Gaming Random Thoughts

Kei Wrote:This looks promising


Can't wait to find out more, this could turn out to be really good.
I just knew you would post that.
cheetos Wrote:
Kei Wrote:This looks promising


Can't wait to find out more, this could turn out to be really good.
I just knew you would post that.

I <3 Sonic
Kei Wrote:
cheetos Wrote:
Kei Wrote:This looks promising


Can't wait to find out more, this could turn out to be really good.
I just knew you would post that.

I <3 Sonic

Well what's crazier is that this time I actually agree with you.

For once in my life I'm anticipating a Sonic game. Wtf.
i just finished assasins creed

what the hell at that ending? feels like a rip off and horrible way to end a great game tbh (i don't care if it's a cliffhanger)

(the "Altair" ending was satisfying though, i'm talking about the part with "Miles" or whatever)
k so got my xbox 360 back

other than a retarded dvd drive (have to push down hard and the drive is a little angled), it's okay. sounds carp scary when you shut the thing down though. it clunks like a carp

plz don't break
So uh, I just got my response back from Nintendo.

Its hilarious.

Here's my original e-mail to them:

"I believed in Nintendo once, really, I did. That was until the abomination known as the Wii came around.
I camped out the night before launch at my local Wal-Mart in eager anticipation of the new console, being the hardcore, and delusional now that I look back on it, Nintendo fan that I am.
I begged my mother to lend me the $70 I was short for the console's $250 price tag. She agreed, saying it was to be my early birthday present (My birthday wasn't until a week or so after the Wii released on November 19th, my birthday was the 27th). I then waited for twelve hours in the cold Michigan winter, only to be let down when I found out there were only 20 systems available and I was number 21 in line. This would be only the first of multiple times I would be let down by your company. But all was good, I was told, as I found out that Wal-Mart also had 5 rain checks to give out for the next Wii shipment. I received one and was told I could pick it up the following weekend. I was lied to.
It wasn't until December 6th that I finally got my Wii from that rain check, nearly three weeks after I had camped out for one for twelve hours in the cold. I was willing to forget everything negative that had happened up to this point because I finally had the system and I was excited to play it.
Now here we are over a year later and I've grown to resent my investment so much more since the original purchase. I was promised a plethora of games from popular Nintendo franchises to play. I've received only a few in that time period.
Enter Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I held on to the system in the hopes that the game would redeem it. I was wrong, once again. I went to the midnight launch for the game at my local GameStop and brought it home only to be greeted with a nice disc read error for most of the night. After scouring various internet message boards and even your own support site where nothing was mentioned about the issue, I gave up. The game sat on my shelf for a week before I finally tried to play it again. By this time a sort of work around had surfaced that said if you put the game in your system and waited for the disc tray to stop making reading noises before attempting to boot the game up it would work, and lo and behold, it worked for me.
I was excited to finally be playing the game my friends had been talking about for days. Well, that is, until I logged onto the Nintendo WiFi Connection and tried to play a match online. It was nigh impossible. The lag was unbearable, and this is a week after the game had come out. The lag isn't even the worst part, as its rampant in matches I play with my Friends in my Friends Roster, but I can't even connect to anyone for a With Anyone match. How is this even possible? Were you really that unprepared for the launch of your biggest game for the console? I don't know if you're aware, but the last Smash Brothers game basically kept the Gamecube alive for its torturous life span, and for you to botch the next entry in the series as you have is completely mind boggling to me.
Not only did Brawl suck in itself, my Wii was hit with the annoyingly frustrating Corrupted data glitch from Brawl, where everything on my Wii's memory was corrupted and I had to delete everything from the system, losing all of my saved data in the process.
Suffice it to say I am VERY displeased with my experience in Nintendo products thus far, and its gotten to the point where I would rather smash my Wii with a sledge hammer than play it. Or maybe just smash my own face with the hammer, as I'm sure that would be preferable to playing the broken system that is the Wii.
To put it simply, I feel completely ripped off by your product. I borrowed money from my parents because I couldn't afford the system alone, camped out for 12 hours in the cold, waited almost a month to receive the system afterwards and then had all of this horrible stuff happen to me when I finally got it. Basically, your product is garbage and I won't be investing in anything you produce in the future."

