-=-=-=-=-= Girago Girago E230MB =-=-=-=-=-
![[Image: Girago+Girago+E230MB.png]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GPxqVvcsBbs/UubSrngu4qI/AAAAAAAABK8/IraIXTl8EV8/w595-h174-no/Girago+Girago+E230MB.png)
Hey guys!! I have officially been here for a YEAR! So, I'm celebratin'! IT'S COMBO TIME!
The Concept:
Spoiler (Click to View)
We all love E230 destabilizers, right?
When I first began testing the concept, I started out with Genbull Genbull E230MB. I absolutely loved the thing. It could easily OS anything same-spin below a 200 height by utilizing its disk-grinding abilities. However, it just couldn't pull off wins on SR200TB. So, after plenty of testing and consideration, I decided to switch the bottom Chrome Wheel to Girago. This gave it a fantastic grinding effect against SR200TB, allowing it to win about 60% of the time.
Thus was born Girago Genbull E230MB, which myself and several other members were really excited about.
After that, a certain amazing user named DrPepsidew made a testing thread for Genbull Genbull E230MB, which has been overwhelmingly successful both in testing and in tournaments at this point.
Anyway, I was curious to as what exactly these two combinations do similarly/differently, so I began doing comparison testing of different kinds with the two. Needless to say they were extremely similar in every way, so it was almost impossible to determine which was better from a pure Stamina standpoint.
Then, finally, I found a Stamina setup that was so closely matched with the two customs themselves that I was actually able to visibly analyze each one near the end of the match and observe how long/well they spun after their opponent was down. This combo, by the way, was Duo Cancer B : D (6:30 minute B : D). After doing this testing continually for quite some time, I noticed that Girago Genbull was actually out-spinning by a considerable amount more. Genbull Genbull was still destroying Duo, but Girago seemed to spin slightly longer afterwards.
I though: How is that possible? Genbull has higher pure Stamina than Girago...
After that, I proceeded to do mid-height Stamina testing with each, using a W145WD setup. Genbull Genbull beat out Girago Girago by a mile. At that point, I thought: What could possibly be causing Girago to perform better on E230, if its Stamina is obviously lower?
Then it hit me. Girago has always been known for exceptionally low rotational recoil used on aggressive setups. However, as impressive for an aggressively designed Chrome Wheel as it is, the smooth, round, pure-Stamina oriented Genbull outperforms it in terms of pure endurance every time.
Then I thought: Wait... Girago isn't making contact on E230, whereas it's making consistent contact every moment when used on a conventional Stamina setup.
This would obviously mean that the property keeping Girago's Stamina in check on a normal setup is its aggressive shape, which, as we all know, causes recoil, therefore reducing its Stamina. However, if Girago's aggressive shape doesn't get in the way, it's ability to resist rotational recoil is phenomenal.
Then I thought: Girago's ability to resist rotational recoil must come purely from its weight distribution! If I could combine Genbull's smooth shape with Girago's weight distro by utilizing E230's disk, I could create the ultimate destabilizer!
After that, I whacked Girago Girago on E230MB, and after about the first ten minutes I was completely sold.
Basically, to sum it up, to perform well in a Stamina match, your custom will likely need to have low rotational recoil.
Genbull's low rotational recoil comes from its shape, round and smooth. Girago's low rotational recoil comes from its weight distribution.
E230 destabilizers aim to drain their opponents' spin by utilizing the smooth shape of E230's disk. This means that putting Genbull on E230 is essentially inconsequential, as the combo is still utilizing a smooth shape. However, if you take that smooth, round shape, and pair it with unbelievable weight distribution, you can get the best of both attributes, and reduce rotational recoil to near zero, thus creating a nearly perfect destabilization effect.
That's the story behind why I used Girago over Genbull on this custom, and how it theoretically improves its performance significantly. Geez, that was longer than I planned it to be, LOL!
Now, onto the overall concept of the custom itself:
This custom is an E230 destabilizer.
