(Nov. 29, 2011 6:52 AM)Kai-V Wrote: OK, who really cares about Tornado Battlers (anymore) anyway, seriously ?
When we learned about them, we were disgusted.
When they were released, we still found them totally useless.
Now, Hasbro is definitely not even allowing them for their rare tournaments, they are not legal anywhere, and you still cannot customize them.
I sincerely wish they cut it out by Metal Fury (which they likely won't), and just re-release the Videogame exclusives as heck, even pre-assembled boosters.....
Too much money is going into horrible secondary products. Did we even have this many gimmick tops in the original toyline? I can handle recolors of actual Beyblades we don't care about, anything that conforms to customization is obviously superlative.