And the response:


I was sorry to hear about your situation regarding your experience online with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Please contact me at 1-800-633-3236 ext. 7698 so that we may discuss this issue. If I'm unavailable when you call, please leave me a detailed message so that I may return your call as soon as possible. I am available between the hours of 10:00am and 7:00pm Pacific Time Sunday through Thursday. I look forward to hearing from you.

Nintendo of America Inc.
Zach Stroum"

I love how he just completely disregarded everything else I said and went right for the issue with Brawl.
I thought his name was Zach Scrotum at first.
anyone have a explanation of the assasin's creed ending? i lost sleep over it ;_;

oh and lol roan
Silver Kane Wrote:anyone have a explanation of the assasin's creed ending? i lost sleep over it ;_;

oh and lol roan

Its been a while since I've played the game, so I could get a few details wrong here, but I'll do my best to explain it.

Basically, after the final assassination, when you're walking around the lab as Desmond and find that you can use your Eagle Vision to see things written on the walls, these are cryptic messages left to you by a previous assassin who was tortured and eventually killed in the lab, likely by the same people who are keeping you hostage.

The messages written in the captive's blood on the floor and walls are references to a lot of urban myths and I can't remember the significance of each of them has to the story at the moment. I read a guide online once, I'm sure a quick Google search would probably unearth it.

But really, the ending is a total cliffhanger. They don't spell anything out for you directly, they leave these cryptic messages for you to interpret yourself. What you take of the ending is what you get -- they leave it wide open for you. I really loved that about the game, it made you think rather than just force-feeding you a couple cut scenes and rolling the credits.

I'm sure we'll probably understand it better when the sequel finally rolls around.
the messages are supposed to be doomsday prophecies from different cultures or something
cheetos Wrote:the messages are supposed to be doomsday prophecies from different cultures or something

Yeah, urban myths. Tongue_out

Also, found the guide I was talking about:
urban myths are a bit different imo

urban myths are like chinese resturants using cat or alligators in the new york sewers.
Alice Wrote:I thought his name was Zach Scrotum at first.


now that you mentioned it...
Roan Wrote:
cheetos Wrote:the messages are supposed to be doomsday prophecies from different cultures or something

Yeah, urban myths. Tongue_out

Also, found the guide I was talking about:


but I still feel like ubisoft were like "hey guys we cbf to finish this game so we'll end it with a huge cliffhanger so we can earn money on the sequel"

oh and was it just me, or was the "last boss" just as easy to fight as the average guard in the game? it took me like 2 minutes to beat him
Finished FFVII Crisis Core last night. The ending was more of a tearjerker than I was expecting. Unhappy Though I doubt its likeliness, they absolutely should remake FFVII, if for no other reason than to rebuild Cloud's badass reputation.
I wish Ubisoft would make a Beyond Good and Evil sequel ; ~;
probly gonna buy PGR4 today

well i had the choices of either that or Armored Core 4 or Ridge Racer 6 and the demos didn't play that great imo
bugturtles Wrote:probly gonna buy PGR4 today

well i had the choices of either that or Armored Core 4 or Ridge Racer 6 and the demos didn't play that great imo

Dude when are you gonna get XBL Gold, seriously?
Roan Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:probly gonna buy PGR4 today

well i had the choices of either that or Armored Core 4 or Ridge Racer 6 and the demos didn't play that great imo

Dude when are you gonna get XBL Gold, seriously?

I really have no idea, actually. I hardly play video games nowadays and I play my 360 on an irregular basis.

EDIT: Might consider Forza 2 over PGR4.
bugturtles Wrote:I got a new Gamertag.

Add: kiwiapple


What the hell is the matter with you seriously

This had better be an april fools
Roan Wrote:
bugturtles Wrote:I got a new Gamertag.

Add: kiwiapple


What the hell is the matter with you seriously

This had better be an april fools

Oh no it isn't.

Yeah and I was a dumbass with the first account and made it a minor (age less than 18 etc).