Most Stamina types rely on metal-to-metal contact with each other's wheels to slowly drain Stamina, while making an effort to reduce the effect of other factors on their spin velocity (IE friction with the Stadium floor, Gravitational pull, etc.).
This custom, however, does not rely on metal-to-metal contact, and not much on reducing the effect of outside factors either. Its approach is purely aggressive. This combo utilizes the round disk on Elevator 230 to drain its opponent's spin velocity, while maintaining its own spin velocity. This can be done by using a highly stable Bottom (MB), and a heavy wheel with ideally distributed weight (in this case, Girago). This ability allows this custom and others like it to completely nullify any form of same-spin Stamina lower than a 200 height (depending on the bottom Chrome Wheel, some, including this variant, can deal with 200-height customs as well, and, in this case, even TH220 heights).
As an extra bonus, given the fact that this custom uses E230 rather than a conventional Stamina Track, its win rates against Attack types and semi-aggressive Balance types are much, much higher than normal.
This custom should be classified as a Balance type.
Parts Choice:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Normal Face: I tried MSF on this thing, and all of em' seriously mess it up. It messes with Girago's weight distribution. Cuts a chunk off its solo spin time, wrecks its rotational recoil resistance, and overall just screws it up. If you use this, you MUST fight the urge to use a Metal Stone Face of any kind. I know that shiny metal bolt is calling to you, but just say no for once, kapeesh?
Girago: As I explained before, Girago has extremely effective weight distribution for this type of custom. It's absolutely top-of-the-line in that respect. It also has a great shape for grinding/force smashing Stamina customs at 195/200/220 heights if one happens to come across one in a tournament (note that this combo is not the optimal choice for use against these types of Stamina combinations. It will work the majority of the time, but it is a bit risky).
E230: THE DISK. E230 is the crux of this combo... it wouldn't do its job without it. E230's disk can very effectively destabilize lower-height opponents, as well as provide a major resistance to low-protruding attack wheels like Flash and Gryph along with a multitude of semi-aggressive Balance combos. Grinding down on your opponent is the most essential element of this combo, and E230 is the only part for the job.
MB: MB has great endurance, a slightly aggressive movement pattern, a far above-average height, and the ability to lean over and scoop up/down on a combo without losing much spin velocity... basically every quality that would cause this combo to work to its full potential.
Mathematical comparison to Genbull Genbull E230MB:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Alright, this part might get a bit confusing, so bear with me. To truly determine which of these two variants resists rotational recoil more effectively, we will measure different times in-battle with the control Stamina type Duo Cancer SA165WD. We'll see how long it takes each custom to OS it, and how long each combo can spin after OSing it, as well as some Solo-spin times.
I'm gonna lay out the numbers here so we can see what we're working with:
Girago Girago E230MB:
Solo-spin times
Average solo-spin time: 2:59:977 - rounded to 3 minutes
Solo-spin time after out-spinning control combination
Average Solo-spin time after out-spinning control combination: 1:34:21 - rounded to 1:34
Time taken to OS control Beyblade
Average Time taken to OS control Beyblade: 0:33:373 - rounded to 33 seconds
Genbull Genbull E230MB
Solo-spin times
Average solo-spin time: 2:58:90 - rounded to 3 minutes
Solo-spin time after out-spinning control combination
Average Solo-spin time after out-spinning control combination: 0:33:497 - rounded to 33 seconds
Time taken to OS control Beyblade
Average Time taken to OS control Beyblade: 0:35:5 - rounded to 35 seconds
Notice I rounded everything to the nearest second (or the nearest minute in the case of solo-spin times). I don't want a number correct to the 267th decimal place. I want a good estimate. Precise, but not too precise.
Now, to make this as simple as possible, I'm going to completely eliminate solo-spin time percentage from the equation, since they were almost identical (which I actually found quite surprising). That makes everything a heck of lot simpler.
