[Hyderabad, India] 25/12/11 Very Bey-ry Christmas !


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Alright then! That time has come......YES!
Its time for another tournament in Hyderabad and this time, we celebrate Chistmas! Lets make this Christmas a Bey-ry Christmas! and go Blading all the way !

Alright, Enough of talk now. Lets get to the details :


Name: Very Bey-ry Christmas !

Venue : Sanjeevaiah Park, Necklace Road, Near Hussain Sagar Lake.

Date and time: Christmas! (What ? 25/12/11 Duh). Be at the entrance of Sanjeevaiah Park by 1:10 PM. The tournament will start at around 1:45 PM.

Entry Fee : One time entry fee will be Rs.250. Free for Passport Holders. You can buy a Passport at the tournament for Rs.500 (Which offers you free entry for any WBO event for 1 year).

Surface : Grass (HELL YEAH !)



• Please bring your own food and water or have lunch before you come. Unlike last time, I will not be able to provide lunch. You can bring some money with you because I heard there is canteen in the park which sells snacks and drinks. But i'm sure you'd want to have something which will fill you. So its always better if you can pack some food for yourself.

• If you want to, you can bring your own stadiums for free play. The official battles will be held in the MFB Attack Stadium of course. If any of you by any chance have an MFB Attack, Bring it. We will use it for official play.

• If you have any problems, feel free to PM me or call these numbers :
And yes, BladingSpirit5 or me will be the people who will be picking up the calls. So you can say something like "Hey Relic/Bladingpsirirt5 " so we'll instantly know that you are someone from the WBO. (LOL)

•If you know anybody who likes Beyblade and can attend this tournament. Get them to register here! (Remember, the more participants, the more fun ! )

• STRICTLY NO FAKE PARTS. Before you do anything else, READ THIS.

Prizes :.

1st Place gets a "Lightning Sword Showdown" Double Pack (Ray Unicorno D125CS and Inferno Gasher/Cancer SW145SF)

2nd Place gets to choose between Rock Giraffe R145WB and Meteo L Drago LW105LF.

3rd Place gets the Beyblade remaining.

Confirmed Attendees :
Blader Zeus
Ldrago destroy1

NOTE : If something happens and you cannot come, You need to tell me Before the 24th of December so that I can take you off the list. If you say you are coming for sure and you don't show up, you will ruin the fun for everybody else and expose yourself to a possible warning.

Maybe List/Unconfirmed :

NOTE : I will put you on this list if you are not sure about the situation. But try to confirm whether you are coming or no by the 24th of December.


Finally, I would like to thank the WBO Committee for making this event Official. I hope this tournament will be a success like the previous one !


Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Hey guys here it is.The tourneys video.Enjoy.
Congrats to all the participants and the organizers for yet another successful tourney... Smile
Hm, a Re-Shoot Clause, eh?
I think a Self-KO doesn't pass for the usability of a Re-Shoot Clause...
But yeah. Why did you both Tornado Stall?!
Seriously, guys ? We have been bombarding hosts with questions on the Reshoot Clause for the last month, and yet you still do such a stupid mistake of misunderstanding the Reshoot Clause ? The rules are not clear enough : only a clear technical issue ? Who was incompetently judging that match ?
(Dec. 27, 2011  5:58 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Seriously, guys ? We have been bombarding hosts with questions on the Reshoot Clause for the last month, and yet you still do such a stupid mistake of misunderstanding the Reshoot Clause ? The rules are not clear enough : only a clear technical issue ? Who was incompetently judging that match ?

Someone came in the middle while he was launching actually. So he didn't get a proper launch. Is that wrong or something ?
Because if it is, I'm sorry.

