Beyblade Burst: X-Warfare!
Chapter 3!
Snake Eyes! Reign Basilisk!
(As the luminous morning sun would ascend into the lucid, blue skies of Japan, a certain Mr. Sherlock Holmes (also known as Beau) would approach a colossal warehouse)
Beau: *Sigh* Here goes nothing... (He'd reach into his pocket, pulling out a golden key with the words "Yasami's Base" printed in dark green)
(He'd reach the door of the warehouse, using the key to unlock the door. Inside the warehouse was around sixteen to thirty people, around half of them laying in chairs talking, and the other half doing beyblade battles in stadiums)
Beau: U-Uh, hello! (He'd wave at all of the members)
(Then, all of the members of the warehouse group would turn their attention towards the shaking boy which lay in front of them)
(Suddenly, a huge, macho blader (noted by the launcher attached to a launcher strap, which was on his left leg) would walk towards Beau, his bright brown eyes locked on him as if he was staring into his soul)
???: So... Beau. Did you defeat Ayomi?
Beau: Oh- Yasami! (He scratched his hair) Well, I gotta say, I gave him a run-
Yasami: DID YOU DEFEAT HIM OR NOT?! (He yelled as steam would come out of his nose, with all the other people gathered inside the warehouse laughing and taunting at the poor green-haired nerd)
Beau: *sigh* Fine... I didn't... in fact- (He'd show him the shattered pieces of Roar Spriggan, with Giga, Yard Metal, and -3 being in an extremely torn and withered shape)
(All of the other members of the warehouse clan would be left in shock, gasping and whispering to each other)
Yasami: No... (He would punch his right leg) That darn brat... we can't keep losing against him... Alright, Beau. I've decided: You're gonna have to level up.
Beau: Wow-well, thats ok, because-
Yasami: Because first, you're gonna raid that brat's house and take the blueprints... if he has any... and bring it back to us. Then we'll make yourself a bey from that system, and finally... we'll defeat that boy! Got it?
Beau: What the- *sigh* Yes sir. (He'd reluctantly salute to Yasami, then he'd dash out of the door)
Yasami: Mhm. Now that he's gone, who wants to play Poker?
Everyone in Gang (except Beau): Yeah! (Then, they'd all line up at a nearby table, starting to play Poker)
(About 4 minutes later (Beau runs intensely fast due to the training he does), Beau reached Ayomi's house)
Beau: *huff* Ok, here goes nothing! (He'd pull out two suction cups, placed them on his hands, then started to climb up Ayomi's house, akin to a dollar store version of spiderman)
(Then, reaching the second floor, he would spot a window, inside was Ayomi's bedroom, with Ayomi sleeping in his bed, snoring like a dying lawnmower)
Beau: Ok... (He'd open the window) Get in and get out.
(He'd enter the bedroom, instantly spotting a table with a blueprint, and a black lamp on it)
Beau: There it is! (He'd rush over to the table, then he'd grab the blueprint and started to head towards the door)
(Suddenly, Ayomi would pick up the alarm clock from his nightstand)
Beau: Wait, what the-
Ayomi *asleep*: Go... Atlas... let it.... RIP!
(He'd throw his alarm clock extremely fast towards Beau's head)
Beau: AHHHHHH! (He'd open the window quickly, then he'd jump out of the window, not really dropping that far down)
(Ayomi's alarm clock would smash against the wall, breaking a hole in the wall)
(Suddenly, Chieko, Ayomi's older sister, would rush into the room)
Chieko: A-Ayomi? Is there anything wro-
(She'd glimpse at the sleeping Ayomi, then she'd glimpse at the alarm clock on the floor and the hole in the wall)
Chieko: *Sigh* Ayomi, wake up, would you? (She silently yelled)
(Ayomi would slowly wake up, locking eyes with Chieko)
Ayomi: Alright, alright, I'm up.
Chieko: Good. Now put on some clothes and come get breakfast while its hot.
Ayomi: *Yawn* Ok...
(Meanwhile, on the ground...)
