First of all, I must sorry I can't put this huge thing in the spoiler because for some reasons, the code is not working for me.
Here it is: Hunter Ceruborg Type Fusion
Face: Ceruborg
The face depicts Cerberus - the three-headed dogs of the Underworld
It describe three dog heads surround the letter "C".
Chrome Wheel: Ceruborg
Chrome wheel depicts three dog heads. According to mythology, three heads are said to represent Past, Present, Future so I have design this way:
- The past is usually made flashbacks in our memory and also it is a place full of happiness but also a lot of tragic things so in a way, it is the dark side of one mind. That's why I color the past head yellow (represent the flashbacks) and black (dark side)
Past head design is also a little bit kind of like being ripped (with jagged edge). This is to represent the lost memory.
On the yellow, if you look carefully, you'll see the word PAST blended in the background. This is to imply that past is not the most important time of your life.
-Next, I want to introduce the Future head. You can see a big word " FUTURE" carved there. Please pay attention that even though the word is red, it is actually the color of crystal wheel. That means FUTURE is holes. I draw it as holes and gaps like that to emphasize that you don't know certain about your future. You may know this thing or that thing about your future, but in the end, you'll still end up don't know something, there is still a gap that is yet to be known.
The future head is colored vividly to represent a bright future, and that you should always look forward to a happy future, always feel positive.
- Finally is the present head. The word PRESENT is carved very small. It doesn't blend in like PAST or not to obvious like FUTURE either. So if i haven't told you this, I bet some of you guys would have miss the word Present too. So the reason I make Present so small is because I recognize that occasionally i forget that Present exists as I often look back to the past or just to always care for the future that at times I ignore Present completely.
You can also see that only the Present head is the most dog-lookalike. There is the little diamond like thing on the top of its head to commemorate the old Cerberus Bit Beast. It also wears shoulder armour ( the brown stuff) and the one that look the most perfect ( no gaps no holes, no jagged edge).That is because I want you all appreciate you present. I think that why it is named after a word that means " gift". THe head is also blowing blue hell fire. I made it orange reddish to give an impression of fire and war (blood) as if it was go hunting or on a battle field.
- I forgot to mention, from the pics, you 'll see three style of attack : Past is Smash, Present is Barrage and Future is Upper Attack.
-Then l have made it pretty clear the area is purple and pitch black with red eyes and smiling teeth. That depicts the evil spirit - the dark side inside each one of us- also to represent the monsters of tartarus, the souls of the Dead
- and finally, the Lock. This is, first to commemorate Cerubus Bit Beast design having a grey lock. It is also to resemble the lock of the gate to underworld, where only the key - Cerberous - may open it
Crystal wheel: Hunter
The CW consist of 4 weapons that every hunter uses
A knife/ dagger, An axe, a Net and an Arrow.
Then the Fusion Symbol (fused fire and dark)
Yes nothing is very interesting about the CW hah
Track: IS215 (Imprisoned Seal 215)
Upper Ring is Free Spinning and Has Metal on the edge
The Lower Ring is similar to C145 with upgraded claw.There is two mode: Release mode (the claw is extendable and Seal Mode the claw is unextendable)
The Seal Mode has chain design on top of it emphasizing the use of chain to seal away thing
Tip SBF(Spin Ball Flat)
The ball has Fe in it and I put a weak magnet inside it so the ball don't fall apart.
When it move, the ball roll for smother contact with the floor