name changed quickly
Episode:1, Reaper of Light! Creation Gemino
Narrator: A young boy named Benshiki is in a futuristic beyblade world called "Vulcan Towers", and he's trying to come back to his old world, where he could learn, have fun, sleep normally without any robots waking him up, and no holographic foods tricking him into thinking they're real.
(Episode starts)
Benshiki: Wow! You have a beyblade that is dual spinning!
???: Yeah, isn't it cool
Benshiki: It is so cool, my mind is going insane, but Kenny, I'll make a beyblade!
Kenny: All right (best way to spell), I'll be waiting for you!
(Benshiki goes outside and a Solar Nightsky happens)
Benshiki: It's night already!
(Benshiki watches the dark, and starry nightsky)
(10 minutes later)
(A mysterious fragment comes falling down from the starry, and dark nightsky)
Benshiki: What is this? It's a beyblade! I'll call you Creation Gemino.
(Benshiki comes back inside)
Benshiki: Look what I found!
Kenny: A beyblade! How that quick!
Benshiki: A mini meteor came falling down from the sky, and revealed this bey.
Kenny: What are you calling it?
Benshiki: Creation Gemino.
Benshiki: Where am I going to battle someone though?
Kenny: I know where! At the Galactic Bey Center, where multiple bladers come every single day
Benshiki: Ok, I'll visit that blading center.
MasterofDerp, any ratings, I know this is my first chapter in a long time, but I can improve.
If you want to see my irl face pixelated, click the following spoiler
Ok, I trolled you, but the next one is real
You're a pervert for wanting to find my irl face pixelated!