Yay, now alll the places are filled!

(Sep. 07, 2011 1:56 PM)wpardin Wrote: frizza-blader & farrel_byxis have been added to the participants list. once again, the participant list is FULL...Edited the post, so frizza-blader changed his name into "reno ryukido"..
Now, it's time to get ready....
For those who haven't done the registration, please PM me as soon as possible...
Thank you...
(Sep. 10, 2011 3:40 PM)wpardin Wrote: @GX RAY: just bring your brother along. We might have a spot for him.if you recieve a pm that said that i'm not joining this tourney, then it's a lie.
For anyone else who want to bring family members or friends, just bring them to the tourney cause there is always a chance that someone don't show up & they can replace him/her to compete...
(Sep. 11, 2011 3:08 PM)wpardin Wrote: so is kirala coming or not? cause she PM ed me & told me that she is sick & couldn't come.she lied.
(Sep. 12, 2011 1:55 PM)wpardin Wrote: For anyone who has bb-10 attack stadium, please bring them because i might need a couple extra stadiums.
thank you...