Metal Master packaging, or still Metal Fusion?
General Hasbro BEYBLADE:Metal Fury/Shogun Steel/Beyblades Legends -FALL 2014 [HOBBY]
Mc Frown tested Thunder Aquario 100SD vs MF-H Lightning L Drago BD145RF and Thunder Aquario 100SD won the majority if the matches. Well, it is almost the same as Infinity.
I can tell you Thunder isn't that great. You'd be better off using Earth IMO, and yes, it's basically the same as Infinity, which isn't that great. If Thunder had been heavier, it would have been much better! But let's not get back to ranting about the weight of legend wheels.
(Jul. 05, 2011 2:08 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: I can tell you Thunder isn't that great. You'd be better off using Earth IMO, and yes, it's basically the same as Infinity, which isn't that great. If Thunder had been heavier, it would have been much better! But let's not get back to ranting about the weight of legend wheels.
I see kai is back; kai do you have any hobby related info to share?
(Jul. 05, 2011 12:23 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Metal Master packaging, or still Metal Fusion?
Nah, still metal fusion. Just the first time I've seen it here, though Tokyo Boyy, I think, had one at my tourney.

(Jul. 05, 2011 2:17 PM)Shadowhaunter Wrote:>Quote a post from a user who is not Kai-V(Jul. 05, 2011 2:08 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: I can tell you Thunder isn't that great. You'd be better off using Earth IMO, and yes, it's basically the same as Infinity, which isn't that great. If Thunder had been heavier, it would have been much better! But let's not get back to ranting about the weight of legend wheels.
I see kai is back; kai do you have any hobby related info to share?
>Speak only to Kai-V.
If she had any news she would have posted it, anyway.
The next electro beys they are releasing are bull and serpent.
They are in wave 3
They are in wave 3
(Jul. 05, 2011 2:31 PM)LibraEagle Wrote: The next electro beys they are releasing are bull and serpent.
They are in wave 3
The tornado tops have a existence here like ghosts do. Maybe I just have to man up and go past the theme parks to find stores that sell all the "released" items. Even though they could be available online I grow impatient waiting all the time to get stuff.
Edit: No one really touches the electric tops in the stores I go to.
waiittt....Kai is a chick? whoa... i thought it was a dude....
i heard from testing that thunder isn't that great (like most legends), i'd much rather prefer earth or basalt. i'd only use thunder (if i end up buying it, my local BigW has an entire wall filled with every single Metal fusion beys, LLD, Thunder Libra etc...) in a hasbro tournament, as you have 3 beys and you cant use the same metal wheel for each.
i heard from testing that thunder isn't that great (like most legends), i'd much rather prefer earth or basalt. i'd only use thunder (if i end up buying it, my local BigW has an entire wall filled with every single Metal fusion beys, LLD, Thunder Libra etc...) in a hasbro tournament, as you have 3 beys and you cant use the same metal wheel for each.
Bah, I checked EE like 3 hours ago, nothing new.
I guess I need to check websites whenever people are usually up and awake... And yeah, ShadowHaunter is right, kids don't even like the electronic beys much at all, rofl. Oh Hasbro I love to see you fail.
Don't worry, you're not the first. And she isn't the only member whom has people ask questions like that. HOW DARE YOU CALL OUR MASTER "it" WE SHALL BEHEAD YOU AT NOON. Jk. And yes, Thunder isn't great. It's mediocre at best, from my tests, it has more recoil that Earth, and it is just horribly designed. But we can't really fault Hasbro on this one, since it's basically a remold of Infinity. As for the other legends, I can't really speak for
I guess I need to check websites whenever people are usually up and awake... And yeah, ShadowHaunter is right, kids don't even like the electronic beys much at all, rofl. Oh Hasbro I love to see you fail.
Don't worry, you're not the first. And she isn't the only member whom has people ask questions like that. HOW DARE YOU CALL OUR MASTER "it" WE SHALL BEHEAD YOU AT NOON. Jk. And yes, Thunder isn't great. It's mediocre at best, from my tests, it has more recoil that Earth, and it is just horribly designed. But we can't really fault Hasbro on this one, since it's basically a remold of Infinity. As for the other legends, I can't really speak for

