

  Toronto, Ontario (ON)
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Tournament Results
High Park
1873 Bloor St W
  Meet at the shelter nearest to the tennis courts. (Map in the description!)
12:30PM on 04/15/2017
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Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

View Rulebook

One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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6 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
About the WBO

Join us on Saturday, April 15th, 2017 at High Park for a Beyblade Burst tournament!

Please be sure to arrive ON TIME for this tournament. We will finish registration at 12:30PM and will begin the tournament immediately. If you think you're going to be a little bit late, let me know and we may be able to work something out. Thank you!

If you can make it, please hit the blue JOIN TOURNAMENT button at the top of this page! See you all there!

What is Beyblade Burst?
[Image: gnJ23kG.png]
Beyblade Burst is the brand new, third generation of Beyblade by TAKARA-TOMY! It launched in 2015 in Japan and Hasbro recently launched it in Canada in September 2016. If you are not familiar with Beyblade Burst, please take a look at the Beyblade Wiki article covering it, the Beyblade General Forum, and the Beyblade Burst Hasbro Topic for the most up to date information about Hasbro's release of the series internationally. 

No Bey? No Prob!
Don't have any Beyblades from this new series? No problem! We would be happy to lend a Beyblade and launcher to you to use for the duration of the event!


We'll be playing in the shelter where we usually play. If you're coming to High Park via the Bloor St W entrance, just follow that road down on the right side and you'll see the large building/shelter on the left hand side before you reach the tennis courts. If you have any questions about the location, please post here! This map has the area we'll be playing in roughly outlined:

Side Notes
Please be aware of your belongings: We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. Your co-operation is appreciated!

All players must arrive on-time: If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.

If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.

All questions for this tournament may be asked in this thread!

Not sure what to expect?
Check out footage from Dual Layers, Dual Fun: a previous event that took place at High Park. More can be watched on BeyChannel!

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Looking forward to this! #BestNewsEver
I'm not here D:
I'll be there ; )
Dufferin Grove Park is my favorite out of all our venues. Lots of fresh space, food close by. Also free parking at the mall haha
and up goes the sales post. maybe I'll bring a small folding table...

new stock
Neptune Armed Zephyr, Lost Longinus .N.SP, Jeir Jormunangand .I.CY

01x BB-10 Attack Stadium $contact me$

01x B-33 BeyBlade Burst stadium $55
02x B-09 BeyBlade Burst Stadium (white) $110

01x B-00 Layer Set V.V & S.S $22 WBBA EXCLUSIVE
01x B-28 Neptune Armed Zephyr $25
02x B-29 Starter Valkyrie Wing Accel $16
01x B-30 Starter Spriggan Spread Fusion $16
00x B-31 Starter Yggdrasil Ring Gyro $24
03x B-34 Starter Victory Valkyrie .B.V $19
03x B-35 Starter Storm Spriggan .K.U $19
01x B-36 Booster Rising Ragnaruk .G.R $30
01x B-41 Starter Wild Wyvern .V.O $22
02x B-44 Booster Holy Horusood .U.C $16
03x B-46 Booster Obelisk Odin .T.X $11
02x B-48 Starter Xeno Xcalibur .M.I $23
01x B-56 Booster Unlock Unicorn .D.N $16
00x B-59 Starter Zillion Zeus .I.W $25
03x B-66 Lost Longinus .N.SP $27
02x B-69 Jeir Jormunangand .I.CY $22

02x Dark Amaterios Aero Assault $75

00x B-10 BeyLogger $23

B-15 01 Trident Heavy Claw -$make an offer$
B-15 02 Spriggan Wing Claw -$16
B-15 03 Ragnaruk Spread Claw -$16
B-15 04 Kerbeus Heavy Survive -$18
B-15 06 Spriggan Central Accel -$16
B-15 07 Ragnaruk Wing Defense -$16
B-15 08 Kerbeus Spread Accel -$16

B-24 05 Evileye Wing Needle -$make an offer$

BG-02 01 Trident Layer "Clear Red Version" $8
BG-02 02 Horusood Layer "Clear Yellow Version" $8
BG-02 04 Unicorn Layer "Clear Black Version" $8
BG-02 05 Obelisk Odin Dual Layer "Clear Blue Version" RARE $12

