General GFX Thread

Haha. LOL. Thanks for the comments guys. Guess I'll be sticking with large pieces for a while..
othellog Wrote:
(Sep. 26, 2011  10:37 AM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: Eh...Random stuff that I won't really make..but it is still a graphic. ...Eh. Just played around in GIMP.

It is made out of brushes, shapes, pathtooling (pentooling for PS users) and a 55 min. work...LOL.
Nice work!

We should have a competition to see who is the best gimp user, you or Nodoo.......
Hey, I use GIMP too! I want in... Tongue_out

(Sep. 26, 2011  11:52 AM)Izuma Inzori Wrote: cool, nice abstract design, loving the blotches... btw can anyone CnC on my sig and avi
Cool, but I can't understand the background. It is too distracting from the render and the text placement is too far away from the focal point. Maybe make the render bigger and make it stand out more, simplify the background so it is not so distracting and place the words so they are closer to the focal point. Place a 1px border around the outside to clean it up. Just some points, not trying to be mean at all. I love the animation on the energy ball though, really cool.
Hehe. Maybe we should make the thread? If you're really serious...
hey! I use gimp too you know... just not too often.

hmm, any tuts on you know, the simple ones?
I used to now I use PS

can someone please show there stuff with hypercam everyone makes awsome backgrounds I don't know how to make them.
Hey! I'm trying to become a better GFX maker. I was wondering is there a better way to cut out images. Also I need advice on how to make better backgrounds. I only use solid or gradient layout with a paintbrush, but I want it to look better. So can someone help me?
Use the pen tool(in PS) or the path tool(in gimp) for cutting

look some in deviantart. I see about a milion of this everyday
(Sep. 26, 2011  4:08 PM)DeX Wrote: Use the pen tool(in PS) or the path tool(in gimp) for cutting

look some in deviantart. I see about a milion of this everyday
How would I cut with the pentool in PS? It seems kind of complicated.. Chocked_2. Also does DevianArt have anything about spinning animations aswell. I took a class on PS, but I never figured out how to make a Beyblade spin.

I posted a tut here in this thread. Just search

the pen tool is really easy to use. Just trace, then cut the background. Copy paste is also good

i will explain further, however i will do it tom
(Sep. 25, 2011  4:07 PM)NoodooSoup Wrote:
(Sep. 24, 2011  8:58 PM)Challenge! Wrote: A new avatar:
[Image: DMS+AWP+-+Thunder+Bird.png]

Can you link to the render?

The author removed it from BakaRenders, good thing I still had it saved - I temporarily uploaded it on my blog to get the link:
I don't know.. it doesn't look like it is from the Anime.
Anyone up for a graphic battle with me ? I am bored .. Wink.
You typically need the artists permission to use it for public use and etc.
Ya, I think thats fan art. Tongue_out
You got to watch out for that for battle entries...
I just tried this:
[Image: thebeastf.png]
Its othellog's bit-beast.
(Sep. 26, 2011  1:17 PM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: Hehe. Maybe we should make the thread? If you're really serious...
(Sep. 26, 2011  1:29 PM)DeX Wrote: hey! I use gimp too you know... just not too often.
(Sep. 26, 2011  2:17 PM)Xyo Wrote: I use GIMP too im in guys Grin
(Sep. 26, 2011  2:37 PM)Au®a Wrote: Don't forget about me!

You know, I'll take you all up on that offer. I challenge:
  • BeybladerPotter
  • NoodooSoup
  • DeX
  • Xyo
  • Aura
To a GIMP themed graphic battle. I will post the thread later today.
Oh, and I need someone to send the entries to. If you are willing to take in the entries then PM me.
Oooooooooooohhhh, a battle! I mean I guess I'm obligated to join this battle Tongue_out Can't pass up a challenge, eh.
Oh, I also did some more work on my sig. And I had a great outcome!
[Image: stevefox12345.png]

(Sep. 27, 2011  12:45 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote:
(Sep. 26, 2011  1:17 PM)BeybladerPotter Wrote: Hehe. Maybe we should make the thread? If you're really serious...
(Sep. 26, 2011  1:29 PM)DeX Wrote: hey! I use gimp too you know... just not too often.
(Sep. 26, 2011  2:17 PM)Xyo Wrote: I use GIMP too im in guys Grin
(Sep. 26, 2011  2:37 PM)Au®a Wrote: Don't forget about me!

You know, I'll take you all up on that offer. I challenge:
  • BeybladerPotter
  • NoodooSoup
  • DeX
  • Xyo
  • Aura
To a GIMP themed graphic battle. I will post the thread later today.
Oh, and I need someone to send the entries to. If you are willing to take in the entries then PM me.
Maybe I should get back on gimp to show you people how its DONE! lol, I'm joking, I really want to see this. You guys and gals should get starred on the entries, this is the most exciting battle yet. As people say were I am now(Not as a joke) Get 'er Done!
(Sep. 22, 2011  12:43 AM)Sparta Wrote: Well, I tried my best...
[Image: hshcsig.png]

Yes? No?

Sorry to revive this, but it got skipped and no one said anything Uncertain.

^If that was SPAM, I apologize. Anyways, I think I discovered why my sigs always look so double layered. It's because my renders end up relying on the edges and are massive in scale. I thin if I pick a full sized person and put it in the middle it would look better.
Here's a nice little sig, this time Halo themed!
[Image: scaled.php?server=823&filename=halosigq.png&res=medium]
I should really stop making sigs like this...
CnC, please Smile

Looks good, but what is that line going down the middle of the sig?
No, it's good! The blur on the spartan makes him seem like he's moving.

I dunno really, it wasn't there when I first uploaded it. Maybe a layer glitch?
(Sep. 27, 2011  2:27 AM)Sparta Wrote: No, it's good! The blur on the spartan makes him seem like he's moving.
That's exactly what I was goin' for Smile
I said that because that's like my 5th sig in a row that looks similar to that XD
Probably was a glitch, lol.

someone give me random render to use in a sig like this