LONDON, UK -- Autumn Attack, Regents Park, November 14th




One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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[Image: autumnactioncopy.png]

Autumn Attack
14th November
London, Regents Park
Meeting Spot: The Boathouse Cafe
12:00pm - 3:30pm

Regents Park has been the location for the last few WBO tournaments, and we've found it to be a good location, yet we felt a change was in order.
The previous location was difficult for a lot of people to find, and was poorly located which made access to food and toilet facilities difficult.
The new location will be The Boathouse Cafe.

The attached map should help you to find the location:

The Boathouse Cafe is marked as number 5, and is heavily sign posted through out the park.
It is also marked as number 5 on all maps within the park.

We'll me meeting outside the Boathouse Cafe at 12:00, and move to an area of nearby grass at 1:00 to start the tournament. The tournament will most probably go on until around 3:30, yet it could go on for less, or possibly longer.

We will be around for a period of time after the tournament, but probably not for a lot longer since the park will be pretty much pitch black by 4:30/5:00.

We'd recommend traveling to the event from Baker Street station, as it's closest to the event.

The tournament style will be block round robin, since this worked well at the last event.

The main tournament will be MFB only, but free battles will allow plastic and HMS as usual.

Items we'd recommend for you to bring would include a hooded coat or jacket in case of rain, possibly an umbrella, and layers such as jumpers and scarves (as the weather will be taking a colder turn by the time of the tournament).

We'd also recommend that if you do intend to take part in the tournament, then bring your own beys.

This may sound like an obvious suggestion, but in the past people have come without, expecting to borrow other peoples.
This would not be a problem, but more than half the blades that have been lent out to people have either come back damaged from improper use, or not come back at all (as those who visited expo will know).
Obviously this has made people a lot more reluctant to lend out their own beys.

The entry fee will be the same as usual, free with a blader passport (£6 to buy), or £3 otherwise, and as usual there is no age restriction.

We hope you'll be interested in this tournament, and enjoy it as you have done with previous tournaments.


Need-to-Know Information

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Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

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Poll: Will you be attending Autumn Attack?

Possibly, I'll get back to you
Total: 100% 9 vote(s)
can girls enter
Only if they have manly usernames. B)
Only if they behave, and aren't outspoken. Can't have too much of this nonsense, or they'll be driving planes, and flying cars, and stealing all our jobs, as we at the WBO have the ideals of Victorian bankers!
Im still a 50/50!
Removed you from the attending list.
So with this amount of people attending will the tourney still be able to happen.
8 people and up constitutes a tournament.
Awesome i'm really happy now.
I don't mean to sound like a total idiot, but every time you guys have a tournament (and even though it is in the same location) and because there is a link and all that I probably do sound like an idiot (and I also know that it's in London).. anyways rambling aside- for the people who don't know where this park is, could you just add the actual country or city next to the location in the future? I hate to think that people are missing out on an event just because they don't recognize the name of a park :s
People should have the knowledge to click on this thread instead of ignoring it :\
(Oct. 30, 2009  6:15 PM)Ash Wrote: People should have the knowledge to click on this thread instead of ignoring it :\

Why would they click on a thread if they're not interested in it?

Agree, the exact location should be in the OP title.
Added 'London' to the OP, I'll ask Rocky to add to it to the title.
Oh, sorry had to change my post.. and oh carp I don't do MFB !!! !!! But there might be some people bringing plastics for when I come.
I am now also, a 50/50 chance (of coming) mainly because i'm not sure if my Blades will get back in time (postal strike.) I also, must convince my parents to come with me. I guess I was pretty eager to come (because it's the first tournament i've ever seen in London.) Plus i didn't acutally mean to press the definetly button, it was an accident. Can't wait though! (if im gonna come)
(Oct. 30, 2009  8:14 PM)BLaDeZ Wrote: Is this for all types of blades? E.g, Metal Fight, Plastic, HMS?

hmm maybe if you'd actually read the post you'd figure it out
(Oct. 30, 2009  8:15 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: hmm maybe if you'd actually read the post you'd figure it out

Yeah it was a really idiotic mistake, edited now :p
(Oct. 30, 2009  6:15 PM)Ash Wrote: People should have the knowledge to click on this thread instead of ignoring it :\

Being only a casual forum browser, I would rather not read every new thread just to find out when something is happening in my location. And in this particular situation, not even just reading the thread leads me to a city, or country. It's frustrating to click on a thread, read the post, and then click on a link, only to discover that the event I just read about is nowhere near me. I realize this sounds lazy, but some people have better things to do.

Thanks for updating the title Smile I hope you guys get some good weather!
I'm probably coming, and hoping i don't shout angrish at ellz. (Still amazed he made a quicker info than me, guess that proves he's better at this than i am. Still wishing i could organise my own tournament, though.)
Sorry revertedtozero, it got a bit confusing there, still, this is probably for the best seeing as Elliott has more experience than you and we normally choose who we allow to run tournaments anyways. If you wanted to propose your own tournament, you should've made your thread in the 'Events Proposals' forum, as you didn't it was a little unclear whether you were hoping ot organize something or were merely suggesting another tourney. In any case, when it get's down to it there isn't all that much organizing to be done anyways, it's really just a name at the top of the thread. If we had prizes it might be a little different but for now all that needs to be done is drawing up RR grids, updating the first post with relevant info and keeping an eye on everything though obviously, we'd rather let someone older handle this.

On a slightly related note, I'd really like to get a prize or two for some of the upcoming tourneys. >< Maybe look out for such in 2010. :X
Okay, Okay sorry.

We could donate some second hand beys Tongue_out Or get some RB's.
What are RB's ?
Okay, i'm coming alright! Time to destroy, since I don't do MFB, I might be able to order some more.. if i cant, i'll stick to the plastic free battles.
(Oct. 30, 2009  9:32 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: What are RB's ?

Random Booster Tongue_out I think we should keep Questions like this to PM
(Oct. 30, 2009  9:57 PM)Ash Wrote: Random Booster Tongue_out I think we should keep Questions like this to PM

Plastic or MFB??? (don't for get, i don't do MFB imo it sucks.)

Also, why doesn't it show the time..? I'd prefer me/other people not to keep others waiting.
(Oct. 31, 2009  11:00 AM)BLaDeZ Wrote: Plastic or MFB??? (don't for get, i don't do MFB imo it sucks.)
Since other Random Boosters are not being produced anymore, I would hope they are Metal Fight Beyblade Random Boosters.

You will have "to do MFB", so stop complaining ... Otherwise do not come to a tournament that will use them, unless you insist on waiting for free battles ...