Beau: Argh... (He'd scratch his head, which turned a bit red from his descent into the grassy hill) That was a close one... time to get these blueprints to Yasami! (He'd then run back to the warehouse base)
(At the warehouse, he'd open the door with the key once again)
(In the warehouse)
Beau: Alright everyone... I'm back- (He'd be paused by the mass amount of people who were playing cards)
(Then, everyone would stop playing Poker, including Yasami, who would come up to Beau)
Yasami: O-Oh, hello Beau! Did you acquire the blueprints?
Beau: Uh... *Anime sweatdrop* Yeah. (He'd hold the blueprints out towards Yasami)
Yasami: Great job! (He'd hold out a thumbs up as he'd take the blueprints) Now our plan can finally reach its climax! Robert, come over here please!
Robert: Y-Yes sir! (He'd come up from a chair, then he'd dash towards Yasami) May I be of assistance, sir? (He bowed)
Yasami: Yes... Actually, (He'd hand Robert the blueprints) Could you help make Beau a bey?
Robert: I-I'd be more than happy to, sir! C'mon, Beau! To the Bey Shop! (He'd then travel to the Bey Shop, which was located to the west of the Practicing Area)
Beau: Ok then... (He'd follow Robert)
(They'd reach the Bey Shop)
Robert: Alright, Beau... lets go!
Beau: Yeah!
(They'd go through a passageway, leading them to an extremely biomechanic room, with a table, a beystadium, and a 3D Printer)
Robert: So, you ready?
Beau: Totally!
Robert: Then lets do it!
(They'd sit at two chairs, in front of the brainstorming area, where tons of paper are neatly folded)
Robert: Alright... so what shall the template be?
Beau: Hmm... maybe something that represents the Pride Snakes (the gang which Yasami leads)... how about a right-spinning defense type with a gimmick that when its halfway to bursting... its blades spread out and widen! Like how if we lose a battle, we get back up again even stronger!
Robert: Interesting choice... would you like for me to draw-
Beau: No thanks, Robert, I got it! (He'd pull a pencil out of his jacket pockets, then started sketching a beyblade on a sheet of paper, following off the blueprints for the X-Warfare System)
Robert: Oh. Ok!
(10 minutes later)
Beau: Done! How does it look? (He'd show Robert the sketched beyblade)
Robert: Be-Beautiful! Nice work, Beau! Now, its time to get to work on this beyblade!
Beau: Alright then!
(They would transition to the 3D Printing station, then, following off of Beau's sketch, put on some goggles and began creating the new beyblade!)
(Finally, after a whopping 6 hours of working, the bey was finally complete!)
Robert *panting*: Alright... we pulled it off!
Beau: Yeah! About time!
Robert: Though... the real question is... what're you gonna name it?
Beau: Hmm... wait- *Gasps*
(At Beau's house... in America)
Maurice (Beau's Cousin): Yo, Beau? Have you heard of Basilisk?
Beau: N-No, but it sounds pretty cool. What is it?
Maurice: Well, legends say that its a snake who's gaze is so powerful, it can turn people into STONE!
Beau: W-Wow! Thats so awesome!
Maurice: I know, right? One day, I'm gonna try and find it and make it my pet!
Beau: Really? How?
Maurice: Well, a future explorer has his secrets!
Beau: Heh! I might try to find it one day, too!
Maurice: Tch! Not before I do!
Beau: We'll see!
(Flashback would end)
Beau (Thoughts): I've already found Basilisk.. its right here! (He'd glimpse at his beyblade)
Robert: Erm, Beau, are you ok?
Beau: Oh, yeah, I'm fine! In fact, I know the name of my new bey!
Robert: Alright then, what is it?
Beau: I'll call it... Reign Basilisk! (He'd hold the defense type bey up in the air as it shined in unison)
(Meanwhile, at the Bey Park, Ayomi and Harriet were training)
Ayomi: 197... 198... 199... 200! (He'd fall to the floor)
Harriet: Whoa, nice work, Ayomi! I could only do 10 pushups...
Ayomi: *sigh* Don't push it, Harriet...
