016

Happy New Year everyone! London is somewhat late for the start of 2016, but here we are now and it's finally time to battle again... Any resolutions this year? Well I have plenty of revolutions to make! Tongue_out

Burst 2k16, let's go!

Hope you had a great Xmas... Grin

The tournament itself will start at 12:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive for 11:30am. The Tube and public transport services are not very reliable, so plan your journey well in advance.

Regent's Park. We shall be at the Bandstand like ye olden days.

Here is a map of Regent's Park. Head to the area marked Bandstand. We suggest taking the London Underground or Bus to Baker Street.

Tournament Format:
Burst Format. We will be doing Round Robin, seeing as we have a small participant pool. But hey, more battles, more fun! Block Round Robin if we get over 12 participants, so be ready for either!

Now, all participants must pay a £3 fee for one tournament. We accept cash only!
If you have a valid Blader Passport, entry is free to both! Blader Passports can be purchased on the day for £10 and last a whole year! Absolute bargain!

Sorry, no physical prizes this time, but credits and Faces will be awarded!

Hosts and Judges:
This tournament is being hosted by Manicben, somewhat of a veteran and tournament host. I have chosen xHB_SAUCEx and Ultra (depending on numbers) to be judges this time round, due to their support and experience. If you have any queries, either here or on the day, feel free to PM Manicben or talk to one of us on the day, we would be happy to help!

Important Advice:
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public park. Bad behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from future events. Please keep your personal belongings with you or in a safe place while at the bandstand. If you see any personal items left around with no apparent owner, please hand it in to a judge, so we can return it to its rightful owner. Your cooperation is much appreciated.

Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than 12:10pm, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate.

Message from the Hosts:
Monthly tournaments have started again! Woohoo! Stay tuned on the Revival Thread or the new WBO UK Facebook Page for more info and tournament dates!

Confirmed Attendees:
Balance Blader

Unconfirmed Attendees:


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Good Luck to everyone! First one I've missed in a while!
Looking forward to this! Hoping to burst back onto the blading scene in tip top form!

Hehehe... burst....
(Jan. 20, 2016  5:48 PM)bladerzak2121 Wrote: Im gonna try to come ok

Great to hear man! hope you can come
Ah, question. I have string launchers, the ones that come with the burst starters. Are other launchers also acceptable? I feel much more comfortable with an old fashioned rip cord in my hands.
(Jan. 20, 2016  10:32 PM)Syphon Wrote: Ah, question. I have string launchers, the ones that come with the burst starters. Are other launchers also acceptable? I feel much more comfortable with an old fashioned rip cord in my hands.

Any official launcher (unmodified) is fine!
Do all gen bey launchers work with any bey?
(Jan. 21, 2016  12:19 AM)Syphon Wrote: Do all gen bey launchers work with any bey?

No, each series has its own special launchers Smile

And great tournament name, @[Manicben]! DJ - Fab!
(Jan. 21, 2016  2:10 AM)Hato Wrote: And great tournament name, @[Manicben]! DJ - Fab!

I knew someone would appreciate it Grin

Indeed, Burst uses launchers different to previous generations.
Burst string launchers are recommended, but if you want to use a ripcord launcher, any launcher released after B-12 is good and doesn't skip while launching.

And to everyone attending, PLEASE WEAR PLENTY OF WARM CLOTHING!!!
It's going to be VERY cold this Saturday, so please wrap up so that you don't feel cold. Grin
Should be able to come this time Smile
I'm toting a friend of mine along, they want to record my matches and maybe some others, is that okay?
(Jan. 21, 2016  9:26 PM)Syphon Wrote: I'm toting a friend of mine along, they want to record my matches and maybe some others, is that okay?

Absolutely fine.

For all newcomers, make sure you've read the rules. Please make sure you know how to get to the bandstand in Regent's Park and aim to arrive early, since we will not wait for any latecomers!
(Jan. 21, 2016  9:26 PM)Syphon Wrote: I'm toting a friend of mine along, they want to record my matches and maybe some others, is that okay?

Would it be possible for your friend to supply me with some footage? I just like to make edits of our London tournaments to put on YouTube to increase awareness of London Tournaments
Would it be possible for your friend to supply me with some footage? I just like to make edits of our London tournaments to put on YouTube to increase awareness of London Tournaments

I don't see why not. He should be completely fine with sharing the footage. I'll ask him for you.
anyone selling any mfb beys/parts?
(Jan. 23, 2016  11:33 AM)Phantom_Blader Wrote: anyone selling any mfb beys/parts?

Afraid not mate, sorry.

I'm on track for arrival just before 12. See you all there.
(Jan. 23, 2016  11:33 AM)Phantom_Blader Wrote: anyone selling any mfb beys/parts?

I'm selling some MFB Beys/parts; send me a message through PM if interested in buying and just tell me what you are looking for
Results are now done.
Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...sp=sharing

@[Kei] @[Kai-V] New proposal on its way for Feb.
This was the next processable event on the list, so here you go with your Faces and Credits, just over a week after the date of the tournament hah.
Hey, there was a three-way tie in terms of consecutive battles won in this tournament, between Balance Blader, guardianemperor and ClaraM. Did a tiebreaker happen outside of the official battles in order to determine who would win the Shard of Amaterios at all...? @[Manicben] I am not sure if anyone is able to post now that this topic is in the Event Archive sub-forum, but let me know what is up. Perhaps you already told me, but obviously we are verifying everything right now.