That leaves us with the time taken to OS the opponent, and the spin time afterwards. What we'll do, is take the solo-time of 3 minutes, and subtract the time spun after the opponent was beaten/the time taken to beat it (we'll add everything by seconds):
Girago Girago
(180 seconds) - (94 seconds + 33 seconds) = 53 seconds
Genbull Genbull
(180 seconds) - (33 seconds + 35 seconds) = 112 seconds
Now, as you can see, we've actually calculated how much spin time each combination lost due to rotational recoil in the match against the control Stamina type (we eliminated natural spin loss by subtracting the time taken to OS the opponent, and the time spun afterwards).
In total, during the match, Girago Girago E230MB lost 53 seconds worth of spin due to rotational recoil.
In total, during the match, Genbull Genbull E230MB lost 112 seconds worth of spin due to rotational recoil.
Now, we take these numbers (112 and 53), and get a percentage for the higher number:
(y/100) x (53) = 112
We do the algebraic procedure, and ultimately come out with y ≈ 211%
Now we just subtract 100 from 211, and we see that Girago Girago E230MB resists rotational recoil 111% better than Genbull Genbull E230MB, which basically means it does a little better than twice as well.
Whew! That was awful...
The Launch:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Any right-spin combo TH170- in height (as well as Duo TH195/SR200/TH220) will simply be destabilized by E230 (or the Girago Chrome Wheel in the case of Duo TH220) with a normal launch, and will stop spinning with no problem as long as your launch is fast and level. A slight bank is not essential, but it'll definitely do you good.
Against E230 defense, the combo must be banked slightly (if you bank too deeply, you will be knocked from the center, fall off balance, lean, scrape, and lose) to create a slightly aggressive movement pattern, or high-traction defensive combos will (somehow XD) reverse the combo's effect and cause Girago itself to become destabilized. However, with a slight bank, this effect can be completely eliminated, and the custom should have no problem taking down E230 defensive opponents.
Against 230/TH220 stamina opponents (excluding Duo TH220), the launch gets a bit hard to explain... i direct you to the video below as a visual reference to help you figure it out.

This video is from my original Girago Genbull E230MB thread, but the launch/effect is exactly the same (my tripod broke, so making new videos is currently not in my power; had to use the old one, LOL). I've wired the video to skip the the exact moment of the launch.
Of course, this launch is extremely difficult and rarely effective if not performed perfectly, so you may just want to bank normally and hope to squeak out a win. XD
This launch will not be used in the following testing. A normal bank will be used.
I'd also like to note that this combo should always be launch at 100% strength against Stamina (you may want to tone it down a bit against Attack/aggressive Balance based on your personal preference), especially against Phantom combos, as you'll be going for the KO, and the fact that, even if you don't KO, the faster each top is spinning, the more recoil Phantom will take, allowing you to OS much more easily.
Spoiler (Click to View)
If you've read everything in the OP already, I commend you for getting this far. Now on to the good stuff!
NOTE: I have posted very few results against Dragooon customs in this thread, as my extensive experience with this combo clearly shows that it absolutely, positively, flat-out hardcore fails against any and every competitive Dragooon custom. Please do not request testing against any Dragooon customs, or ask if this combo performs well against any given Dragooon combination. The answer is most definitely no.
You must keep in mind, though, that this is not a serious disadvantage. There are plenty of competitive customs that die hard against Dragooon, and this custom's incredible performance against various other areas of the meta more than makes up for this lack of ability.
