First Beyblade Ever

my first blade seaborg 2 my most recent blade dragoon ms my fave blade (which i need) is dragoon ms uv and dragoon v2
My first blade was Draciel Metal Ball Defencer. I think I got it because the first beyblade episode I saw was the one where Max battles Kai and gets the Draciel bit beast. First I thought that Max was a girl lol. He had a female VA in the Finnish version. Good times. Then at the next day, I lost the bit beast. Later I bought a new one.XD
Miy first was Ultimate Saizo, which I got when I was 9, so it was almost 8 years ago. I got Spin Dragoon just a month or two later. Both of their Spin Gears got totaled when I spun them both in a clothes basket and they got stuck in one area which completely screwed them over.
My first beyblade was Dragoon storm, got it when beyblades first came out. But the first beyblade i truly loved was my silver Driger F.
Master Dragoon. Bought it in Sports Authority, and loved it!
I can never forget my first blade: Galeon Attacker.
The blade that I truly loved when I young was my Driger F.
my first beyblade was either a dragoon s or dranzer g(got that from a friend) or driger s. i can't remeber exactly which came first. all great blades
My first Beyblade was Wolborg MS, followed about 1 minute after with Dranzer MS... or maybe it was the other way around....
mine was dragoon the first one lol
it was given to me by a freind...i lost it like the next day, few months later i baught Diger f and v. I couldnt decide witch one i wanted i always seen them as my first blades but i know thats not true i just never found that one.
Dranzer at Wal-Mart. Bought it when Beyblade became popular.
For me its like this
We got them as a suprise
I had ultimate frostic and Grip attacker and the clear beystadium
and my older sister got Spark kight and Grip attacker and a clear beystatium
So we had our own statiums but we played together
spark knights attack ring (the clear orange version, plastic cover on bit chip) broke because of grip attacker, i took ultimate frostic to school and it was stolen,i got it again but it vanished, i dont remember what happened to it
Wing Defenser at Hamley's. I was drawn to it because of its gimmick - I've lost the BP now, the AR and SG are broken. I remember only winning 2 matches every with it! But it was fun to watch as the wings splayed out and acted as a buffer. All of my friends had the Bladebreakers' blades and were surprised at the weird design of mine. I still have the WD for it.
My first ones were at Christmas. I think they were Seaborg and trygle
My first plastic beyblade is like dranzer volcano attack ring but it's black and the sticker says its a m draciel usual.
My first HMS beyblade is Gaia dragoon, draciel and driger
My first Metal Fight/Fusion is starter Pegasus/Pegasis
Spark Knight, I couldn't resist it's clear orange charm. I took it home, launched it, and immediately broke it. I think I returned it to the store without the bit chips, and bought Grip Attacker. I didn't have the money to have kept the broken one for it's base Unhappy It was a good trade off though, I love grip attacker.
my first on was a metal ball defence draciel
I had bought Galeon Attacker, the very second one after was Draciel Metal Ball Defenser.
mine was a draunzer i think
mine was wolborg 2 and driger V,
but wolborg 2 was my favorite! ^-^
my first was grip attacker i had two of em and they were takara they had a whole row of blaes in my local shop i just picked up two dgrip attackers then i went back home after i fixed it up i just tauht that the stadium i got for my b day vs my cousins gallzly my grip attacker attack ring broke almost into alf then my second one broke at the blade base
Mine was Draciel. It sucked but i loved it.