[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
I know you have experience, but Tri (I think) and I have more. You are welcome to set up your own tournament as well though.
Chicago needs a lot of tournaments, we need to raise money for the WBO for something special...
Something special?
And I know we need tournaments...
Yup... something very, very special...
Actually, I've never been to one.

But I think I'd do well.
(Jun. 17, 2013  11:11 PM)Shining God MS Wrote: Yup... something very, very special...

Before you start anything special, make sure the committee approves everything.
Yeah, I know.
This is way to unorginized no more fighting now for the basics we need to find a date that everyone is ok with and if needed location don't hesitate to adjust things we can wait a longer amount of time if it gets things done try to check the site daily to get things done quicker. The way I see it it should be pushed back a lot we may be able to get it aproved by the 29th but there's no way many people are going to see it in that short amount of time there needs to be extra time for people who only look at confirmed events to make plans and go.
Who's arguing?
Anyway, I start summer school July 8th, so after that it'd have to be on weekends.
I think it should be in August since I am going to Summer Survival on the 29th and coming back in August.
i think thats a good idea gives us tons of time to get it approved and prepared
That's true. Would anyone come downtown for a tournament?
I wouldn't be able to.
Ah, I guess I could come to Chicagoland to host.

It can be in June but on the 10th or something like that.
Guys, I can actually make a tournament in Chicagoland on July 11th, is that good for everyone?
No, I have summer school.
When does it start?

Because I can possibly make it this Saturday
July 8th then three weeks after that.
I can't do 1:00 to 4:30 on Saturday. And I don't know if a tournament could even be set up in that short of a time.
I already have a friend who can come. You can come. I'm getting prizes soon. Probably Scout25 is coming. Possibly Tri can. I'm making a Attendees list tomorrow. I already have a location. I just have to see if they can set up.
I literally just said I CAN'T come, plus scout25 is in South Carolina.
I would need an earlier notice than that to be able to come so that my mom could take off work, work out expenses, etc.
This would be on a Sunday. Would you be able to come? I already have a location and time and prizes. I just need the approval which I'm making tomorrow in the morning.
Again, that's really late notice, and you would need to get prizes in six days, as well as set up a whole tournament.
I think scout25 will still be in South Carolina, and Tri just said he needs more notice. I don't know if I can even come.
Darn... I just wanted to do a fun tournament before the 13th when I'm going to an inactive beyblade country :\ I will try to get everything as fast as I can but... ok. I can only do the latest next Friday.
Ok guys, HMS and Plastics Remembrance Day is coming up, and in case you didn't know, I'm a die-hard plastics fan. I was wondering if anyone could do any of the following:
-Host a plastics tournament
-Participate in a plastics tournament
It would either be on July 13th or 14th.
If worst comes to worst, I suppose I could host, except for the problem that I would not be able to provide prizes.
So if anyone experienced would like to host, and could provide prizes, I would gladly co-host.
I'd really like this to happen, so anyone who could come to a tournament post, stating your conditions.