Spoiler (Click to View)
MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F vs. MSF-H Revizer Revizer BD145RDF
Revizer always launched first.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Orion KO
2. Orion KO
3. Orion KO
4. Orion KO
5. Revizer KO
6. Revizer OS
7. Revizer OS
8. Orion KO
9. Revizer OS
10. Orion KO
11. Orion KO
12. Orion KO
13. Revizer OS
14. Orion KO
15. Revizer OS
16. Revizer OS
17. Orion KO
18. Orion KO
19. Orion KO
20. Revizer OS
2. Orion KO
3. Orion KO
4. Orion KO
5. Revizer KO
6. Revizer OS
7. Revizer OS
8. Orion KO
9. Revizer OS
10. Orion KO
11. Orion KO
12. Orion KO
13. Revizer OS
14. Orion KO
15. Revizer OS
16. Revizer OS
17. Orion KO
18. Orion KO
19. Orion KO
20. Revizer OS
Revizer: 8 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Orion Win %: 60.0%
... I don't know how I did that, but OK.

Vs. Stamina:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer SA165EWD
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
This the single most important Stamina variant for anything to take down with how our metagame is at the moment. Right-spin SA165EWD/BWD/TB/W2D (all of the presented variants can be easily beaten by this custom) Stamina is by far the most prevalent Stamina opponent you will go up against in a tournament. It out-spins most other Stamina types, and provides enormous resistance to Dragooon Stamina. It honestly probably makes up around 60% of the Stamina meta right now (most of the rest being made up of B : D combinations and Dragooon spin stealers).
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer W145WD
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer B : D
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer 160PD
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
*Fist Pump*
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer TH170D
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer TH195D
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
Oooooooohhhhhhh yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhh! There's where Girago's grinding properties come in. 195 is the perfect height for Girago to grind the carp out of Duo.
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer TH220D
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Cancer OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 1 (1 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 90.0%
TOUCHDOWN! This right here is another reason to use Girago over Genbull on this custom. The grinding effect against 220 opponents is d oubled, allowing it to actually OS simply by banking. I actually kinda flipped when I saw this happen, LOL!
Let's see if this thing can take out Duo 230 as well. 230 usually gives the opponent just enough height to make the OS:
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Cancer launched first on odd launches, Girago launched first on even.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Cancer OS
2. Girago OS
3. Cancer OS
4. Cancer OS
5. Girago OS
6. Cancer OS
7. Cancer OS
8. Cancer OS
9. Girago OS
10. Cancer OS
11. Cancer OS
12. Cancer OS
13. Cancer OS
14. Cancer OS
15. Cancer OS
16. Cancer OS
17. Girago OS
18. Cancer OS
19. Cancer OS
20. Cancer OS
2. Girago OS
3. Cancer OS
4. Cancer OS
5. Girago OS
6. Cancer OS
7. Cancer OS
8. Cancer OS
9. Girago OS
10. Cancer OS
11. Cancer OS
12. Cancer OS
13. Cancer OS
14. Cancer OS
15. Cancer OS
16. Cancer OS
17. Girago OS
18. Cancer OS
19. Cancer OS
20. Cancer OS
Cancer: 16 (16 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 20.0%
Guess not. Just barely too high to get a good grind going. Oh well.
Alright, we've tested against just about every night now, so we're done, right? Wrong! Different wheels sit differently on different tracks. Therefore, while we won't do nearly as many for each since these tests mostly outline the custom's performance, we're gonna test against Phantom and Genbull at key heights as well.