(Jul. 05, 2011 2:47 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Bah, I checked EE like 3 hours ago, nothing new.
I guess I need to check websites whenever people are usually up and awake... And yeah, ShadowHaunter is right, kids don't even like the electronic beys much at all, rofl. Oh Hasbro I love to see you fail.
I saw it on EE a few days ago just forgot to post it
Liking the fact the dragons den stadium looks un-gimmicked, even if it is ugly.
Dragons Den/Lions Lair remind me of the old color schemes of the original plastics stadiums, and one of them (can't remember which) has no tornado ring, from the image we've seen. Is the Dragons Den the one I'm talkign about? xD
speaking of earth, i had the weirdest battle today, My earth eagle lost to my galaxy pegasus (both hasbro uncustomised) in a LF stadium, yeah i know, i gotta get an attack stadium, but i dont see myself forking out $50 when i can use that for going out. Has anyone with a Triple Battle set reviewed the stadium and done testing?
Yes, go check the beyblade videos thread. Should be the last post, or around somewhere there. DarkWolfX (wrong name? Sorry.) posted it.
The Lions Lair has no visible tornado ridge, but the Dragons Den does, i used visible because the colour scheme mght be responsible for it. If the stadium has a good slope the hasbro ink will cause the stadiums downfall because of the friction resulting from it.
(Jul. 05, 2011 2:59 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Yes, go check the beyblade videos thread. Should be the last post, or around somewhere there. DarkWolfX (wrong name? Sorry.) posted it.
Hasbro would have more success with their beyblade line if they actually followed it exactly ,and once in a while release a creative idea that's worth it. Like the dragons lair I don't know if the one at the toys r us was a production error but I flipped over it, no gimicks, no ridges.
Yerp, so you can confirm it has no ridges? Aww, that's awesome!
(Jul. 05, 2011 3:04 PM)amit93 Wrote: The Lions Lair has no visible tornado ridge, but the Dragons Den does, i used visible because the colour scheme mght be responsible for it. If the stadium has a good slope the hasbro ink will cause the stadiums downfall because of the friction resulting from it.
Actually if you look quite closely, there is is a slight enraisement (?) that is the tornado ridge
I can see teh ridge perfectly

EDIT: I sometimes fell like the crusher of dreams... and speculation xD
(Jul. 05, 2011 3:08 PM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Yerp, so you can confirm it has no ridges? Aww, that's awesome!
If I find it again yes. I never bought it I just choose the triple set stadium in walmart over that one. Plus I believe Hasbro sells TT styled stadiums already. Such as the Lighing L dragon set and the foldable stadium.
I see no ridge...
Then again my eye vision is horrible... Bah, well we'll know in due time.
And the Lightning L-Drago Stadium and the Portable stadium are NOTHING like what TT makes.
Then again my eye vision is horrible... Bah, well we'll know in due time.
And the Lightning L-Drago Stadium and the Portable stadium are NOTHING like what TT makes.
Just dug up some old pics
[Image: Hasbro%20Super%20Vortex%20Stadium%5B1%5D.png?imgmax=800]
[Image: Stadium%20Asst.png?imgmax=800]
The super vortex prototype looks way different than its final design. The PTW stadiums seems a bit more rectangular doesn't it?
[Image: Hasbro%20Super%20Vortex%20Stadium%5B1%5D.png?imgmax=800]
[Image: Stadium%20Asst.png?imgmax=800]
The super vortex prototype looks way different than its final design. The PTW stadiums seems a bit more rectangular doesn't it?
Well of course, they were prototypes. The PTW looks less appealing to me, wheras the Super Vortex looks a LOT more appealing.