[ILLINOIS] The Knights - Bladers with Technique and Skill [Apply Now]

Not 105 millimeters its 10.5
Forgot to add the decimal...... But ya you get the point, let me edit that.
Ordering the stuff for my combos today
They will make me more knight worthy
I am having difficulty's uploading my videos. I have beyslay 2 and one I recorded from my webcam. They won't upload so im'a give it more time.
So am I worthy I went to a tourny beat some knights
Dangit I wasn't able to go. My dad got home at 5 last night so we couldnt go. Does this mean I'm not in?
(Sep. 11, 2011  12:40 AM)Ethan37066 Wrote: So am I worthy I went to a tourny beat some knights
We are processing.
Cool hey bc you used blitz Rex.Is Rex better than unicorno,and here's my combos when my stuff gets here only my number ones.
Attack: mf blitz Rex/unicorno 100 r2f
Defence: mf-heavy basalt aquario bd145 rs
Stamina: earth kerbecs/bull/aquario ad145 wd
Balence: mf hell aquario/bull bd145 cs
So BBS am im out,in,or pending? I think I may have ruined my chances by not going.
ethan u dnt have thos beys so u cnt make combos with them
(Sep. 11, 2011  2:38 AM)KamiKaziBlader Wrote: ethan u dnt have thos beys so u cnt make combos with them

What if he's getting them? I could have made awesome combos if I could have used bey parts I didn't have.
but hes trying to make himself look better by using parts he doesnt have he just doesnt want to say his real combos
Actually I bought them they get delivered this week.
The guy ships from Seattle.
88powerpig88, everyone loves them.

Take pictures.
Yes he is a good sender i love him. But being a good blader doesnt mean going out and buying everybey you think is good, it is also making good with the parts you already have.
Agreed with that, but while on that, you should be more UniquE (<- See what I did there) and make your own stuff.

Rex, that's just ripping off of BeyCenter. Maybe you should try testing for the WBO in a BB-10 Attack STadium or any other WBO Legal Stadium, that would help.
I can't give you a reply to that question... Sorry. I would love to, but I can't. anyway, EVERY knight was at this tourney, which gives us a better chance of our Ranka going up.
The thing is, Rex just came from the top of my mind, It was my full, self made idea to try out., so I can't give you the answer.
Ok.Beycenter I'm not trying to steal your idea.If you dont want me to use it I won't.Powerpig is amazing! But my attack stadium is from cooldeals357.I will try thinking of self made combinations.
Everything should arive on tuesday.Normaly I'm great with technology,but can someone tell me how to post a picture.
Bladers also use what they see to expand their knolage and expiereance.If BC says not to use rex I will try horogium,sussano,and hurrculio.But persionly I like Rex best.I have been trying to find a combo for the rex wheel since the yellow one.
It seems that earth kerbecs and Libra eagle are applying for tyranny.I think you should get Libra eagle to apply for knights.He is earth eagle1997's brother so he should be able to come to meetups easy.
I Made a video just click on my signature
i would also like to join im in that same video but with flame pegasus and striker
(Sep. 13, 2011  12:50 AM)Ethan37066 Wrote: It seems that earth kerbecs and Libra eagle are applying for tyranny.I think you should get Libra eagle to apply for knights.He is earth eagle1997's brother so he should be able to come to meetups easy.
Please stop.

I have received multiple PMs on him and I do not want him on our team.

BTW, I heard a rumor that EE1997 might leave for Tyranny if his brother gets there.

EE1997, is this true?
If it is true plz change your mind.
You're not on the Knights. Or yet, you cannot simply make desicisons or declare something in that post, or that PM you sent me.

I don;t want him to be on our Team. If EE1997 wishes to spend away all his work he did for Knights, and he doesn't make Tyranny, I will not be taking him back.
I wasn't trying to make a demand or decision.I was just suggesting.sorry for the missunderstanding.
(Sep. 13, 2011  1:04 AM)Fathom Wrote: I Made a video just click on my signature

I'm not a knight so I can't make this decision,but I suggest you look at the storm strikers.