[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
(Apr. 15, 2013  11:53 PM)earthkerbecs123 Wrote: Well ultmarine should get one. If hes the host then its his job to be prepared.
You think I can just buy something at will? Neither of my parents have a job at the moment, and we have only a decent amount more money than we need for everyday things. Plus I'm not the only one hosting.
That is very true. What I meant too say was before making a tournament he should of made sure someone could bring a stadium

No disrespect intended
Well I asked around, but people either didn't answer, or didn't have one. I'll see what I could do, maybe scout25 and I could pool our money and buy one.
Edit: Its ok, I went on the defensive, and I do that a lot with small things. Sorry.
I've set aside some money for beyblades and have a little more then I need, so I could definitely chip in. I'll even add a bit more if needed. But my concern is that if we don't have eight people, whats the point.
i wish i could buy one but my mom can't just go out and buy it you know.
Yah...you order it off eBay...
i mean we cannot just order stuff at will
I probably can't get a Zero-G stadium.
(Apr. 19, 2013  1:36 AM)Shining God MS Wrote: I probably can't get a Zero-G stadium.
Could you attend though?
Nitro! Pm'ed me and said he couldn't come. Any ideas on who could replace him?
Of course I can!
Since nitro! Can't come and we don't have zero-g stadiums, we should choose a new date and try to make a normal tourney when we all can come.....maybe beydays 2013........
Suddenly....I have a zero g stadium!

If onl next weekend worked
I can't next weekend unless it would be Sunday.
Well its our only shot but if sunday I can't go to niles I don't expect this to work but I could bring my stadium to schamberg
Um...first of all, if there was a tournament, we explained numerous times it would be in niles, and the 7 people who had said they could go expected it to be at niles. Second of all, we didn't get enough people in enough time, so there will not be a qualifier. Scout25 and I will most likely host a tournament in niles and it would be BB 10 format, but that wouldn't be for a few weeks.
What about beydays? We could have one then.
How about the 16th of may?
May 25th and 26th are beydays. Lets do it then
Okay, what is so special about beydays?
(Apr. 29, 2013  2:47 AM)l-dragodestroy9 Wrote: Okay, what is so special about beydays?

You should really go read about our past BeyDays in the News forum.
So which date (25th or 26th) would be better for you guys?
Probably the 26th.
Just realised I'm out of school by then!
Lucky. I'm not out of school until the 6th. Anyways, is it one of thise weekends where you have the thing on Saturday that you could miss but would prefer not to?
I don't think I can go that's magic game day