Kamen Rider

Looks have pretty much always mattered, in some way or another. They matter more to some people than to others, and I am one of them - I cannot tolerate how awful everything in Fourze looks, so I cannot stand watching the show. It is just that simple.
Yeah, how could you say looks don't matter in a show that is pretty much 50% aesthetic appeal? Yes, characterization is important, but nobody is gonna buy an ugly figure. My distaste for Fourze is more than skin-deep, though. Nothing has happened and we're over halfway through the series. Everyone is annoying. And Meteor's new form is awful.
And tht's why I can't seem to finish Fourze. I'm at Meteor's debut episode, but I just can't seem to finish it because I just hate the characters. While I've gotten over Fourze's design, and the Zodiarts (specifically the Horoscopes) are winning me over, the protagonists are just HIGHLY annoying the heck outta me.
I think part of the mistake was having a protagonist cast almost fully composed of people you are inspired to hate immediately - and even once they flip over to the "good side", they still have a lot of their awful traits.

Meteor himself is the absolute worst kind of character, too. Not as bad as Kaixa from 555, but definitely the exact same premise, and it's awful.
It could be worse.

They could make Meteor backstab everyone he knows/comes in contact with on a daily basis.

can't wait for whatever new rider they have next seasion, seriously
Wow people i am shocked...well can the ones who like fourze enjoy it in peace? I mean it has its flaws but its still a good show if you don't like it then skip it or watch something else...seriously..
Clonetos, this is a place for Kamen Rider discussion. Not YOUR discussion. Good discussion, bad discussion. Praise discussion, and hate discussion. We have the liberty to criticize a series as badly as we want, because we are not responsible nor do we have to apply to everyone else's opinions. That is called realism, especially on the internet.

And I've said my piece about Fourze, and I hardly have seen improvements from episode summaries. Unfortunately, I don't like to skip series, so I'll have to finish Fourze soone or later than never...but Fourze is everything I hate about Super Sentai, tbh. So much campiness that seems to cater to kids more than kids and teens (or adults).
(Apr. 04, 2012  8:59 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: Clonetos, this is a place for Kamen Rider discussion. Not YOUR discussion. Good discussion, bad discussion. Praise discussion, and hate discussion. We have the liberty to criticize a series as badly as we want, because we are not responsible nor do we have to apply to everyone else's opinions. That is called realism, especially on the internet.

And I've said my piece about Fourze, and I hardly have seen improvements from episode summaries. Unfortunately, I don't like to skip series, so I'll have to finish Fourze soone or later than never...but Fourze is everything I hate about Super Sentai, tbh. So much campiness that seems to cater to kids more than kids and teens (or adults).

Im sorry its just like i said back then i heard so many good things about kamen rider now a days i hear more cons than pros. I don't mind if you don't like fourze its just i feel that he as a rider stands out among others like Eiji did in ooos and Shotarou and Philip did in W and so on and so on. I mean we got to remember it was MADE for kids in the first place also from what i have heard and this is a rumor to be honest, The reason why its a bit more light hearted is because of the earthquake/tsunami that hit japan. From what ive heard Toei didnt want to piss people off with a dark plot after a dark event happened. I know its the internet and i know people are going to disagree but lets all agree that kamen rider is the best tokatsu series there is beating sentai and ultraman to the curb.,
Made for kids, yes. But keep in mind, kids in Japan have a different mindset than the kids in America. What would be censored in America is NORMAL for Japanese tykes. And while I would say something about Fourze standing out, I'd be going into the opinion matter, which is something I want to avoid.

And, this part here?
Quote:lets all agree that kamen rider is the best tokatsu series there is beating sentai and ultraman to the curb.,
Opinion. Yours specifically. Not fact. The fact that your labeling it like that means that your not open minded to the other Tokusatsu series out there. Try watching old school stuff like Metal Heros or Garo (more Toku than Metal Heroes, anyway, though Garo isn't old-school). Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, and Ultraman aren't the only Tokusatsu series out there, but the most talked about. Before you go labeling stuff as the best series, look at other series first.

I mean, I used to think Kamen Rider was the greatest. Then I tried watching Super Sentai (Dekaranger), Garo, and now I'm considering Ultraman Tiga to my list. I'm even trying to watch Juukou B-Fighter, the origin of Beetleborgs. Like I said, keep an open mind before making huge opinions that attempts to group everyone else with you.
(Apr. 04, 2012  9:52 PM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: Made for kids, yes. But keep in mind, kids in Japan have a different mindset than the kids in America. What would be censored in America is NORMAL for Japanese tykes. And while I would say something about Fourze standing out, I'd be going into the opinion matter, which is something I want to avoid.

And, this part here?
Quote:lets all agree that kamen rider is the best tokatsu series there is beating sentai and ultraman to the curb.,
Opinion. Yours specifically. Not fact. The fact that your labeling it like that means that your not open minded to the other Tokusatsu series out there. Try watching old school stuff like Metal Heros or Garo (more Toku than Metal Heroes, anyway, though Garo isn't old-school). Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, and Ultraman aren't the only Tokusatsu series out there, but the most talked about. Before you go labeling stuff as the best series, look at other series first.