BG-03 01 Evil-Eye Layer "Clear Green Version" $10
BG-03 02 Yggdrasil Layer "Clear Red Version" $10
BG-03 03 Victory Valkyrie Dual Layer "Clear Yellow Version" $10
BG-03 04 Kaiser Kerbeus Dual Layer "Clear White Version" $10
BG-03 05 Jeir Jormungand Dual Layer "Blue / Clear Purple Version" RARE $15

BG-04 01 Xcalibur Layer "Clear Blue Version" $20
BG-04 02 Wild Wyvern Dual Layer "Clear Black Version" $8
BG-04 03 Storm Spriggan Dual Layer "Clear Yellow Version" $8
BG-04 04 Rising Ragnaruk Dual Layer "Clear Green Version"$8
BG-04 05 Exceed Evil-eye Dual Layer "Red / Clear Black Version" RARE $15
If anyone is willing to sell me their black launcher rubber(BB-81) please PM me!
We should start to not put events on family weekends...
(Apr. 07, 2017  1:28 AM)Naru Blader Wrote: We should start to not put events on family weekends...

It's a long weekend, so many people–like myself–have more time on their hands. But everyone's different! Can't please everyone, unfortunately. We have so many events anyways that we're bound to end up having them on dates that might not be convenient for some people, but we always do them on the weekend, so if it doesn't work out one time for someone, it surely will the next.
Just found out that we can reserve the campfire pit for $20 and have a small BBQ Beyblade event there in the summer months =)
(Apr. 07, 2017  6:21 AM)OldSchool™ Wrote: Just found out that we can reserve the campfire pit for $20 and have a small BBQ Beyblade event there in the summer months =)

Bey Blade Q
I like BeyBQ better Joyful_3
Yes old school!
Old school i might buy Trident Heavy Claw for 13$ if u are going to be there i'm just watching
I love competitive Dreidels
@[JesseObre] @[Hato] @[Technik] @[Thokami] @[Mitsu] @[cadney] @[Naru Blader] @[✱] @[Beyonomics] @[1234beyblade] @[pyrus10000] @[Tempest546] @[EX139] @[BAWB18] @[EvanTO] @[ArmaanTO] @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] @[Minion] @[Prozak] @[Zay] @[IsaiahW] @[Hell Diablo] @[Unipegasus] @[vallabh gondkar] @[DRose] @[TheRipper27] @[Neceal] @[Rwbbyish] @[OldSchool™] @[ali12345456] @[jameschaos] @[LordSigma] @[RishiBeyblade] @[Zayan] @[Jack1] @[Keïvin]

Just tagging everyone to make sure they're aware that this tournament is coming up soon! It's on Saturday, April 15th at 12:30PM. If you can make it, please hit the blue JOIN TOURNAMENT button at the top of this page! See you all there!
Old school i might buy Trident Heavy Claw for 13$ if u are going to be there i'm just watching
(Apr. 10, 2017  9:42 PM)Dwater Wrote: Old school i might buy Trident Heavy Claw for 13$ if u are  going to be there i'm just watching

just wait for him to respond or PM him. dont keep posting in this thread. I don't think you will ever get a Trident for only $13 especially when the others from that random booster are $16. $25 minimum would be a good price if you want to offer
Don't worry I'll be there
33.333333% chance I'm going...
Come man! It'll be fun!
can't make it, gotta be at work.
Unfortunately I have been scheduled to work... I'm so sad! ;___;
@[Kei] @[1234beyblade] @[JesseObre] @[SUGOI-KONICHEWA] @[OldSchool™] @[Tempest546] @[Naru Blader] @[DRose] @[Aiden Connor] @[Roche] @[Stitchgamer] @[skrillexking47] @[Dwater] @[ali12345456]

Hey everyone! Rain is to be expected for this Saturday's upcoming event, so we will once again be switching the location to our usual shelter at High Park; the opening post has been updated with the specifics. Really nice weather otherwise, though. Winter coats will definitely not be needed.

EDIT: If you plan on attending and haven't already clicked the Join Tournament button, please do so!
I hope I can come but not certain if I can
Again with the location change?!

(Apr. 07, 2017  7:10 AM)OldSchool™ Wrote: I like BeyBQ better Joyful_3

We can call it the ultimate hell fire stadium "fight to the death"