Now i am starting to feel as if there is a taboo on every host of indian tourneys except for electric...there were problems in both my tourneys..the pics problem in the first and the launcher problem in the second and now this??...
Anyways the battles were nice...congrats to all and also to relic for completing his hattrick
(Dec. 27, 2011  6:07 PM)SAM10795 Wrote: Now i am starting to feel as if there is a taboo on every host of indian tourneys except for electric...there were problems in both my tourneys..the pics problem in the first and the launcher problem in the second and now this??...
Anyways the battles were nice...congrats to all and also to relic for completing his hattrick

This isn't actually a problem, its just a mistake. I wasn't judging it though, since I myself was in the match.

But I anyway apologize for it, if the committee wants to take any action, its okay since its my fault.
(Dec. 27, 2011  6:02 PM)Relic Wrote: Someone came in the middle while he was launching actually. So he didn't get a proper launch. Is that wrong or something ?
Because if it is, I'm sorry.

I did not really see that in the video. The launch seemed clear.
(Dec. 27, 2011  6:57 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Dec. 27, 2011  6:02 PM)Relic Wrote: Someone came in the middle while he was launching actually. So he didn't get a proper launch. Is that wrong or something ?
Because if it is, I'm sorry.

I did not really see that in the video. The launch seemed clear.

I have the original unedited battle video of the semifinals between bs5 nd relic.When I slow down the vid what I can see is that actually bs5's bey didn't even get KO'D but it directly went out of the stadium but I can't confirm that it was a direct stadium out as it also looks as if relic's bey blitz KO'D bs5's bey vari.So let me try to slow it down more and see if it was a stadium out or a KO.
Hm, if someone interfered while BS5 was launching, then maybe yes... Still its Kai-V's decision after all...
@MrMystery- Well, it did go into the stadium, and then came out on its own. That's what we refer to as a self-KO. Smile
Still, I'll just reiterate the terms of usability of a Re-Shoot Clause, so that you all can avoid such mistakes in the future.
The Re-Shoot Clause can only be used if there is some Technical Problem in your launcher, and as a result, your bey simply fails to launch properly. Here's a small part from the WBO General Rules-
Rules Wrote:If there is an issue shooting a Beyblade that is clearly caused by a technical issue (e.g. a
Beyblade falls apart immediately after shooting, a Beyblade is launched weakly due to it
"slipping" off the Launcher), the Blader may invoke what is known as the Reshoot Clause.
The Reshoot Clause must be invoked immediately after the Beyblade is released from the
hey your guys bey-battle videos are cool in HD............!!!!!!!!!!
(Dec. 28, 2011  5:46 AM)?Mr.MyStery? Wrote: I have the original unedited battle video of the semifinals between bs5 nd relic.When I slow down the vid what I can see is that actually bs5's bey didn't even get KO'D but it directly went out of the stadium but I can't confirm that it was a direct stadium out as it also looks as if relic's bey blitz KO'D bs5's bey vari.So let me try to slow it down more and see if it was a stadium out or a KO.

Self knock out is the player's fault, not a technical issue that could deserve the use of the Reshoot Clause. Unless you have a video clearly showing that BladingSpirit5 had someone bump into him or his arms while launching, the Reshoot Clause was wrongly invoked.

Since Relic ended up winning instead that is good, but someone definitely needs to be punished if a Reshoot Clause was falsely invoked, especially after we have been doing such a strong campaign against misunderstandings of it lately.
(Dec. 28, 2011  1:47 PM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Dec. 28, 2011  5:46 AM)?Mr.MyStery? Wrote: I have the original unedited battle video of the semifinals between bs5 nd relic.When I slow down the vid what I can see is that actually bs5's bey didn't even get KO'D but it directly went out of the stadium but I can't confirm that it was a direct stadium out as it also looks as if relic's bey blitz KO'D bs5's bey vari.So let me try to slow it down more and see if it was a stadium out or a KO.

Self knock out is the player's fault, not a technical issue that could deserve the use of the Reshoot Clause. Unless you have a video clearly showing that BladingSpirit5 had someone bump into him or his arms while launching, the Reshoot Clause was wrongly invoked.

