Did some research and found out its a Tornado Balance Type S!
[HMS] :: Q&A Thread
You sure? It's a bit odd that it was released before the individual release 
EDIT: Actually yeah, having looked into it, it looks to be TBTS. Tiny-Bitty-Teeny-Stadium AKA "I CAN'T SLIDING SHOT HOW TO KILL ZOMBIE?"

EDIT: Actually yeah, having looked into it, it looks to be TBTS. Tiny-Bitty-Teeny-Stadium AKA "I CAN'T SLIDING SHOT HOW TO KILL ZOMBIE?"
That is a really rare HMS set. Zain got the money so he bought it.
Since Dragoon MS/MSUV is too rare and/or costly, is there a good alternative to GFC/GFCUM for attack(upper) in BB-10? I was thinking of Metal Flat and Metal Change Core.. are they any good?
Metal Flat and Metal Change both do perfectly fine unless you're going up against serious Defense customs - and even then, as is mentioned earlier in this thread, they will still do okay save for some very specific combos.
Unless you really know how to work Metal Change, though, Metal Flat is definitely the safer option. Really, even when you do know it, Metal Flat Core will throw up a lot more outright attack - Metal Change is a tradeoff for more survivability and neat patterns and soforth.
Unless you really know how to work Metal Change, though, Metal Flat is definitely the safer option. Really, even when you do know it, Metal Flat Core will throw up a lot more outright attack - Metal Change is a tradeoff for more survivability and neat patterns and soforth.
This confusion over stadiums is why more articles on sets are needed.
I think metal flat might be the preferred option for upper attack as its shorter than metal change too..?
Not by that much, really... when Metal Change is acting aggressively, it is always at an angle anyways.
Was reading something about an 18g CWD Metal Part, came in a "tournament pack" with a 17g metal part and black G Winder, Brad mentioned it. Any more info on that?
Also, someone want to tell me about Aero Knight MS? Just curiosity as there's no beywiki article and I'm trying to absorb all the available info ;3
Also, someone want to tell me about Aero Knight MS? Just curiosity as there's no beywiki article and I'm trying to absorb all the available info ;3
From what I understand about Aero Knight, it's rare enough that no one seems to be willing to take it out of the box and play with it if they're fortunate enough to still have one lying around.
Apparently it's one of the worst out-of-the-box HMS, from what I've read. Just curious if any of the parts would be decent for anything.
The AR uses in wobbling combos which I don't think have ever been considered too competitive. The cool thing about the bey is that the trypio like ring can be taken off and shot on it's own which is called Aero Mode(according to beyblade damashii) so the article will need good pics to show the modes.
Man, synesthesia should have written the article before putting his up for sale....
Also, found this while browsing beywiki:
Mentions the AR.
Also, found this while browsing beywiki:
Mentions the AR.
All I know is it looks really cool, but not cool enough to justify what it typically costs.
Rough idea of what that price is?
Someone's going to have to bite the bullet and use theirs to write the article.
Obviously, I nominate Arupaeo for this task
Someone's going to have to bite the bullet and use theirs to write the article.
Obviously, I nominate Arupaeo for this task

By bite the bullet do you mean open their new one to test it? Cause I don't think it really needs testing. It only has one slightly useful part so it's not gonna be hard. There's one currently on ebay for a very large price IIRC. It's quite hard to find. Mainly since it was one of the last releases for HMS.
(Feb. 22, 2012 1:47 PM)Ultra Wrote: By bite the bullet do you mean open their new one to test it? Cause I don't think it really needs testing. It only has one slightly useful part so it's not gonna be hard. There's one currently on ebay for a very large price IIRC. It's quite hard to find. Mainly since it was one of the last releases for HMS.Yes, I do.
Articles cannot be written without testing. That leads to oversights and errors.
I guess but we do have the article from beyblade damashii. Also just looking at it you can tell it sucks with the RC similar to jumping base.
Until you have testing, for all you know the RC might be able to outspin wolborg MS with the right WD/CWD and AR.
Also, the AR will need testing.
Also, according to damashii, the launcher is slightly different.
Also, the AR will need testing.
Also, according to damashii, the launcher is slightly different.
Eh.. If you guys are looking for Aero Knight MS, here is a NIB one at ¥5000 from OkinawamTS:
I don't think so. It said that the launcher has stickers to show left and right spin but all new HMS come with those. If it was actually good it would be well known but yeah testing probably is needed. Also shouldn't we check the threads from BBF for any info on it?
"This package contains another good part. Dual Shooter. This Dual Shooter has a smooth piston part. First lot Driger MS, Draciel MS and Gaia Dragoon MS were made in Japan. Dual Shooters for these blades were made in Japan too. These Dual Shooters had this smooth piston part. Comfortable Dual Shooters are a very rare existence. The Dual Shooter in this package seems to have different mold for its piston part. Anyone who have problems finding comfortable Dual Shooters should try this shooter. "
I'll go browse around, I guess. Still, whoever writes the article will need to have some experience with it, particularly in describing the RC gimmick, as well as with use of the AR for wobblers.
I'll go browse around, I guess. Still, whoever writes the article will need to have some experience with it, particularly in describing the RC gimmick, as well as with use of the AR for wobblers.
I has an Aero Knight MS.
Test it until it breaks.
th!nk will buy you a new one.
th!nk will buy you a new one.