First Beyblade Ever

My first was Dark wolf DF145 FS. i regret my choice. It looked so spiky... than i found out it wasnt.
my first beyblade was Ultimate Frostic Dranzer pretty cool bey, wish i had it in better condition though
My first bey was definitely Dragoon GT which i only have the weight disk for now. lol
Mine, long time ago...Almost forget....It's ....................Dranzer G
My first was kid draciel, and then my 2nd was bistool, I think they were both pretty good choices, they are both solid, especially bistool. Oh, ya, I forgot I got Draciel Metal Ball Defenser the same time I got kid draciel.
as far as i can remember it was a dark purple one i think it was auto change balancer
I don't remember but it was a plastic Grin
(Jul. 02, 2010  1:28 AM)NateKilgore Wrote: as far as i can remember it was a dark purple one i think it was auto change balancer

Auto Change Balancer is Blue.
Purple is probably Makendo.
My first beyblade was an auto change balancer. All that's left of it is it's attack ring.
mine was a dragoon (not sure which). i was so into the anime and i thought dragoon was awesome, so i got him. i think it was the earliest dragoon.
I bought a starter L Drago for me, a starter Pegasus( with Pegasus attack stadium & extra starter Bull wheel) for my son, and a starer Wolf for my girlfriend @ the same time about a year ago.
i forgot what my first bey was(got it when i was 4)
my first hms was driger ms
mfb pegasis deluxe set
My first beyblade was Dragoon F, and a Bearing Stinger. Once I had gotten a stadium, Bearing Stinger's AR broke apart after fighting my.... Driger S or Master Dragoon?
My first MFB was a Storm Pegasis.
(Jul. 22, 2010  12:05 PM)Rultzbud Wrote: My first beyblade was Dragoon F, and a Bearing Stinger. Once I had gotten a stadium, Bearing Stinger's AR broke apart after fighting my.... Driger S or Master Dragoon?
My first MFB was a Storm Pegasis.

My first beyblades were the exact same~
mine would be driger s. it soon broke in a battle with a dranzer v
My first was Dragoon Storm on Dec 2004
my first beyblade was the awesome storm pegasus! Smile
(Jul. 24, 2010  2:38 AM)pegasis105rf Wrote: dragoon

Which Dragoon, I'm interested to know