I mean, I used to think Kamen Rider was the greatest. Then I tried watching Super Sentai (Dekaranger), Garo, and now I'm considering Ultraman Tiga to my list. I'm even trying to watch Juukou B-Fighter, the origin of Beetleborgs. Like I said, keep an open mind before making huge opinions that attempts to group everyone else with you.
carp again im sorry ill admit i have been watching go-busters and it seems good I still like Fourze But i will acknowledge that kamen rider is the oldest tokusatsu series in japan (not counting the spiderman show with the giant mech) anyway on the subject i personally like fourze i love the characters (fave is nozama mainly because A.shes the quiet goth girl who has some supernatural sense and B. Her name backwards is that of my favorite showa rider AAAAAAAMAAAAZOOON!
[ you people should watch the zebraman movie.

it was originally a tokusatsu that only lasted about 6 episodes, and someone modernized it so it kind-of picks up where everything left off. typical japanese pacing compared to western movies (slow), though. there's even a sequel (which i want to watch). ]

Tachibana (the eye in the sky) (er space?) gives Meteor clearance/the ability to henshin, but does anyone know why Meteor can't tell anyone his secret or get find out?
I suspect if it hasn't been revealed yet it'll be one of those BIG INSIPID REVEALS that turns out to be a really minor plot point that was overdramatized to the point of condescension toward the viewer.

I didn't really like or dislike Eiji - he was kind of secondary to every other character, really, which kind of worked, to me. I still think W is awful, the gimmick is awful, and the characters are uninteresting. Fourze's main character does stand out - but he stands out for being kind of annoying, and that's not a good thing. It's kind of like how I remember Wataru for the 40 or so episodes he was whiny and useless, not the two episodes he was valuable and strong-willed.

Whatever facet of the personality they choose to highlight the most, regardless of how the character winds up in the end, is the one I will ultimately take away from the series, and it will determine, in the end, whether I cared for it at all or not.
Actually, Ultraman is one of the oldest and longest-running Tokusatsu series. 1966.
would be pretty cool if tachibana came down from his space station and fought some baddies

kougami is best OOOs character, hands down
carp wrong again >< Anywho thats your opinion and i respect it anyway moving on the last weapon for fourze is called baruzan sword now saying that doesn't it sound like harrison ford? the man who played han solo in star wars Also is it me or does tachibana look like a guy from daft punk...
I'm going to say...the way you like to move on the conversation is pretty unprofessional and tactless. I've seen it constantly on this thread, but I've honestly chosen not to say anything. Until now. We understand that you want any and all arguments to end, but that's not how a discussion works. Discussion is based on multiple people that shoot opinions back and forth and come to an agreeing conclusion. All you put is, "Yeah, that's nice, I respect that, but I don't really care so I'll move the topic along."

And if anything, you move the topic to something mundane and unrelated to the topic. Which then, of course, kills the topic until someone posts something relevant and/or interesting about a week later. Like, of course, the "Baruzan Sword" sounding like Harrison Ford. Or Tachibana looking like Daft Punk. Both are irrelevant and do nothing for the topic whatsoever.

If you want to get a topic going, think about what is it people want to talk about than what YOU want to talk about. And I believe I stated this a while back as well. It may not be labeled, but this IS a discussion thread. Not a "Random Thoughts" thread. At least have that respect for a thread you frequent.
well hows this i found some pics that haven't been seen regarding the super hero Taisen movie. Im sorry if I did do that its just I hate negativity among people who like the same thing, I know its stupid but still none the less i see your point.

http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a...071&type=1 the pics in question, looks like Go--busteroh will get a rocket,Drill Upgrade and decade became Ichigo, Also the OOOs keys are shining more like because the Gokaigers will become OOOs combo and from my sources it seems captain marvolous will have the Tajador combo
People don't all share your overwhelming enthusiasm for the series, and last I checked, this was a Kamen Rider topic, not a "clonetos's thoughts on kamen rider and no one elses" topic. People might have a negative opinion of things, and they should be allowed to discuss that freely without someone suddenly saying "no stop being so mean topic change gooooo".

Anyway, vaguely on topic, I do pay *some* attention to Kamen Rider overall, but I'm relatively new to the whole thing. Still learning, but yeah.

Back to lurking now.
I recommend touching something outside the norm. In tokusatsu, it's heros vs monsters. Outside the norm? Heroes vs heroes. Even though some of those heroes aren't heroes...

A series where heroes dies is a good series. =D
Well I watched this weeks episode and it was kinda meh this time. I still like fourze but i felt some cliches were added in like the whole girl trying to reason with her friend in zodiart form and then there was the suspenders guy (still laughably bad) making these faces I think it was a bit over the top. If i can name one thing that I do not like about fourze its when they go over the top luckily it doesn't happen that often but when it does I roll my eyes at it
Camp humor is the majority of the reason I enjoy Kamen Rider series at all, outside of the aesthetics, so it is pretty much all Fourze has going for it.

You're not going to find any episode of any Kamen Rider made in Heisei that doesn't contain at least two clichés, though.
Ohsugi's rapid-fire suspender snapping killed me.

Actually, everything he does in general kills me. In a good way.
I think the only reason why I want to finish Fourze is the Libra Zodiarts/Tachibana for your Blade fans.

I also believe that one of the net movies that celebrate the Super Hero Taisen movie has the Gobusters crossing over with members of Fourze, and apparently Mr. Libra dons a familiar tool.

Ah, Blade, one of the only series whose actors embrace their Rider selves...apparently the Blade-tagonists got together for a reunion a while back. Think there was a picture...don't know where in my community has it, though. It's months old, and I don't like digging up month-old posts.
Oh before i forget If your a fan of OOOS SIC is releasing the TaToBa combo

and camp humours good but that face was.....meh...
Hmm, I wonder if there are new news about Kamen Rider today.