General GFX Thread

Pretty sure I nailed the "blending of the render". What do you think?
[Image: MZz3v.png]
SolGloActivatur, it looks cool, but I think if you moved the text to down a little, it would be more cooler.
Because the first alphabet is on a dark "background".
(Oct. 01, 2012  9:53 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: Pretty sure I nailed the "blending of the render". What do you think?
[Image: MZz3v.png]

Uhm, well a bit. Some things you need to remember:
Composition: place the render in the middle of the side and the middle. This gives it action feel.
Brushes: You'll never get done with brushes. If you want, and effects and lessen them brushes.(wait, are they even Brushes? O.O)

So yeah, a decent sig. You're improving, though
(Oct. 01, 2012  9:53 PM)ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Wrote: Pretty sure I nailed the "blending of the render". What do you think?
[Image: MZz3v.png]
Try moving the render a bit to the right. I can sense a feel of direction, but try erasing it with a soft brush rather than lowering the opacity.

I can see a big continuous improvement.

(Oct. 01, 2012  9:56 PM)SolGloActivatur Wrote: CnC please

[Image: f9DGc.png]
Why is the text there? It looks really weird having big text and having it the opposite of what color scheme you have. You still need to improve.

The renders don't flow well with the BG at all. The renders themselves are not very good. Notice the white spots. The text is cool, but honestly doesn't go well with that sig.

Keep it up, learn to improve renders and better flow.
Finally, I know how to use brushes XD
Here's my first GFX with brushes
[Image: NakunatteUltimate.png]
Its pretty good actually. The BG is kinda messy but it goes well. I don't know what the lines in front of the render are supposed to be.

But yeah, great improvement!
It looks like a a copy pasted flame image with some light effects on it. A render with effects distracting it and a big distracting border. Doesn't look like much efforts put into it. Although It seems your trying to use stocks?

Yeah, it was pretty bad. I just wanted some opinions on it, and I didn't copy and paste a flame image. And, if anyone has the time, Cnc this? [Image: cvHUD.jpg]
The flame logo you used is badly rendered, I see your smudging or brushing the background, blue and white. The render only shows blond hair and the background and the rest is blue, try to stick with one color scheme like your current signature, erase the border your using. Lots of people have been saying remove the stylish borders, yet you don't remove them. I like the one in your signature more, it looks more natural in my opinion.

But changing styles is a good thing, so continue what you're doing now.

Still that copy paste style Anchor, I told you to scrap it...

EDIT: Ok Angry, sorry
Ok... The background is a decent color, but it is way too rough. Try staying away from filters as a beginner. The text is still too distracting, and well. You're improving and steering away from that C+P Style, and that, I salute. KIU
The BG is rough looking. You should try getting some better brushes. There is no flow and the text is distracting. The render is in an [i]odd[/s] position as well.

Keep trying though! Be sure to watch tuts. Or you could PM me and I could give more advice!
Did you follow a tutorial? I sense and see a resembelance...

The lighting is good, but it's too plane, you've copypasted gills mny times and smuded your render and changing the color. Not much of a work, try to darken the edges around the fish a bit (forgot the name of the pokemon), and sharpen the fish so the fish stands out more. Not much of a color scheme, although your improving.

I actually didn't use a tutorial I was just messing around with the airbrush tool and it somehow came out looking like that. I didn't smudge the render that's just parts if the airbrush I forgot to erase.
Cnc Please!

[Image: VGaxh.png]