Favourite Beyblade? (Elaborate!)

Reviser L-Drago Destroy BD145CS.My hmemade syncrom ^-^
well all i like are diablo nemesis in mfb and zeus in plastic
I like Duo Uranus in MFB, Dark Knight Dragoon in Zero-G, Zeus in plastics, and Dark Effigy MS.But I don't own them Tongue_out.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but... LDG is useless for Defense.
Favorite bey= Earth Eagle or Hades Kerbecs both stock
Top 5 Favorite Zero-G Beys
Top 5 Favorite 4D Beys(Metal Fury)
Top 5 Favorite MFB Explosion Beys(Metal Masters)
Top 5 Favorite MFB Beys (Metal Fusion)
Top 5 Favorite Pre-HWS Beys
Top 5 Favorite Plastic Beys
Top 3 Favorite HMS Beys
Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G (Click to View)
Metal Fight Beyblade (Click to View)
Metal Fight Beyblade Explosion (Click to View)
Metal Fight Beyblade 4D (Click to View)
(Sep. 29, 2012  11:19 PM)BeybladePants11 Wrote: Top 5 Favorite Zero-G Beys
Top 5 Favorite 4D Beys(Metal Fury)
Top 5 Favorite MFB Explosion Beys(Metal Masters)
Top 5 Favorite MFB Beys (Metal Fusion)
Top 5 Favorite Pre-HWS Beys
Top 5 Favorite Plastic Beys
Top 3 Favorite HMS Beys
same here Phoenic is now my new fave :3
1-Gaia Dragoon
2-Kid Dragoon
1-Gaia Dragoon MS
2-Phantom Fox MS
3-Dragoon MSUV
4-Wolborg MS
Metal Fight:
1-Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF
2-Basalt Horogium 145WD
3-Quetzalcoatl 90WF
1-Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF
2-Shinobi Saramanda SW145SD

The Gaia Dragoon is because of the second game of PSX, it's a shame the real beyblade is so useless
Black Dranzer
Driger MS
Wolborg MS
Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
Phantom Orion B : D

I love Black Dranzer since in the original series he's the ''strongest beyblade ever!!!'' and no one could defeat it! (I know it's not that good irl but whatever)

I also like stamina types a lot!
Bold means most liked.
Dragoon F, V, V2, G, GT
Dranzer F, Black, V, V2, G, GT
Dragoon MS and MSUV

Metal System
L Drago 105F
Quetzlcoatl 90WF
Pegasis 105F

Hybrid Wheel
Lightning L Drago 100HF
Meteo L Drago LW105LF + Assault and Rush versions
Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
Basalt Horogium 145WD
Cosmic Pegasus (Yes really...)

4D System
L Drago Destroy F:S
Big Bang Pegasis F:D
Blitz Unicorno 100RSF
L Drago Gaurdian S130MB
Omega Dragonis 85XF

Zero G
Dark Knight Dragooon LW160BSF
Thief Phoenic E230GCF

As you can see, I have a thing for dragons... Yeah.
favorite 4D
fang leone
kreis cygnus
beat lynx
l-drag destroy
big-bang pegasus

favorite metal masters/fusion:
rock leone
flame libra
meteo l-drago
rock aries
storm aquario
storm pegasus
I guess I'll update my list...

Zero-G: Beserker Begaridos
4D: Kreis Cygnus/Fusion Hades
MFB explosion: Vulcan Horuseus
MFB: Cyber Pegasis (sora's)
Pre HWS: Gemios
HMS: Advanced averazer MS
Plastic: Driger G

These are all based on looks
Quote:These are all based on looks

mine to they really look cool
Eh, I suppose I'll update mine?

Metal System: Dunno
Metal Fight: Mad Cancer CH120FS
Metal Fight Explosion: Hell Kerbecs BD145DS?
4D: Diablo Nemesis X: D?
Zero-G: Bandid Genbull F230TB

I am so bad at picking favorites on this kind of stuff.
My Favorites:
Zero-G: Dark Knight Dragooon (Don't have)
4D: Flash Sagittario
MFBE: Ray Unicorno
MFB: Storm Pegasis
Pre-HWS: Pisces (Don't have)
Plastic: Black Dranzer (Don't have)
Plastic: Bump King (Why is he so hated?)
Engine Gear Series: Dragoon Galaxy (My first plastic bey)
HMS: Wolborg MS (Its just so freakin' epic!)
Pre HWS: L-Drago 105F (I like the way it looks)
Metal Fight: Flame Saggitario (My first ever bey, and I like the design)
Metal Fight Explosion: Flame Byxis (No explanation needed)
Metal Fight 4D: Wing Pegasus 90WF (I always liked defense types... This, is a defense Pegasus)
Metal Fight Zero-G: Gryph Dragooon SA165MB (Its a fat mecha defense dragon-griffon hybrid!)
Fan Beys: Cyber Kai C145MF
My favorite is VariAres
My favorite beys are Phantom Orion, L-Drago Destroy, Dragoon, Dranzar, Storm Pegasis and Rock Leone
My favorite beys are Killer Beafowl and Flame Byxis. Maximum Series Power!
Top three favorites:
Plastics: Galeon, Rock Bison, Gaia Dragoon V
HMS: Draciel MS, Jiraiya MS, Dranzer MS
MFB: Thermal Pisces, Dark Bull, Storm Capricorn
MFBE: Killer Beafowl, Ray Gil, Grand Capricorn
4D: Blitz Unicorno, Beat Lynx, Phantom Orion
Zero-G: Guardian Revizer, Bandid Genbull, Berserker Bregirados
My list consists of Smile

- Any Dragoon
- Any Dranzer
- Flash Leopard

- All Pegasis
- Ray Unicorno
- Rock Leone

- Big Bang Pegasis
- Fang Leone
- Diablo Nemesis
- Wing Pegasis
- Beat Lynx
- Phantom Orion
- Variares

- Samurai Pegasis
- Samurai Ifraid
- Gladiator Bahamdia
- Guardian Revizer
- Shinobi Saramanda
- Theif Phoenic
- Bandid Genbul
Ray Unicorno for fun, Hell Kerbecs competitively...non customized.