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Phantom Cancer W145WD
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago KO
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago KO
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Phantom Cancer SR200TB
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Cancer OS
2. Girago KO
3. Cancer OS
4. Girago KO
5. Cancer OS
6. Girago KO
7. Girago KO
8. Girago KO
9. Girago KO
10. Girago KO
11. Cancer OS
12. Girago OS
13. Girago KO
14. Girago OS
15. Cancer KO
16. Cancer OS
17. Cancer OS
18. Girago KO
19. Cancer OS
20. Girago KO
2. Girago KO
3. Cancer OS
4. Girago KO
5. Cancer OS
6. Girago KO
7. Girago KO
8. Girago KO
9. Girago KO
10. Girago KO
11. Cancer OS
12. Girago OS
13. Girago KO
14. Girago OS
15. Cancer KO
16. Cancer OS
17. Cancer OS
18. Girago KO
19. Cancer OS
20. Girago KO
Cancer: 8 (7 OS, 1 KO)
Girago Win %: 60.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Phantom Cancer 230D
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Cancer OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago KO
4. Girago OS
5. Girago KO
6. Girago OS
7. Girago KO
8. Girago OS
9. Cancer OS
10. Girago OS
11. Cancer OS
12. Girago OS
13. Girago KO
14. Girago OS
15. Girago KO
16. Girago OS
17. Girago KO
18. Girago KO
19. Cancer OS
20. Cancer OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago KO
4. Girago OS
5. Girago KO
6. Girago OS
7. Girago KO
8. Girago OS
9. Cancer OS
10. Girago OS
11. Cancer OS
12. Girago OS
13. Girago KO
14. Girago OS
15. Girago KO
16. Girago OS
17. Girago KO
18. Girago KO
19. Cancer OS
20. Cancer OS
Cancer: 5 (5 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 75.0%
I would just like to note that the reasons Girago didn't hit like 80% KO rate against the taller Phantom customs, was because 1) there were like literally at least 5 dozen wall saves, and 2) Girago was launched second half the time, and its movement pattern had calmed by the time it made contact with Phantom. In a tournament situation, you'd probably get plenty more KOs.
Plus, even if you don't KO, if you're spinning fast you'll just beat 'em to death and win by OS anyway. XD
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Genbull Genbull SA165TB
Genbull launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Genbull OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Genbull OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Genbull: 1 (1 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 90.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Genbull launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Genbull OS
2. Genbull OS
3. Genbull OS
4. Genbull OS
1. Genbull OS
2. Genbull OS
3. Genbull OS
4. Genbull OS
5. Genbull OS
6. Genbull OS
7. Genbull OS
8. Genbull OS
9. Genbull OS
10. Genbull OS
2. Genbull OS
3. Genbull OS
4. Genbull OS
1. Genbull OS
2. Genbull OS
3. Genbull OS
4. Genbull OS
5. Genbull OS
6. Genbull OS
7. Genbull OS
8. Genbull OS
9. Genbull OS
10. Genbull OS
Genbull: 10 (10 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 0.0%
Yah... the SA165 variant was a piece of cake, but the SR200 variant... eeeeehhhhh. A little bit of a fail. XD Genbull Genbull SR200TB is the single most effective right-spin Stamina custom for taking this out.
Time to throw a few rounds against Dragooon:
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Revizer Dragooon SA165EWD
Dragooon launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Dragooon OS
2. Dragooon OS
3. Dragooon OS
4. Dragooon OS
5. Dragooon OS
6. Dragooon OS
7. Dragooon OS
8. Dragooon OS
9. Dragooon OS
10. Dragooon OS
2. Dragooon OS
3. Dragooon OS
4. Dragooon OS
5. Dragooon OS
6. Dragooon OS
7. Dragooon OS
8. Dragooon OS
9. Dragooon OS
10. Dragooon OS
Dragooon: 10 (10 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 0.0%
Ouch. Well, what did you expect, right?
Now, as a final sort of rap-up on this custom's behavior against competitive Stamina types, we're gonna look at a little chart here, outlining which Metal Wheels on which heights this custom can beat, and which ones it loses to. Heights in green, Girago can take down. Heights in red, it cannot, and heights in black are a toss-up, usually determined by launch strength:
Girago Girago E230MB Height Chart Wrote:Duo:
- 145-220
- 230
- 145-165
- 195-230
- 170
- 145-170
- 195-200
- 220-230
- 160-165 *Note: 160-height inserted for Bearing Drive
*Note: Some listings based on informal testing
There you have it. This combination takes down roughly 80% of all Stamina combinations on the tier list.
Vs. Defense:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Girago Girago E230MB vs. MF-H Duo Cancer BD145CS
Cancer launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Cancer: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
No problem here.
