I wouldn't omit the BD145MB and TH170CS sucking for defense thing, it's something that people need to know.
RDF still works fine with TH170, and MF-H Duo Cancer TH170RDF is a personal favourite of mine. It's just that CS doesn't work on TH170 because it's not strong enough defensively, and MB for the same reason on BD145. BD145RDF works fine, though it's stamina is pretty terrible.
I'm thinking we should change the stamina combination to MF-H Duo Cancer 230MB, seeing as it does better than basically any other duo stamina combination, and it shares most of its traits with them, though it is better defensively, there's no stamina tradeoff, only an improvement.
"That" refers to Defense, i.e. "To be effective for defense, duo combinations must focus more strongly on defense than weight-based defenders" eg, less on stamina.
I'll edit in the weight stuff in a minute. Though, I think given the fact the weight is mentioned at the start of the Duo section, it's not a major concern, given people can extrapolate from that.