Gaming Random Thoughts

I see... Uhh... Might check it out, then. It sounds interesting.

Anyway, I've had a bad gaming day, yesterday.

Basically, I'm on paid vacation for a week (or two, don't remember) from my job, so I thought "That'll be a great occasion to replay my second favourite game of all time, Tales of Vesperia!" so I took out my dusty Xbox 360 in the very, very naive hope that the whole "Can't read the disc" problem was gone. A very stupid move from me, since I still couldn't play the damn thing. It worked like once out of ten times, but only for five minutes and very, very slowly until it just told me that it couldn't read the disc. I brought it to a guy that claimed he could fix this kind of problem (Which I heard of through a Kijiji Montréal. He said he fixed it (For which I gave him 45 bucks, mind you) and took it home. Not only did it still have the same problem, but it was actually worse. I then wondered if the problem was with the games, so I took them (All my Tales of Vesperia CDs) to the house of a younger friend also owning an Xbox. They work great, so the problem is certainly with the Xbox. He then mentionned that he wasn't even playing with it, anymore. So, for a hundread bucks, I bought his Xbox. At last, I can play again...

You might be thinking "Holy carp, Dude, that's a lot of money to spend just to play Tales of Vesperia! Are you retarded, or something?" I might be retarded, but the game is totally worth it.

All of this wouldn't have happened, if Microsoft made actual durable products Tired

You could have just bought the version on Xbox Live for the $20 or $30 Scamco charges on there, lol. I'd be read off the hard-drive so there wouldn't be any disc read errors.
The Xbox I had didn't even have a hard drive, for some reason. I'm guessing that it's because I bought the cheapest "Arcade" version, since, at the time, I had essentially no income.

And c'mon, I bought the game three times, I'm not gonna buy it again online... (Especially since that would imply having to register to XBLA for a short time, which would still cost me some)

This one does have a hard drive, however, so I could just download the game into it and never get such a problem again... (Except if I get the ominous Red Ring of Death...)
You can buy stuff on XBLA with a Silver (free) account.
Nintendo's crazy.

I don't even.
So...Are you referring to the Analog Attachment for the 3DS?

If that's the case, I agree.
Yes, I posted that in the 3DS thread last night. But it seems no one is interested in talking about this incredibly negative aspect of this platform.
I'd say it's more that there's no discussion to be had: It's obviously a stupid idea (and a gimmick to steal money, I might add)

It's like having a discussion on whether the Holocaust was a good or bad thing. Pretty much everyone will agree quickly.
Just found a few cool pics of Persona 4: The Golden on Siliconera, including one for the mysterious new character called Mary/Marie.

I really like her design, kinda tomboy-ish and really cool. I hope she's actually playable (Though there are pics of her talking with other protags, so it's probably the case)

Man, I really have to get that Vita, now...Damn it...
Hey! Teaser website time! =D

Because that's soooooooo original!

This one seems to be hell related and is made by seeker of easy money, Square Enix. Here's a tip: The password is "DIE or DIE" Select those and that'll lead you to a mini-game where you shoot at paper cut-out little demons flying all over the screen with your mouse! And if your computer has a poor frame-rate, like mine does, that'll probably make your computer crash! Huzzah!
Some people on NeoGAF matched some of the text, and art from Lord of Arcana.
thank you based kinect

Why's the kid punching the fish?

Whatta dumbo.
Obviously because fish are evil creatures that must be subdued and eradicated, of course.
Fish aren't animals! They are worse than scum, so it's okay to punch them.

If you didn't get the joke, you just weren't here long enough.
Hah, Toto reference. Isn't that his User title? Also, Limbo has not disappointed. Jump-scares galore, geezums. I've never been so creeped out since Psycho Mantis. Those spiders scare me, man.
Toto's user title is itself a reference to this hilarious event on the WBO.

Just read this topic in full:

And then this sequel-like thread:

Have fun :p

On a video game-related topic, I've been playing Tales of Vesperia for around two hours. Oh, how I missed that game *__*
I love this forum. Just for that, I do.
"Are you 5?"
"No, I'm five and a half!"
Anyway, I need to get Tales of Vesperia. SO many people love it, and I feel I've missed out...
You seriously wouldn't regret it. I wish I could somehow erase my memory so I could fully relive the awesomeness of this game.

I went out of my way to play it again, even if I had beat it like twice before. That's how much I love it.
Yeah, the Anime Club at my school spent a whole meeting talking about it, and I was lost. Hah, I looked like such a newbie. And my "Need to get" list gets larger.
OMG I picked up Resistance 3 yesterday with my pre-order, and wow it's awesome. Graphics are great, the guns are wicked, and it's scarier than the last two games. If anyone has a PS3 and likes shooters, you gotta make sure to get R3 ^^!

Anyone interested in El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metraton?

Nintendo seriously needs to make a free-roaming console, 3D, Pokemon game. Like the main storyline ones on the handhelds, but 3D. Or like Pokemon Colosseum/X D, but you can battle Gym leaders and catch Pokemon. That'd be the best game ever.
Ah damn you Dude, I wanted to pull out that quote before you used it QQ.

I agree with you Noodoo, I found Pkmn Colosseum quite enjoyable.
(Sep. 11, 2011  11:17 PM)To Wrote: Anyone interested in El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metraton?

Bought the game a while ago. Played it. It's...visually interesting, if that makes any sense. It's really trippy and you kinda feel like you're in a living Salvador Dali painting, but the gameplay is reeeeeeeeally weak. It's your usual beat-'em up and it's not very good at that...

And sorry, Medz, but it was too easy XD