Okay I'll try:
August '09: Libra CH120RF is 'released' by Brad and he describes it as a balance type. (Not the best choice of words, but whatever. It is actually Anti-Meta, guys.) Has the ability to defeat the most prominent beyblades in all three categories of that time: Virgo DF145D (use 120), Quetzalcoatl 90RF (Use 145) and to some extent, MF Libra C145WB (120 + large amount of prayer)
December '09/Jan '10?: Libra has become completely dominant: Use it, or lose. Tournaments seem to revolve around the use of it, and if you're competitive, you will have it. Libra had become a necessity to win, for obvious reasons. IIRC It defeated stamina types even, which I guess was the real problem since. Carp, this is just like Basalt.
January '10 - December '10: Every type has time to grow since Libras ban. I wouldn't say attackers thrived, but they could have if people actually used it.
November/December '10: Vulcan becomes the must have attacking wheel, being able to throw defense types (MF-H Earth Bull GB145WB) around like a rag doll in the fearsome combination MF Vulcan Horuseus 85R2F. I'll assume attackers were used a bit more.
November/December '10: Grand Ketos is released, and bladers find somewhat of a counter to Vulcan's dominance in its RS bottom, in combos such as MF Earth Bull GB145RS.
December '10: Secret Toronto Tournament holds the first competitive use of 230: MF-L Earth Bull 230CS, IIRC Franky used LLD so idk what the problem was lol, neverless the shock of all Low-Track Attack users beys becoming absolutely obsolete was definitely important. Fyuuor uses Flame 230CS in Jan to take his tournament, and I think that is where the 230 ball starts a' rollin'.
[URL=http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Libra-Re-instatement-Discussion--12534]February '11 or something like that: Libra unbanned, we've caught up.
March '10: Hell Kerbecs BD145WD washes out just about every other stamina combo with it versatility(most likely a spelling error). IIRC Momo brought it up, anyway yeah it just trashes stamina customs.
March/April '10 MF Lightning L-Drago BD145LRF/RF/R2F a.k.a. Lightning Tank, becomes a savior, defeating Basalt-230 combos, also becoming a devastator in the process. Was shown to public anyway, but was in the works in march. (Recruitment session 1 god damn it) lol. Not gunna lie guys, the only reason I thought of it was because of Kei's feared MF-L Earth Bull 230CS. IDK Why/How Bluez did, but nevertheless it was pretty awesome. (Fave 1 guise.) Bladers everywhere begin to look for counters to beat LT, thus ruining the health of the metagame.
August: Basalt is Libra 2.0. So yeah, if you were to switch the word Libra in the 'Libra Banning' description with Basalt I put up earlier up, it would still be correct lol.
Strike of the Ares phenomena:
VariAres just decimate Basalt customizations, idk should catch on guise.
i tried