Girago Girago E230MB vs. MSF-H Revizer Killerken E230RSF
Killerken launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Killerken KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Killerken OS
7. Girago OS
8. Killerken KO
9. Girago OS
10. Killerken OS
11. Killerken OS
12. Killerken KO
13. Girago OS
14. Girago OS
15. Girago OS
16. Girago OS
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
2. Killerken KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Killerken OS
7. Girago OS
8. Killerken KO
9. Girago OS
10. Killerken OS
11. Killerken OS
12. Killerken KO
13. Girago OS
14. Girago OS
15. Girago OS
16. Girago OS
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
Killerken: 6 (3 OS, 3 KO)
Girago Win %: 70.0%
Like I mentioned before, if you don't bank slightly or if you bank too deeply, this thing will knock you off balance and out-spin you. The KO's were very abnormal, and nearly all of Killerken's out-spins happened near the beginning of the match (I had just finished Attack testing, and I was banking too deep by habit. After I began banking properly, Girago made a clean sweep). This custom will usually hit like 80-90% against E230 Defense.
Vs. Attack:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Girago Girago E230MB vs. Wyvang Wyvang GB145R2F
Girago always launched first.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Wyvang KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Wyvang KO
7. Girago OS
8. Wyvang KO
9. Wyvang KO
10. Wyvang KO
11. Girago OS
12. Wyvang KO
13. Wyvang KO
14. Girago OS
15. Wyvang KO
16. Wyvang KO
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Wyvang KO
20. Wyvang KO
2. Wyvang KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Wyvang KO
7. Girago OS
8. Wyvang KO
9. Wyvang KO
10. Wyvang KO
11. Girago OS
12. Wyvang KO
13. Wyvang KO
14. Girago OS
15. Wyvang KO
16. Wyvang KO
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Wyvang KO
20. Wyvang KO
Wyvang: 11 (0 OS, 11 KO)
Girago Win %: 45.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Girago always launched first.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Orion KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Orion KO
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
11. Girago OS
12. Girago KO
13. Girago OS
14. Orion KO
15. Girago OS
16. Girago OS
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
2. Orion KO
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Orion KO
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
11. Girago OS
12. Girago KO
13. Girago OS
14. Orion KO
15. Girago OS
16. Girago OS
17. Girago OS
18. Girago OS
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
Orion: 3 (0 OS, 3 KO)
Girago Win %: 85.0%
Very impressive for something that can OS so many things. A definite advantage over conventional Stamina.
Vs. Balance:
Spoiler (Click to View)
Girago Girago E230MB vs. MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF
Wyvang launched first on even launches, Girago launched first on odd.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Wyvang KO
7. Wyvang OS
8. Girago OS
9. Wyvang KO
10. Girago OS
11. Girago OS
12. Wyvang KO
13. Girago OS
14. Girago OS
15. Girago OS
16. Wyvang OS
17. Wyvang KO
18. Wyvang KO
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Wyvang KO
7. Wyvang OS
8. Girago OS
9. Wyvang KO
10. Girago OS
11. Girago OS
12. Wyvang KO
13. Girago OS
14. Girago OS
15. Girago OS
16. Wyvang OS
17. Wyvang KO
18. Wyvang KO
19. Girago OS
20. Girago OS
Wyvang: 7 (2 OS, 5 KO)
Girago Win %: 65.0%
Girago Girago E230MB vs. MF-H Diablo Kerbecs BD145RF
Girago always launched first.
Detail Results (Click to View)
1. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
2. Girago OS
3. Girago OS
4. Girago OS
5. Girago OS
6. Girago OS
7. Girago OS
8. Girago OS
9. Girago OS
10. Girago OS
Kerbecs: 0 (0 OS, 0 KO)
Girago Win %: 100.0%
There is no Stamina type that can boast of results like these against aggressive Balance.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Competitive Dragooon customs
Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Well, that's all folks! I hope you guys find this thing effective.
Spoiler (Click to View)
Holy Chrome Wheels! That took for flippin' ever... XD