All hasbro needs is a stadium just like takara tomy's, then i'll fully like them.
General Hasbro BEYBLADE:Metal Fury/Shogun Steel/Beyblades Legends -FALL 2014 [HOBBY]
(Aug. 22, 2011 4:35 AM)To Wrote: The L-Drago triple pack is a Target exclusive. The rest don't appear to be (outside of that last Bey in the video which is Toys "R" Us exclusive).
"Target" as in "the thing only the United States has" ? At least there are Toys 'R' Us everywhere in the world ... That would just be unfair.
However, if Meteo L Drago Assault Ver. is released separately, just like the Gravity Reshuffle version, the Rush Ver. will probably be released separately as well.
I already love Hasbro. They're giving us all the new beys, PLUS the Ultimate versions of MLD and GD, and not to mention an L-Drago Battle Set. I swear, if I go to Target and see this, my Pegasis Battle Set IS being exchanged.
Edit: At this rate, we can hope for Hasbro to release a Beylauncher L/LR.
Edit: At this rate, we can hope for Hasbro to release a Beylauncher L/LR.
Now im not going to buy the meteo reshuffle set after i saw this! I cant wait until hasbro hits 4D!!!
(Aug. 22, 2011 5:09 AM)Kai-V Wrote: "Target" as in "the thing only the United States has" ? At least there are Toys 'R' Us everywhere in the world ... That would just be unfair.
There are Targets in Australia AFAIK. I have no clue about Europe.
As for us living in the land of frozen Beyblades, Target tends to share its Hasbro store exclusives with Zellers, and now that Target actually owns most of the Zellers in Canada, it's likely they'll have that L-Drago set.
twisted tempo: and
flame byxis:
gravity destroyer:
rip gauge launcher:
triple pegasis set:
tornado battlers battle:
sorry if these were already posted
flame byxis:
gravity destroyer:
rip gauge launcher:
triple pegasis set:
tornado battlers battle:
sorry if these were already posted

Target and Toy's R Us typically have exclusives.
I am very excited. Just watched a few of the videos posted on the last few pages and the most exciting part for me is 85XF is supposed to be released!
I am very excited. Just watched a few of the videos posted on the last few pages and the most exciting part for me is 85XF is supposed to be released!
BTW did anyone catch the "hasbro" name of hell kerbecs.
Hell Kerbecs is called Hades Kerbecs by Hasbro isn't it?
no its called hades kerbecs
I never have guessed that Hasbro would do this. I always spread the word about "Hasderp". A soon as as I saw this, I was like: AJKHHFVFYFVGVCULFYUKOFUGYT^UTUGYYIGYILFGIYGIYGLYITILYTGYILTLTIYTIYTILILTYIYTT!!!!!!!! ALAN COME SEE THIS! And everyone in my family was just staring at me. I mean this was the most exciting thing in my beylife. When Hades Kerbecs was announced, I was like: meh...Pretty cool. Same with stuff like Triple Peg set oo. Now..this.
Hasbro is going to be the first in my "Beyblade Hall of Fame" in ma sig.
It is definitely something different from hasbro. Absolutely did not expect them to annunce some of the stuff they have.
epic Blader..Thanks for edited.
The 3-pack having LLD,MLD and Ultimate MLD is great..I'll try to get that once it becomes available here. Have they released the LRF seperately too?
The 3-pack having LLD,MLD and Ultimate MLD is great..I'll try to get that once it becomes available here. Have they released the LRF seperately too?
ok hasbro has stepped up to the plate with these up coming releases but they still have yet to release decent stadiums. they could possibly re-release the old mobile stadium.
with some careful modding (just taking out screws to the inner blue walls) it is a great stadium.
also it would be nice for hasbro to release a MFB tribute to the original beyblade series. (i know the chances of this happening is slim to non) but thats just my opinion
with some careful modding (just taking out screws to the inner blue walls) it is a great stadium.
also it would be nice for hasbro to release a MFB tribute to the original beyblade series. (i know the chances of this happening is slim to non) but thats just my opinion

I saw those beys and i cried I mean i know hasbro was improving but who knew they be so caring to release the meteo L-dragos and that posion virgo i-its so beautiful I MUST HAVE IT!!!!
(Aug. 22, 2011 7:29 AM)SAM10795 Wrote: epic Blader..Thanks for edited.
The 3-pack having LLD,MLD and Ultimate MLD is great..I'll try to get that once it becomes available here. Have they released the LRF seperately too?
Nah, sadly. Hopefully thay will release it in a faceoff.
Anyways, how much waves were there in Metal Fusion again?
Dammit Hasbro! Just release some stadiums like the old Plaastic Generation's or like the TT Attack Stadium and I will offficialy love you again!
They came pretty close with the Super Vortex and Mobile Bey Stadium IMO. Cant wait to see what's coming up after the Dragon's Den stadium.
They came pretty close with the Super Vortex and Mobile Bey Stadium IMO. Cant wait to see what's coming up after the Dragon's Den stadium.
LOOOOOL. Its possible we gonna get LRF!!!! LMFAO HASBRO U ARE NOT HASDERP NO MORE!!! Lololololol. I wanna kiss Hasbro now =w=.
Hasbro is pimpin now.
only if they can release gfood stadiums and Beyblauncher L/R then we all willl be happy. You go hasbro! Show the Hasderp what u are made of!
Hasbro is pimpin now.

They probably wont release a stadium similiar to BB-10 attach stadium because some mom will come to them saying, " your toy took my son's eye out". Not like this would actually happen, but its their safety regulations.
They could give the fence and if some mom comes despite that then they can say "We gave the fence for your child's safety and he did not use it. It is not our fault that he did not use it."
(Aug. 22, 2011 2:46 PM)BigBangSoda145 Wrote: They probably wont release a stadium similiar to BB-10 attach stadium because some mom will come to them saying, " your toy took my son's eye out". Not like this would actually happen, but its their safety regulations.
A friend of mine hit himself in the eye with a Driger F one day in a Hasbro stadium back in 2004. He launched it at an angle against a Draciel F(I think? Maybe V)and it bounced and hit him. I was fortunate enough to be watching, His eye was fine, but the socket was a bit bruised.
Well we are thinking if they released one with pockets for the gaps, so they could not get in trouble legally. But as it was mentioned time and time again hascool doesn't have enough money to create a whole new mold.
I was over at Toys R Us Yesterday and they had the Basic Beyblades Buy 1 get 1 Free so I got myself 2 Ray Strickers for $8.99.
Then I don't know if this been posted before but When I paid the cashier asked me if I wanted to purchase insurance/warranty for it o_0?????? I think it was $.99 more per Bey or $1.99 per Bey I honestly can't remember. But he said that if any part breaks you can just take the beyblade back with your receipt and you can get a new Beyblade not bad for kids that keep breaking their Beyblades...
Then I don't know if this been posted before but When I paid the cashier asked me if I wanted to purchase insurance/warranty for it o_0?????? I think it was $.99 more per Bey or $1.99 per Bey I honestly can't remember. But he said that if any part breaks you can just take the beyblade back with your receipt and you can get a new Beyblade not bad for kids that keep breaking their Beyblades...