Gaming Random Thoughts

Hey kids! It's ANOTHER teaser site made by Namco Bandai! ANOTHER!

This one announces a new 'Tales of', which is great, but is the teaser site really the only formula the marketing guy knows how to use? It's getting old.

Although I am excited as hell for this. I hope it's not a mothership title, though, since I haven't even played Xillia or the english version of Graces, so it would just distract from everything.
It's likely a Vita game. The Tales producer said we'd hear news about a Vita Tales game "soon".
I don't mind. I'm gonna get that fabled Vita, anyway, for Persona 4: The Golden, so it's just another reason to do so XD
Rumors say it will be Tales of Innocence getting a remake for Vita, and a Tales of Heroes game (whatever that is) for PSP.
Yeah well, I heard my fair share of rumors which, around 90% of the time, were entirely wrong Uncertain (Have you seen all the 'rumor titles' the Wii U would get, according to the Internet? Which all turned out to be false?)

So yeah, I'll wait for the official announcement before being disappointed, thank you.

And why would they bring Tales of Innocence on a console that's capable of so much more in every possible aspects?! And why would they make a game for PSP when the Vita is capable of better?! That just makes no sense (Although it wouldn't surprise me, for Namco Bandai...)
Well, these rumors are more than just some guy on 2ch talking it up. Namco Bandai trademarked "Tales of Heroes" earlier this year in Japan, and actually trademarked "Tales of Innocence" in North America this year, which would be insane given it's a Japan-only DS game from ages ago. Then there's the fact that using the acronyms for those games ("toh" and "tir") in a Namco Bandai URL will redirect you to another page, rather than just a 404 error.

The rumor does however end with some guy talking it up about how JUMP will reveal those 2 games. As for why, well. Innocence R will likely be a launch window title, so something original would be unlikely. As for TOH on PSP, well there's 17 million of them in Japan and 0 Vitas in Japan.
(Sep. 13, 2011  9:25 PM)To Wrote: Well, these rumors are more than just some guy on 2ch talking it up. Namco Bandai trademarked "Tales of Heroes" earlier this year in Japan, and actually trademarked "Tales of Innocence" in North America this year, which would be insane given it's a Japan-only DS game from ages ago. Then there's the fact that using the acronyms for those games ("toh" and "tir") in a Namco Bandai URL will redirect you to another page, rather than just a 404 error.

The rumor does however end with some guy talking it up about how JUMP will reveal those 2 games. As for why, well. Innocence R will likely be a launch window title, so something original would be unlikely. As for TOH on PSP, well there's 17 million of them in Japan and 0 Vitas in Japan.

....You have my attention. Don't make me lose it now.
Still not interested. I've watched videos of Tales of Innocence. Gameplay doesn't look special, music is just okay and the story doesn't even look very good (For a Tales game, that's something) so, if it's really Tales of Innocence, I won't care (Unless it's a very much better version, which I doubt)

As for Tales of Heroes...uhh...The Vita can play PSP games, right? If it looks good, I might play it XD
Final Fantasy X is apparently being remade for Playstation 3 and Vita.

Oh, the horror.
Blitz Ball for everyone in HD and on OLED!

Yeah, Vita is doomed ...
Well, we at least agree on that, dear To Uncertain

I hadn't even thought of online Blitz Ball XD
Here's my favourite looking Vita game so far:

It's Gravity Daze/Rush. It's developed by the creator of Silent Hill, and the team behind the Siren video games.
So just wanna mention that Tales of Xillia topped Japan's charts, selling 525 065 copies. Damn.

Now c'mon, with those numbers, they better bring it to our fair continent!
Yeah, Xillia actually has the highest debut in the Tales series 15 years of life. If Innocence R sells well, I wouldn't expect Tales games on non-Sony hardware for a very long time.
So, am I the only one who's not really excited for Final Fantasy XIII-2? Uncertain

I dunno, it just seems really boring and downgraded. I mean, you play as a girl that's not really interesting, a guy that has the backstory of a Yu-Gi-Oh villain and there's a Moogle, in there?

It's just weird...
*Whistles and raises hand* Agreed. Though the Moogle is interesting. I love Moogles. But otherwise, eh. Not very high on my "Must Get ASAP" list. As in: It's not even on there. I'll get it used a few months after it releases.
Bioshock Infinite, however, is VERY high on my "Want" list.
It's all about Type-0 anyways.

Though it's hard getting hyped for a game that has a dubious chance of an English release initially.
(Sep. 21, 2011  4:41 AM)Temporal Wrote: Bioshock Infinite, however, is VERY high on my "Want" list.

It's on mine, too. Just the fact that they gave the protagonist a freaking voice is vastly enough for me. Plus, it's Bioshock, it's not like the series disappointed me before XD
It's nice to see the protagonist actually speak. Those bird things aren't too shabby either. And the rails? Geezums, I almost had a heart attack watching the E3 demo. Oh, my brother is going through Minerva's Den on BioShock 2, and I have to say. That Ion Laser is BOSS. I wish Delta had one. (But that would make it too easy to kill Big Sisters, wouldn't it?)
Thinking of actually starting the Gears of War series...just to see how well I can tolerate it (and how freaked out I'll be...).
Gears of War isn't that scary, to me anyway. But it does pump my adrenaline at times.
people with no necks scare me
(Sep. 22, 2011  12:20 PM)To Wrote: people with no necks scare me

I was thinking exactly the same thing, looking at Gears of War pics Uncertain
Well, I was reading an article. It mentioned that Portal jokes were played out, and needed to die. It also stated that the only jokes that should not die are the ones where the game is the punchline. The example of a game that bad was Superman 64, so I'll see if that actually is joke worthy. Just how bad was Superman 64? (Like: E.T bad?)
So, I'm uberly excited. I recently ordered a Super Nintendo, and it should be here on Monday. (But you can read about that in the Recent Purchases topic) Annways, I'm excited because the game I ordered with it is Mega Man X! XD I absolutely love that game. Smile So, I'm extremely excited to play it when it comes in the mail. Joyful_2 (Because you all know that I'm obsessed with Mega Man Tongue_out)

Anyways, the Super Nintendo I ordered was the mini version from 1997. Does anybody else here have one of those? O.O