~~~~~~ Duo Cancer 230TB ~~~~~~
Hey guys! Welcome to my 14th testing thread! I've had it in the back of my head to test this combo for months now, and I really like it now that I've put more time into it. I think it'll be an interesting idea to explore.
The concept:
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This custom is built for pure endurance. Duo, Cancer, 230, and TB are all top-tier Stamina type parts. I've mixed and matched a few very popular customs to come up with this!
This custom performs like any other Stamina type, except for one key difference. Obviously partially played off of the renowned MF-M Duo Aquario 230MB, this combo has the same ability to wobble on TB's ball-shaped edge, but to a much, much longer period of time and far later into the match than MF-M Duo Aquario 230MB ever could. This combo can wobble for an astounding period of time during the final few rotations of the match, as the opponent easily falls and scrapes to the ground.
Ability to wobble smoothly near the end of a match is not this custom's only strong point. It has unbelievable pure stamina on the side, and can out-spin many popular Stamina combos without even needing to implement its wobbling abilities. TB is, IMO, one of, if not the, highest endurance Bottoms we have in the current game. I love it on all types of Stamina setups, but on 230 it is simply unmatched from my experience.
The launch:
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A normal launch is all you really need for this custom, although against D-series tips, banking slightly can work quite a bit better. I would reccomend banking slightly against other 230 Stamina types. Not too deeply, or you'll through yourself off-balance.
Parts choice:
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Duo: Duo is simply one of the best wheels in the game. It has amazing stamina, incredibly low recoil, and an optimal center of gravity for this sort of thing. My choice of a Metal Wheel was not difficult in any way. Duo performed far better than Phantom or Genbull on this setup.
Cancer: Stamina. Pure, reliable Stamina. Cancer is probably the best Clear Wheel we have for Stamina-oriented beyblades currently. My choice was not difficult with this either.
230: Very impressive Stamina, perfect balance, and height. The reason this works better than SR200 for me is simply height. The combo can bear down on taller opponents more easily, and wobble at much steeper angles. 230 really brings out TB's performance to its best, IMO.
TB: TB is the bread and butter of this custom. The thing has unbelievable pure Stamina, incredibly clean Precession, and, unlike some D-series performance tips, is more stable against semi-aggressive customs.
Testing Videos:
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My Phantom is quite a bit better than my Duo when I put them up against each other, so I'm guessing Duo would probably do a bit better than this with a more effective mold. Hope this helps!
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Phantom vs. Duo testing:
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Duo Cancer W145WD vs. Phantom Cancer W145WD
Beys alternated launching first. Parts swapped after round 10.
Duo: wins, 8/20 (All OS)
Phantom: wins, 12/20 (All OS)
Duo Cancer W145WD win rate: 40%
As you can see, my Phantom is actually quite a bit better than my Duo. All Phantom's wins were noticeably cleaner than Duo's, and it managed to pull off a couple wins even when it was launched second. At such a disadvantage, it should be easy to see how effective this setup is if it can win against Phantom Stamina customs in the following testing.
Vs. Stamina:
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Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Duo Cancer 230D
Beys alternated launching first. Identical parts swapped after 10 rounds.
230TB: wins, 16/20 (All OS)
23D: wins, 4/20 (All OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 80%
The first ten rounds, Duo 230TB went 6/4. It was pretty clearly ahead, but not by too much. However, after the parts swap, Duo Cancer 230TB went to town. 10 clean wins in a row.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Phantom Cancer TH220D
Beys alternated launching first.
Duo: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Phantom: wins, 0/10
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 100%
Complete slaughter. This is what sold me in the first place. The pure endurance you can get out of this thing is pretty amazing when you see it first hand. TB's extreme ability to wobble for extended periods of time comes in in these match-ups. Just when you think both are about to topple over, TB starts wobbling smoothly and spins for a solid 20 seconds more as the opponent scrapes to the ground.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Phantom Cancer W145WD
Beys alternated launching first.
Duo: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Phantom: wins, 0/10
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 100%
Quite impressive. This custom solidly beats the Phantom stamina section of the tier list.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Genbull Genbull SR200TB
Beys alternated launching first. Bottoms switched after round 10.
Cancer: wins, 12/20 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 8/20 (All OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 60%
Ties redone: 1
For the first ten rounds, these combos were dead even. And I mean dead even, in every way. Each combo won when it was launched second, and the wins were by the same, extremely small number of rotations. After the Bottom switch Cancer seemed to squeak barely ahead, putting in a few extra rotations near the end to pull off an extra couple wins. I was thrilled with this! Very impressive results.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MSF-H Revizer Dragooon SA165EWD
Beys alternated launching first.
Cancer: wins, 0/10
Dragooon: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 0%
Ties redone: 1
Er... yah, uh, fail. 230 stamina vs. Dragooon = terrible win percentage.
Vs. Attack:
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Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang W145R2F
Cancer launched first on all lauches.
Cancer: wins, 0/10
Wyvang: wins, 10/10 (9 KO, 1 OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 0%
Wyvang's one OS was just crazy to watch. It flung Cancer around the stadium until it scraped to death from loss of spin velocity. This combo definitely doesn't work well against Synchrom Attack.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MF-H Flash Orion GB145R2F
Cancer launched first on all lauches.
Cancer: wins, 1/10 (1 OS)
Orion: wins, 9/10 (All KO)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 10%
This custom, like all Stamina types, pretty much utterly fails against Attack. :\
Vs. Defense:
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Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MSF-H Revizer Killerken BD145CS
Beys alternated launching first.
Cancer: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 100%
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MSF-H Revizer Killerken E230RSF
Beys alternated launching first.
Cancer: wins, 10/10 (All OS)
Killerken: wins, 0/10
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 100%
No surprise here. XD
Vs. Balance:
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Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Girago Genbull E230MB
Beys alternated launching first.
Cancer: wins, 17/20 (All OS)
Genbull: wins, 3/20 (All OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 85%
There's a special launch to use against 230 stamina for this Genbull combo, where you kind of lean it over to push the opposing custom off-balance. It worked a couple times, but TB wasn't quick to give in.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. Wyvang Wyvang BD145RSF
Cancer launched first on all launches.
Cancer: wins, 3/20 (All OS)
Wyvang: wins, 17/20 (16 KO, 1 OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 15%
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MF-L Phantom Cygnus 85MF (Attack mode)
Cancer launched first on all launches. Cygnus stalled.
Cancer: wins, 6/20 (All OS)
Cygnus: wins, 14/20 (All OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 30%
Eh, pretty decent. It didn't have quite enough pure Stamina to pull off a win, but then against, very few Stamina customs do.
Duo Cancer 230TB vs. MF-L Phantom Cygnus 85MF (Attack mode)
Cancer launched first on all launches. Cygnus banked.
Cancer: wins, 5/20 (All OS)
Cygnus: wins, 15/20 (13 KO, 2 OS)
Duo Cancer 230TB win rate: 25%
Not much different banking Cygnus. :\ Well, it's to be expected. As far as I know there aren't many competitive Stamina types that can take this thing on anyway. In fact, most Stamina types can't hit above 5-10%.
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Competitive Attackers (MSF-H Wyvang Wyvang W145R2F)
Dragooon Spin Equalizers (MSF-H Revizer Dragooon SA165EWD)
Overall, I totally love this thing! It puts up some very impressive numbers. I hope this'll change up the Stamina meta a little! Tell me what you think. Testing is encouraged!