Drahelix is born!

Poll: Do you want to hear more of the story?

Total: 100% 89 vote(s)
(Nov. 20, 2010  3:53 PM)Nwolf Wrote: well you copy the URL the bar at the top which you type the address in, and paste it in the change signature part...

i shall do that. do u like my character?
yea i do! also i've just came up with an attack including all the good guys beys! if i get enough people to post their characters, then i can post it!
(Nov. 20, 2010  3:58 PM)Nwolf Wrote: yea i do! also i've just came up with an attack including all the good guys beys! if i get enough people to post their characters, then i can post it!

cool! i have the url in my sig.
if you need any more characters feel free to ask
oh and maybe you should bump this once a day
bump! what does that do anyway? i still dont know... anyway the next part will be up soon...
it makes your thread go to the top of the forum making more people see it
(Nov. 21, 2010  8:22 PM)Nwolf Wrote: bump! what does that do anyway? i still dont know... anyway the next part will be up soon...
However, you cannot do it for this sort of topic. If people are interested then they will see it. Otherwise, only post if you want to comment on somebody's message, or if you updated this thread or story.
ok sorry for suggesting it
n wolf. you can use apollo for a beyblade if you want. i can also make more character and bey descriptions if you need. Joyful_2
yea i cant post this morning as i have a busy day at school and have no free periods...
hey nwolf when is the next ep
hi guys, i am just going to get changed, then i will post, got given another warning, now on 60% so sorry for not posting, but might double post if lucky!
right then...

"go shoot!" came the echo down the hallway from the training room, even Arix in the med-room could hear it...
he was unconsious still... "will he be okay?" asked Neta looking worried and pale faced.
"he should, i've done everything I can..." said Faust, the medic treating Arix, " my bey, Medic Knight H145WD, hope that our skills are enough...
" hey how is he!" shouted s200401150 as he barged in through the door, and Neta took him over to tell him...

Arix was caught in a nightmare, fighting towards the light... ' i'm fed up with this!' he thought and took out his bey and fired it towards the light. the bey flew at mach speed and warped the light until it formed the shape of drahelix, the ancient bit-beast spirit...

he woke up gasping for breath, and realized that there were people by his bedside... "it seems our healing did work!" exclaimed Faust, "how do you feel?"
"fine!" Arix found himself saying. " now then, who is coming to train with me, i have a surpise for you guys!"

"Right then, launch your beys now!" shouted arix.
"OKAY, 3,2,1 GO SHOOT!" said Faust, s200401150, wolf and xero.
"Now, s200401150 and wolf and xero launch your beys up in the air and crash them down sideways together!" so they did, the sound of grinding beystadium ringed in the air.
"now Faust, wolf and drahelix, use them to shoot yourselves up in the air and form a triangle with drahelix at the back and knight and fenrir at the front!"
the beys accelerated and smashed into the grinding beys, they fought for a while and then were lifted high into the air, shot into the triangle.
"knight, fenrir form into an hourglass shape on their sides, to shoot drahelix down!" so they spun in the air, and shot drahelic dow, smashing the entire stadium into shards!
" drahelix infinte mach!"
also, kai-v, do you like my story? because you're the only critic i trust! apart from people who have already posted, no offence intended!
kai-v said you cant bump it

but keep up the good work with the story
she said that you could if you updated the story! which i have done too, do you like the move?
the one were knight and fenrir formed into a hourglass shape

if so that was cool
yeah, i got the name of the medic after watching shaman king! yeah, you two do alot of teamwork! so do me and everyone else on the team... especially faust and xero...
well i cant wait for the next ep

just wondering is there going to be any upgrades or "evolving" of my characters bey any time soon?
you dont really have to answer that question
(Dec. 01, 2010  8:16 PM)Nwolf Wrote: yeah, i got the name of the medic after watching shaman king! yeah, you two do alot of teamwork! so do me and everyone else on the team... especially faust and xero...

nwolf, 3 things.
1: the story is awesome
2: when does my character come in?
3: ask me if you need more beys and characters

sorry for being noobish
don't worry kaekage898, he is in the next part early on, do you want to be good, or bad? thx for the comeback, i definitely will ask, and wolfblade, yes, they will all get upgrades, especially you and faust, possibly xero and s200401150 but not drahelix, as it just got a bit-beast spirit so it won't be upgraded...
ok thanks and if you need more characters you can ask me as well
i literally have nothing better to do than make characters up
then the person in the story meets me and my burn bull
What about my Shadow Corvus SF125RS and Divine Hydraes EG130MB? I posted some other too.
everybody, you're in the next part, you lot are a team that challenge us to a Beybattle! wraith you have both beys, and there is a little twist to the story...
also i envy you wraith, you are so popular!
next part!

clap, clap, clap. Clapping echoed around the training hall, and as Arix turned around a voice spoke out to him.
"very good! now, how do you think you'll do against us? 3,2,1 go shoot!" the voices cried and three shadows seperated themselves from the walls and fell to the ground in front of them. "my name is Itachi Kurugi and my bey is divine hydraes EG135MB!"
" and I'm kereku! my bey's unstoppable, meet Heavenly angelo HA90R!"
" my names kereku, and my bey, blizzard kabuto 230JB."

the 6 beyblades shot round the stadium chasing each other and then kabuto spun into the middle and a shield fizzled around it, protecting it from offending foes. "what!" exclaimed Arix "drahelix, orbital devistation!" Orbit drahelix's special metal wheel parts detached themselves from the main base and began to orbit it, and shot straight at kabuto, while knight and fenrir defended him from angelo and divine hydraes. Drahelix's parts became like thermal, except with little petrusions sticking out towards the other bey, and re-attached to drahelix's base. "NOW!" arix shouted at his bey, as it pierced kabutos massive shield and shot straight at kabutos spin track, and then a flash of white and blue light and drahelix was blocked by hydraes and angelo, and was pushed ever slightly backwards to the edge of the stadiums rim...

"ready guys, now drahelix, infinte mach!" Arix said to his team-mates, and their beys went into formation, and fenrir and s200401150's bey shot up in the air and came crashing down, knight, fenrir and drahelix shot into the two spinning beys and shot up in the air, knight and fenrir formed an hourglass shape and shot drahelix round and round, eventually smashing it down onto kabuto and the other players beys, a flash of white light shone through the room...

all of the beys flew out of the stadium and landed next to their shocked owners... "well, see-ya!" they said, picking up their beys and jumping off out of the open window they came through... "what just happened?" they said as they walked off...

"alert, alert! enemy attack, scanning beys..." came an automated voice as the sirens went off and the lights flashed red, "enemy beys scanned, proccesing... the enemies have the same beys as the millenium veloci type, coming from the same gang... confirmed amount of bladers are 100..."