Greetings and salutations!

Hello there! My friend's call me Melo. ^^ I'm just some boy who has an affinity for things that battle. x3 I've been into beyblade for years now. I use a combo I made using Dragoon MF's attack ring, Circle wide weight disk and Driger MS's running core.About my music, I love HIM, MSI (gonna see them next month in Vegas! ^,~), The Rasmus and The Doors. I'm annoyed by people who have to lie to fit in. I mean seriously? That's not necessary! I enjoy Paintballing, Singing, Writing, The occasional ciggies and the supernatural! ^___^ I turned 18 about 20 days ago so that's cool. So, contact me if you have any questions, concerns or comments. ^^ Good day everyone! Take care!
Going by your username, I never would have guessed that you were a HIM fan! :o
Darn! I was trying so hard to make it obvious too. XD
^______^ ^.~ XDDDD fljsdflksdjfsgho d___Y;;;;

Welcome to Beywiki!
Thanks! ^^ *GASPETH!* O.O Are you Tamer Brad? O,O *pokes*
O.O!!!! I AM NOT WORTHY!!!! x,x *bows* Dude! You're my hero! XD (I'm sure you get that alot..o.o ) I still talk to my buddies about you. XD It is so good to finally meet you!!!
HisInfernalMelo Wrote:O.O!!!! I AM NOT WORTHY!!!! x,x *bows* Dude! You're my hero! XD (I'm sure you get that alot..o.o ) I still talk to my buddies about you. XD It is so good to finally meet you!!!


Oh geeze.
HisInfernalMelo Wrote:O.O!!!! I AM NOT WORTHY!!!! x,x *bows* Dude! You're my hero! XD (I'm sure you get that alot..o.o ) I still talk to my buddies about you. XD It is so good to finally meet you!!!

Haha nice to meet you too. Smile
Haha nice to see another new energetic member to Beywiki! Welcome!
Aww thank you all.. *Sniff.* It makes me so happy to see so many Beybladers in this little haven of our's. *Sniff sniff.* I remember Lazerblader too! O.O I never joined any forums back in the day 'cause I was a wee bit self concious(hope I spelt that right..XD) and I usually dun say much unless it's really important and no one beat me to it. But, now I usually have more to say! ^,^! Althought I can't be on the computer as much as I like due to work and stuff..>> But still! Nice to meet you ALL! ^,^ I'll try not to be too creepy with me old heroes. *Pokes Brad.* >> <<
I'd I miss this topic D:
Anyways, welcome to Beywiki Smile
Thank you G! lol I feel all warm and fuzzy! It makes me wanna sing a song about rainbows and unicorns...but I'll stick with HIM. o,o
HisInfernalMelo Wrote:I usually dun say much unless it's really important and no one beat me to it.

xP when you live half the world away from most users of the forum, THEN, you really know about missing the excitement.
XD Lol! Well..maybe..I wouldn't know. XD;; I take it you live in a land far far away? o.O
I know it's late, but. Hey. x3

I live in Las Vegas. Well, not at the moment, but I will be back home again soon. Welcome to the forums. Post more!

Added you on MSN.
It's been a while and I never noticed this. o.O

Heyas. Welcome.
this is from april don't be morons and post in it now please
-waves- Hello and welcome ^^; I had almost missed this post

-usualy just clicks the "Veiw Today's Posts" tab-
(Nov. 21, 2008  7:19 PM)Harclave Wrote: -waves- Hello and welcome ^^; I had almost missed this post

-usualy just clicks the "Veiw Today's Posts" tab-

(Nov. 21, 2008  11:44 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: this is from april don't be morons and post in it now please
[Image: samuel-2.gif]
(Nov. 21, 2008  11:44 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: this is from april don't be morons and post in it now please