(Jan. 19, 2011 5:16 AM)countdudoo Wrote: I am limited to a Lightning Force Stadium and a broken Japanese G-Rev stadium. Can someone test the Sagittario wheel for destabilizing?
I'll try this in a week or so when i'm home but I doubt it will do well. The wheels commonly used as used destabilisers wheel are stamina wheel with little recoil. Saggitario has lots of recoil but i'll see how it does.
xXKaiouyaXx: I think it does too. I remember some testing done where it got good results as a destabiliser. Wish I owned one.
Here's some things I want testing on:
Burn testing. It got pretty much exactly the same results as Flame does when I tested it.
More testing for WB since it gets very good results in Storm ____ 100WB.
Thermal testing. I think it has potential. Gonna have to rely on others for this since I don't own one.
Bakushin. Another one feel has a lot of potential cause it stamina tests it lost against Earth but won against Burn. It's possible that it destabilised burn and that's how it won. Same with thermal since I don't own one.