Katashi Wrote:Roan Wrote:Katashi Wrote:Roan Wrote:Guitar_Legend Wrote:Am I the only one that cant stand A7X?
No, you are not alone.
A7X is seriously just about the cheesiest band ever. The only song they've written that is worth a damn was the one in GH2. I can't even remember the name of it, but it was fun as hell to play.
Honestly, I'm hoping for less metal stuff too. I want more modern bands, I'm tired of all the old fogies. Metallica is just about as carp washed up as they come, with Aerosmith in a very close second.
Give me some Muse, give me a carp of Thrice (Both new and old, though I'd prefer the older, more heavy stuff like say, Paper Tigers or something that is actually challenging to play on all the instruments), hell, give me some carp Dir en grey.
I would be shocked as hell if they put Dir en Grey on there. If anything, they might end up with some bonus song that you'd have to purchase in-game or whatever, and it might be a single, although I doubt any recent single would be clean enough for Guitar Hero. Not to mention that there would be no way for a vocalist to do anything, unless they did Clever Sleazoid or Agitated Screams of Maggots, even then, the English vocals would be almost impossible to make out as horrible as Kyo's English is (Lol, I know you were theorizing, but I just said all this for discussion's sake).
Rock Band has songs that are in German dude, I see no reason why Dir en grey can't be released. I don't care if its DLC, I'll pay for it.
They did do German songs? Vocals and all?
Yes. A whole track pack was released that was (mostly) in foreign language.
Guitar_Legend Wrote:A7X has some fun riffs but its nothing new
the vocals are a joke
their made up fantasy names like johnny christ and danny vengeance are a joke
and the make-up is a joke
A7X is a joke period.