GFX Team-Team Graf-X

Weird name, yeah, but this is the official thread for the GFX team: Team Graf-X! Use this thread to sign up for the team, talk about new strategies, and suggest tournaments to enter or start! Any member that wants to join, please post below. There can be 3 people on a GFX team, so I need 2 team-mates. Are you up for it?

Sparta-Team Leader
I would like to join unless you dont want me
No, you can totally join. Yay! We just need one more member.
My Brother Fathom Wants To Join
Um...Why can't he ask himself? Chocked_2 He has an account doesn't he?...
Can I Join And My Brother was hogging the computer thats why
Please delete.
Maybe, I'll consider you.

Anyone else wanna join? Yeah, I'm not the best GFXer Uncertain.
You just have to show the other teams up in a battle; members will come flocking here.

I would join, but I'm already in the process of making a team Unhappy But we can battle sometimes, eh?
Haha, true dat.

Yeah, totally. I'm no match for you in GFX though...
This whole thing just didn't work. I'm bagging it. Sorry to all who wanted to be on it...good luck finding an even better, more stable team!
(Oct. 17, 2011  5:34 AM)JCx06 Wrote: Can I join?

Lol, he just posted that he is disbanding the team best you look for another team Tongue_out