Destabiliser Thread

(Jan. 09, 2011  5:59 AM)GigaBurn Wrote: i know but what if you don't have cancer

Bull works as a good replacement for cancer/gasher.
What stadium did you use?

Pegasus Thunder Whip...
couldn't eagle fireblaze and leone work
Earth wouldn't work at all since it is very smooth which is the opposite of what is needed.
No idea. No one has tested those clear wheels.
That would be good.
Will do it soon. Been kinda busy today.
(Jan. 09, 2011  11:45 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Will do it soon. Been kinda busy today.

No problem, I just wanted to make sure that these results eventually got up. I think they show that FS and SF are both excellent for destabilizing.
Virgo and Fireblaze clear wheels both show promise, and leone and eagle are ok. i have to double check aquario.

I need to test some more
Susanow would also be a good destabilizer CW wouldn't it, due to the two big curves up and the other two little rises where the SUSANOW is written.
(Jan. 09, 2011  5:20 AM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Dec. 30, 2010  11:21 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Dec. 16, 2010  3:22 AM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: i was testing my MFB dranzer combo (killer eagle t125 fs) and it beat earth bull 100 wd easily

i tested again with killer launched first and it was the same results
(Dec. 30, 2010  9:33 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: today i tested killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 145wd and

these are two of mine both done in the hasbro LF stadium
also just to clarify the first one is killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 100wd, and the secound one is killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 145wd

killer eagle won both

you can use this as it wins through destabilizing both 145 and 100 opponents

How does it destabilize the 100 combo? Does eagle push it down? And someone should test this in an attack stadium. Plus don't forget that it was 6-4 against a 145 combo, which is what it was supposed to be better at with destabilizing. This needs more testing with full criteria met before we can consider it. It has some potential, though.
(Jan. 10, 2011  1:26 AM)GaHooleone Wrote:
(Jan. 09, 2011  5:20 AM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Dec. 30, 2010  11:21 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote:
(Dec. 16, 2010  3:22 AM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: i was testing my MFB dranzer combo (killer eagle t125 fs) and it beat earth bull 100 wd easily

i tested again with killer launched first and it was the same results
(Dec. 30, 2010  9:33 PM)lord Wolfblade Wrote: today i tested killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 145wd and

these are two of mine both done in the hasbro LF stadium
also just to clarify the first one is killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 100wd, and the secound one is killer eagle t125fs vs earth bull 145wd

killer eagle won both

you can use this as it wins through destabilizing both 145 and 100 opponents

How does it destabilize the 100 combo? Does eagle push it down? And someone should test this in an attack stadium. Plus don't forget that it was 6-4 against a 145 combo, which is what it was supposed to be better at with destabilizing. This needs more testing with full criteria met before we can consider it. It has some potential, though.

(Dec. 16, 2010  9:48 AM)momiji manju Wrote: I believe it was foudn before that mid height (T125/D125) stamina types work effectively to destabilise both low (100) and 145 height stamina types.
thats what i was told, but yes testing in a TT attack stadium needs done...
Ye know, reading momji's quoted post, it made me think...
Since the release of 230, the game has changed so much, and now, as we're testing 100 height destabilizers, 230 will easily outspin 100 height destabilizers. I think that once again, ch120 Is the track of choice. Ch120 will Allow a sort of force smash/destabilizing effect against 100 and lower tracks + destabilize 145 height when ch120 is at 120 height, while at 145 height, it can destabilize 230 beys. I think it's a mistake testing 100 height destabilizers now that 230 is out.
Now, because of writing this, i have a request for nojo's thread. I'll write it there.
If you want to beat 230 and 100 track with a CH120/145, I've seen positive results with Flame Bull CH120B. Not really a destabilizer as much as a stamina type at 120 height against 100 tracks. However, at 145 Height it effectively destabilizes 230 tracks.
I think it's very possible that any destabiliser combo where the wheel touches the 230 of the other combo will get very good results. I see no reason why destabilisers couldn't work on 125 or CH120 tbh. Updated the potential parts list taking off stuff we know is good now and adding some clear wheels that people think could be good. I think it would be good if someone could test other heights like 105 since we know 100 is good.
How could a destabilizer beat Earth? The protruding bottom of earth makes it extremly difficult to hit the spin track.
If a destabilizer can hit the bottom of ANY Metal wheel, it will cause it to lose balance by using the slopes protruding from it's clear and metal wheel. Hitting the spin track does minimum damage, that's not what a destabilizer really does.
Destabilizers destabilise the metal wheel. It kinda seems like from the name that they would destabilise the track but they don't. This probably only happens for when facing a combo on 145 or 230 really. Also Destabilisers get very good results against earth defence combos.
could you add burn,flame,CS,bull and gemios? I've gotten good results with Burn/ Flame gemios/bull 90 CS.
MF Ray Cancer 85CS acheives a decent WR against MF-H Libra C145WB, either by KO or outspin. I switched CS halfway through because I have both an agressive and defensive CS. Tests were don a while ago, so I can't post accurate results. Can someone test aswell?

btw, Chipz is telling me what to write. As it stands, I don't have any MFB, but I ordered a Flame Byxis from AD recently Smile
Is it possible that you could redo the tests?
Could someone test flame virgo 100f vs. burn gemios df145ms. I dont have all the parts so i can't.
(Jan. 14, 2011  12:43 AM)DarkLight Wrote: Could someone test flame virgo 100f vs. burn gemios df145ms. I dont have all the parts so i can't.

This doesn't belong here...