Harriet: Oh, my bad. (She'd sit down at one of the benches) Well, what're you gonna do now? To be honest, every blader in the city is probably afraid of you...
Ayomi: Well, you aren't lying-
(Suddenly, Beau would approach the Bey Park, with Reign Basilisk in hand)
Harriet: Oh- its Beau!
Beau: Ayomi Osiri. I challenge you to a duel! (He'd hold out Reign Basilisk) My new bey, Reign Basilisk, shall defeat your Atlas!
Ayomi: Well, if it isn't Mr. Sherlock Holmes himself! Alright, Beau. I accept your challenge. But just because you have a new bey doesn't mean you'll win the fight! (He'd pull out his launcher as he would be engulfed in a fiery red aura)
Beau: Heh. We'll see about that!
(They'd line up at the stadium)
Harriet: (She'd line up at the stadium) Ok, inspect your opponent's beys!
(They'd give each other their beys)
Ayomi (Mind): Reign Basilisk. Looks like a defense type with a rough structure, and has about 8 blades going in a clockwise formation around the bey. It has a very round forge disc, and his performance tip looks a bit chunky and feels a bit heavy. I can't quite make out what anything else on this bey is, but me and Atlas will still win it!
Beau (Mind): Alright Beau. You've got this! Just gotta keep it calm!
Harriet: Ok then... first battle! Ready, and set!
Ayomi and Beau: Three! Two! One! Go...
(Ayomi's eyes would turn pitch black)
Ayomi and Beau: SHOOT!!
(They'd both pull off Xtreme Shoots, with Beau's being a whole lot stronger)
Ayomi: What the...
Beau: Take the center, Basilisk!
Ayomi: Not happening!
(Atlas would slam into Basilisk, doing absolutely nothing)
Ayomi: *Gasps* How in the-
Beau: Heh! Basilisk's 8 circular blades could laugh at your attacks all day! Is that all you got?
(Atlas would then hit the wall as Basilisk would take the center)
Ayomi: All part of my plan! Atlas, go for a Legacy Shoot! (He'd thrust his hand forward)
(Atlas would unleash an intense flurry of attacks, though it would do nothing as Basilisk would just completely block it)
Ayomi: Heh.
(However, each attack Atlas unleashed, Basilisk's lock would shift forward)
Ayomi: Alright then, Atlas! Go for a BURST!
(Atlas would pick up some intense speed spiralling around the stadium, then he'd gain a surge of speed as he'd ram into Basilisk)
Ayomi: Heh! Basilisk shall burst NOW!
(Instead of bursting, however, Basilisk's blades would just extend, revealing Basilisk's wider side)
Ayomi and Harriet: *Gasps* It didn't burst?!
Beau: Yeah, but now you will! BASILISK!
(Basilisk's avatar, a sublime green dragon with an orbed crown, purple eyes, and two sets of wings, would burst out from it's avatar, surrounded by a fiery green/purple aura)
Basilisk: HYAAAA!
(Basilisk's widened blades would push Atlas towards the wall, bursting it on impact with the wall)
Ayomi: *Gasps* Atlas... how...
Beau: No way....
Harriet: Uhm, Reign Basilisk with a burst finish! Beau Norway wins the match!
Ayomi: I... (He'd choke on his own words) Lost? (He'd fall to the ground in defeat, lost by how exactly he lost)
Harriet: Wow- nice job Beau! Not a lot of people actually win against Ayomi, and ever since I've been with him, nobody's won against him!
Beau: Thanks a ton! Now I already know Basilisk and I are gonna be good partners! (He'd look at his bey)
Harriet: No problem! Well, its getting a bit late, so I'll be heading home. Seeya?
Beau: Seeya, little girl. (He'd run off into the distance, and Harriet would do the same)
(A few minutes later, Ayomi would stand up from his position)
Ayomi: Atlas... what did I do wrong...?
(Atlas would faintly shine)
Ayomi: That darn Beau Norway... I'll defeat him soon! (He'd say, clutching Atlas in his hands as he'd run off towards his home)