General Health Thread

i should really be doing more anaerobic exercise

part of my issue is i really don't feel like driving to the gym after a long day of school. running? sure, i can do that at home. but i can lift or do anything remotely to what i should be doing there

Bumping this to update how my workout has been for me.

I've tried bulking in like August until about December in which I gained about 10 lbs of muscle and fat (more fat than muscle). I kept it up, but my muscle gains weren't increasing with it since school interfered with the amount of sleep I got. I started cutting down in January since I was really unhappy with how much my body had turned into mush. I was about 150 lbs when I finished my bulking, but I've cut down to about 137 lbs about 3 months later now. I actually feel proud of this for once since this is probably the best shape I've been in so far.

Not to be vain or anything, but I'll probably post pictures of my before and after since it's pretty surprising.
Congrtulations G. That's quite an achievment. I wish I had that much perseverance. Joyful_3
Congrats G, that's a really good accomplishment Smile
i'm really glad its gotten be around 50 everyday here ... makes the daily run much more enjoyable.

g: your experience was very similar to mine (as in, i gained more fat than muscle, which really hurt my body image). it was a lot harder for me to cut down my weight, however. probably what turned me off of lifting weights, and just accepting my small-frame.
Thanks guys!

I think I realized the same thing too... I probably won't ever get as huge as I want to be without having to give up more than I should. My chest broke out a lot after I was on protein whey which was the second reason why I quit. I'm just dealing lots of scars as well as minor breakouts that come once in a while.

But here's that picture:
[Image: progress.jpg]
I look more ripped than I actually am because of the lighting, but you can generally see the change.

June was probably the best shape I was in last year.

The picture of December was after 4-5 months taking protein whey with a combination of my lack of enough sleep. My ribs grew out more probably from the the huge change in my protein increase. That's also me with 10 more pounds.

The last picture was taken this morning after hard 3 months of cutting down.

But as of now, I'm still going to continue my workout with weights. It won't be intense or anything, but it'll keep me fit. As for protein whey, I'm completely done with using it. I'll just get it naturally from food.
you're hot baby Wink
yeah, what your pictures tell me is that our situations were nearly identical. whey protein does some nasty carp to your body, ugh.

do you use free weights or machines, G? if you're on the latter, i recommend switching to free weights. machines are more for endurance than anything else, so you may see some bigger gains that way.

btw, how tall are you?
g do you wax your torso

its ok u can tell me Andrew
The only machine I use is just the bar with the mire rope attached to it. Otherwise I'm just on free weights. I'm in between 5"6/5"7.

HAHA. I've never done that. The middle picture looks shiny because of bio oil :p
So uhh I'm almost positive I have scarlatina Pinching_eyes One of my friends had it, and I've been really itchy lately and I've had a killer sore throat
(Mar. 23, 2009  4:05 AM)Evan Wrote: So uhh I'm almost positive I have scarlatina Pinching_eyes One of my friends had it, and I've been really itchy lately and I've had a killer sore throat

erm, ok? go to a doctor?
ughhh university life has packed on about 5 extra this semester. Need to start running again with more frequency to get back to where I was. My abs are vanishing fast.
Tax season has done a number on my health again. I really want to devote myself to putting my body back in optimal shape come May.
G not trying to sound like an carp but picture 1 and picture 3 look very identical. lmao

But asdflknsdfl you actually have abs? I can't tell if you worked your carp off for them or are one of those people that just seem to have them. As for me, I'm not exactly 'skinny' but I'm certainly not fat. Anyways recently I've started doing new exercises to work my abs out and it seems to be a lot better then 250 situps a day, because even when I suck in my stomach you can't see them.

For one, I do standing crunches where I have my body supported on something I can hold onto, where my legs aren't touching the ground, and I bring (swing) my feet up to a 90 degree angle and back down, if that made sense. Doing inclined pushups is good too I guess, I was told it strengthens your core having your feet ontop of something..makes sense. So I've been doing those a lot. There's another one I'm not too sure on, but it involves rotating a weight that you would put on a benching bar (like a 35 or 45 pound weight) around your head. Someone showed me this and I forgot exactly how to do it lmao. But it seems to work pretty well.

But yessssssss spring is coming soon. The gym that I go to is across town and my parents can never drive me - so I haven't gone much at all, maybe once or twice a month. I work out 2 times a week at school, but I never get as much accomplished because of friends in my class and stuff. I'll be riding my bike over daily Smile

annnnnnnd now that someone has posted pictures of themselves without a shirt I think I will too - not sure how people were going to interpret it as 'showing off', but with all the hours put into it I think its okay even if it was Lips_sealed But I would be looking for feedback I guess

oh and KoD needs to post his guns (;
I know this may make you guys a bit jealous Tongue_out but I have a very high metabolism.
It's quite weird but it's pretty cool. Though I do grow taller somewhat. I may hit a growth spurt soon. Joyful_2
G's one of those people that actually put in the effort to bring about the change. He's a hard worker like that. It's an admirable quality.

There's the one major downside to having a naturally overactive metabolism though.
My torso actually gotten rather undefined. How can I get some abs?
Targeted exercise, and specific dieting

People with hyper metabolisms like yours are the best kind of people to be bodybuilders, actually.
i weight 89 pounds skinny as hell
Tyler, abs are a fickle beast. Just doing tons and tons of sit-ups won't do much. I hope your diet is sufficient and clean, because abs really do start in the kitchen. You may have tons of muscle underneath the layer of fat on your stomach as a result of your diet. i'm not sure of your situation, though.

my advice for anyone wanting to get better abs would be to do cardio (of the HIIT variety, not long distance), eat well, and a variety of different diets
well fat on top of my stomach probably isn't the problem lol
(Mar. 23, 2009  9:50 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: well fat on top of my stomach probably isn't the problem lol

well i was talking moreso to tyler.

the rest of my points apply to you, though. exercise, diet are pivotal
yeah i was a bit misleading in my post cause i wrote it around 6:30am my time. i meant i was trying to do new exercises outside of the standard situps.

i used to run for like 6 hours a week for abs too..hahah it didn't really pay off.

i think its because i go off and on with exercising and never give myself time to fully develop.

my diet is fine - i rarely eat junk/fast food, whole wheat instead of white, ect.