(Dec. 05, 2013 2:40 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Launchers really do not skip that much, so no, that is still illegal.
I guess that's just what I dislike about the 'competitive' aspect of the game.
There's no 100% consistency. 'They do not skip that much...?'
The: 'That much' part really gets me.
Why not make it: "They will not skip. Ever."
Launcher skipping if you were to make a comparison to competitive video games would be like this: Your buttons on your controller will sometimes not activate, just because. And you're not allowed to fix it. It will just happen. And you can lose the match because of a single press. Just because.
I only make this comparison, because I am part of a company that creates competitive video game peripherals; so I am constantly surrounded by the competitive scene (I went to EVO 2013 this year, the biggest tournament in the year for competitive fighting games). Controllers... tools... they are supposed to work 100% of the time. Every time. And that's what's expected out of a competitive tool. And we fix them if they start acting funny.
Putting tape in the plastic ring makes every launcher work 100% of the time.
Working when it is supposed to work.
Not a mod, like replacing the string for more power.
Or replacing the prongs, for unintended use with different beyblades.
It's making it work how it should.
Shoot the beyblade, at the power level the player intends to launch it at.
I know there are rules, and they should be followed, but it never made sense to me why a rule that makes something consistent and work 'as intended,' illegal. If anything, I think it makes it more competitive.
And I do want this game to be more competitive, I like that there is such a heavy level of customization in the game. And that there is a lot of strategy.
But to some, a 100% power pull for them, might be only 70% power for others.
And that 30% gap in power (or whatever it may be), can make the difference in skipping, and not skipping. Where as, a little tape, will ensure a pull regardless of the power. (And this difference in power, is also the reason why users have different results in testing threads, especially with attack types).
I guess I will have to rummage through my launchers til I get a good plastic piece, though, if there really is no way to overrule this rule.
Am I allowed to replace the entire contraption? Including prongs?