Since Relic ended up winning instead that is good, but someone definitely needs to be punished if a Reshoot Clause was falsely invoked, especially after we have been doing such a strong campaign against misunderstandings of it lately.
That's what I am trying to say it was not the right time to use a reshoot clause I accept that even though it is because of a stadium out or KO you can't use a reshoot clause only in cases of technical launcher probs.But yeah I think the person behind bs5 did cause trouble while launching because I was seeing bs5 launch,and did see him hitting someone while launching but it wasn't a false call. So bs5 while launching hit the person so he wasn't able to do a good launch.I dont have a video proof but this is all I can say and ya maybe you can use a Reshoot clause in such times.....there wasn't situations much like this so maybe you can make another rule when we can use the reshoot clause ....but if you don't accept that in such times we can't use a reshoot clause then keep rule saying that you can't use reshoot clauses in such cases if you do you get disqualified and the opponent wins automatically.....
Well, as Kai-V said, it was good that Relic one the battle, and avoided further confusion.
If BS5 did hit the person behind him while launching, and got a mislaunch as a result, then maybe the Re-Shoot clause is legit.
But if not, then the Re-Shoot Clause shouldn't be invoked. Smile
If the punishment for a falsely invoked Re-Shoot Clause is limited to the match being called off, and the opponent being declared the winner, then there should not be a problem as Relic already won. Smile
But if the punishment is more severe, then probably something bad will happen. Unhappy
We just cannot see the launcher move oddly or anything during the launch. It seems to be a very clean launch.
(Dec. 29, 2011  4:33 PM)Kai-V Wrote: We just cannot see the launcher move oddly or anything during the launch. It seems to be a very clean launch.

That's true...
It clearly looks like a self-KO after all...
Um, what should be the penalty for a wrongly-called Re-Shoot Clause?
If the punishment is similar to other punishments, i.e. Calling off the match and declaring the opponent the winner, then it shouldn't matter much now, since Relic already won, isn't it?
Well i really don't know what had happened cause i was busy checking the battle so i did not see the launch but i think so i've identified the guy behind BS5 it's gautam_pokemon because i was beside relic mr.mystery was recording that didi was right in front of the camera and blader zeus was sitting behind me and there was no one else except some players's parents and they were far away so i think its gautam_pokemon.
(Dec. 30, 2011  6:03 AM)fabregasrox323 Wrote: Well i really don't know what had happened cause i was busy checking the battle so i did not see the launch but i think so i've identified the guy behind BS5 it's gautam_pokemon because i was beside relic mr.mystery was recording that didi was right in front of the camera and blader zeus was sitting behind me and there was no one else except some players's parents and they were far away so i think its gautam_pokemon.

It was gautam_pokemon sitting back of bs5 but fabre you just can't say that it was gautam_pokemon's fault you don't know right till we get some more proof we can't decide but relic won so that's not a prob.But one thing what I know is that gautam_pokemon was sitting right behind bs5 but there was quite a gap.....So we don't know yet but the good thing is that relic won...Now who is going to take the punishment en?
Dude! i wasnt blaming him i just said the guy behind BS5 was gautam!
What? I didn't come online for a few days and this?
Well actually what happened was that my hand hit Gautam_Pokemon's leg and the string slipped from my hand. Is there any problem with invoking a Re-Shoot clause there? Cause I felt I didn't get my usual launch power.
@fabregasrox33- dude who told that you were blaming gautam.I was just telling you cant tell whose fault it was...
so finally is this tournament accepted by the wbo
We will make an announcement when the tournament has been processed.
In addition, the Beypoint Queue has just been updated so that you can see the exact status of each tournament as to whether it is able to be processed or not.


For this tournament, you will see that neither the results nor the WBO fees have been submitted. Tournaments in general will not be processed until both have been submitted (correctly) and any preceding tournaments in the area have been processed as well.
Here are the Detailed results and the Faces and Credits that have to be given out for this tournament :