Do you think the WBO should hold team tournaments?

Poll: Do you think we should have a WBO tournament with teams

Yes, there should be a tournament with teams
No, we should not have a tournament with teams
Total: 100% 634 vote(s)
they should make a huge ring to for a large amount of beys.
We should. I would love the rivalries.
I would be satisfied with just tag team tournaments though. More people get to play we could get cool team t-shirts too. Coasters I hope you are reading this.
when people say teamm battles like 4 on 4 they dont mean all 8 blades at once
Oops, my bad. Didnt see how old it was.

Anyways what I was thinking while reading this whole thing is that it'd be worth a shot and that if your all worried about teams maybe a place on WBO to make official team pages.
beybladestation is right i beat an entire team of 4 people alone they where very clumsy and unskilled wolborg9 out
Yeah, but instead of the whole teams beys in the arena at once, why not each team chose a person that battles first, then after they win/lose the second team member battles and so on to the next member. And I agree with cyber pegasis they need to make bigger arenas period.
do it like in Battle bladers, one after another
Yes there should be team tournaments It will be more fun
Yes. Actually would be fun.
Okay so alot of people have been saying yes we should now the only thing to do is ask Kie v if wear aloud
You really think she hasn't seen the thread yet?

It's Kai-V.
we still have to ask
that's what this thread is for.
This might be a Bad idea teams will use bragging rights and Ect. to show off to there opponents...
They should have them but not official tournaments, they should just be for fun. If these team tournaments were made official it would take a lot of time for the staff to organize an all new point system for the team battles.
(Jun. 20, 2011  6:59 AM)Resistance Wrote: They should have them but not official tournaments, they should just be for fun. If these team tournaments were made official it would take a lot of time for the staff to organize an all new point system for the team battles.

i asked all ready and if there is team tournaments there will be no bey point system cuz it would take to long time and alot of hard work but the team tournaments can still be offical
There's nothing stopping people from having "fun" tournaments.
team tournements would make things alot more competitive than they already are in addition ppl may use this website more to arrange meatings and contact each other
Are there any beyblade events in orlando? Or does the mega con sell beyblades and parts?
Team Tournaments??? YES!!!! yes yes yes yes!!! I love competing as teams, its the best and if the WBO would let us do that in professional tournaments that would be awesome!!! 5 star thread!!
I know the perfect team! Kai-V and Kei!!!

No, team tournaments would not be a good idea. It coutns more on luck than actual skill, plus, think of the peron buying the prizes. 2x prizes??? Also, them combination of Kai-V and Kei would murder the chances of anyone else winning! rofl.
(Jul. 14, 2011  5:20 PM)FlyingWaffle Wrote: I know the perfect team! Kai-V and Kei!!!

No, team tournaments would not be a good idea. It coutns more on luck than actual skill, plus, think of the peron buying the prizes. 2x prizes??? Also, them combination of Kai-V and Kei would murder the chances of anyone else winning! rofl.

Actually, this would be a case where one person drags the other to the top, hah.

At least at the moment ...
I like the idea. Maybe have it be Team V Team Elimination, The First people from each team play a 2/3 and the loser is eliminated and the next team member plays the previous winner. Did I explain that well?
a tounament with teams would take the wbo to a whole new level