I went to locals, and i think i did pretty well with my twilight deck, considering im just a kid dueling teenagers
I won 2-1 against six sams
I won 2-1 against dark world
I lost 2-1 against malefic + machines
I lost 2-1 against rescue rabbit tourguide
Tho, in the last match, the guy said, he never had such a great duel in a long time. In round 1, i won easily, in round 2, we went in time, but since it was the last match, we just keep dueling regularily... I had a set reaper, and he had xyzs..... i just managed to pull triple sorc, then a bls, then beckoning, got my bls, drop triple jd, and eventually, he ran out of materials, dark hole, i wa at 8000, hes at 3000 cuz he used warning and judgment
he summoned tourguide, brought sangan, att with tourguide, i brought out gorz + token, and he then xyz to zenmains, i set my plague, ended, he then ended, i then summoned honest, sync 6, brio, discard my last card, trag, returned zemains, my mistake was, i turned gorz to def, cuz brio+token = 3300, would of finished him, and i was afraid of mirrir force, that way my gorz would be alive, but he used lance on token.... then i att with brio, hes at 500, he brings gorz, smashin gground my gorz, and attacks me over and over and wins.... thats my mistake, finish off if u have the chance lol
he said that honestly, i was very good and i knew not to waste my summons and spells, like, i just kept stalling, then i drew triple sorc, was gonna go off, but no darks, so i waited til l7 cards, and discarded DAD, he likes how i strategize lol, he told me if i go to dragonduel (regionals) this sat, im gonna pwn so ye