General GFX Thread

u saying that the photoshop on my comp is a fake? or that me compressing it and sending it to Sparta is illegal?
Did you or someone else pay for it? If not, it's still real, but most definitely illegal. Serious

I honestly don't care what you download, just don't discuss it here.
(Sep. 14, 2011  1:39 AM)Flaming Aries Wrote: Can someone render this of tyson and ginga
make ginga the same size as tyson and please someone just do it

Glad to help. Joyful_3
[Image: Untitled-4-1.png]
Did this just for fun.I love it.Comments?
if the Bard thingy is a separate layer, i suggest giving it a stroke w/ something dark or a contrasting glow, helps make it stand out
Ah,thanks on that.I will do it later.I'm a major fan of Brad,so I did it.
Izuma, precisely what Noodoo said. No need to bait yourself out if you do have an illegal copy.
Tanith, if that is for the gfx battle you wanted to have later, what is the point in showing everyone beforehand?
How do you apply a nice, even black border a bit like whatzzer has done?
I'm not sure about gimp but for photoshop you could just make a rectangle with a 1px stroke in the colour you want.
Taj is my sig is ok or bad
How do you make a pop out sig or an animated sig to make actually spin not make it look like its spinning
Hey Spriters didn't really want to necro the sprite thread so anyone like my new avatar?
(Sep. 17, 2011  11:05 PM)TanithElite Wrote: How do you make a pop out sig or an animated sig to make actually spin not make it look like its spinning

Apply radial blur. Duplicate, then rotate it a certain number of degrees. keep duplicating and rotating (in seperate frames) this until you have made it rotate to your needs
(Sep. 17, 2011  11:05 PM)TanithElite Wrote: Taj is my sig is ok or bad
How do you make a pop out sig or an animated sig to make actually spin not make it look like its spinning
Follow these steps:
  1. Apply a Radial Blur
  2. Dupliacte the layer 4 times
  3. Rotate the first layer 90 degrees, second layer 180 degrees and third 240 degrees
  4. Save the image as an animation and done! A spinning animation.
If you need more help PM me.

On another note; I just made myself a signature because I frankly disliked my old one, it had no depth to it. I quite like this one though:
[Image: WDbGf.png]

EDIT: And a matching av!
[Image: cgDTe.png]

Please comment, rate and criticize

i am loving the B&W effect
Too bright and i think you should add a cinematic border and i dislike the outer glow and you should try making a BG by filling your canvas with the render and Filter>Distort>Wave then smudge a little and set to overlay then merge the duplicate Filter>Distort>Ripple then overlay again because the BG is quite bad and it has no flow sorry if you find this post of mine offensive.
Quote:when did pirate's and ninja's ever fit?

Exactly what I was thinking. But I guess it's to do with the username it's for.
Haha, actually, it represents a battle between Pirates and Ninjas.

Sanji jumped on a bunch of Ninjas with Shirukens.

BTW, I replaced Sanji with Tai Lung.
I remember a webcomic that has pirates and ninjas fighting each other. Its all in lego XD

flow is good, but no blending
(Sep. 18, 2011  4:58 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote: On another note; I just made myself a signature because I frankly disliked my old one, it had no depth to it. I quite like this one though:
~image snip

I actually feel that this one has a bit of a depth problem as well. It looks nice in general, but I think a bit of a guassian blur on the background would help if depth if what you're shooting for.


So I guess I'll try posting my most recent banner:
[Image: HQDb5.png]

And this is the only Beyblade related banner I've ever made (should change that at some point) I'm not too fond of the level of sharpness going on with the blade cause I feel it sort of clashes with the rest of the banner, but for the grand total of five minutes I spent making this, I like it.

[Image: 06cub.png]