Deathscyther testing

Deathscyther Oval Accel vs. Kerbeus Heavy Defense
*Kerbeus launched first, all rounds
Deathscyther Oval Accel: 7 wins (5 BF, 2 KO)
Kerbeus Heavy Defense: 13 wins (4 BF, 9 SF)
6 draws (4 DBF, 2 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 35%
Average clicks lost per round:
Deathscyther: 2.2
Kerbeus: 1.95
Round by Round

Deathscyther Heavy Accel vs. Kerbeus Heavy Defense
*Kerbeus launched first, all rounds
Deathscyther Heavy Accel: 7 wins (3 BF, 4 SF)
Kerbeus Heavy Defense: 13 wins 10 BF, 3 SF)
9 draws (6 DBF, 3 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 35%
Average clicks lost per round:
Deathscyther: 2.7
Kerbeus: 1.65
Round by Round

So yeah, as everyone already knows, it doesn't seem to be very good at all on attack, against defense

Valkyrie Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Heavy Defense
*3 seperate tests* *Deathscyther launched first, all rounds
Valkyrie Heavy Accel: 28 wins (22 BF, 6 KO)
Deathscyther Heavy Defense: 32 wins (14 BF, 15 SF, 3 KO)
9 draws (14 DBF, 1 DSF, 1 DKO)
Deathscyther win percentage: 53%
Average clicks lost per round:
Valkyrie: 2.27
Deathscyther: 2.61
Round by Round

Spriggan Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Heavy Defense
*Deathscyther launched first, all rounds
Spriggan Heavy Accel: 8 wins (8 BF)
Deathscyther Heavy Defense: 10 wins (6 BF, 4 SF, 2 KO)
8 draws (7 DBF, 1 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 60%
Average clicks lost per round:
Spriggan: 2.35
Deathscyther: 2.5
Round by Round

It seemed to me like Deathscyther was awesome on the first two Valkyrie tests, better than Kerbeous easily, at least on the defense driver. Then in the last test, it was the end of the night and my attack shots were really on point and Valkyrie smoked it. I don't really know for sure now. It is hard to say which one is definitely better, but so far I would lean towards Deathscyther since my last Kerbeus HD tests had Kerbeus winning under 50% against Valkyrie, but we would need more testing from more people to say for sure. I would definitely say that it is better against Spriggan from what I have seen so far. I do think that it will be better on the other drivers than Kerbeus, especially Survive and Fusion. I will do those tests next. I have only done Accel so far:

Valkyrie Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Heavy Accel
*Valkyrie launched first on odd rounds, Deathscyther launched first on even rounds
*Parts swapped after 10 rounds
Valkyrie Heavy Accel: 10 wins (9 BF, 1 SF)
Deathscyther Heavy Accel: 10 wins (1BF, 9 SF)
5 draws (4 DBF, 1 DSF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 50%
Average clicks lost per round:
Valkyrie: 1.15
Deathscyther: 2.65
Round by Round

Dead even. Not much of a result, except to say that it can hold its own, I haven't done any Kerbeus HA tests to compare it with, so I don't know. Finally, this is a test requested by @[Hato]

Valkyrie Heavy Accel vs. Deathscyther Central Defense
*Deathscyther launched first, all rounds
Valkyrie Heavy Accel: 10 wins (8 BF, 2 KO)
Deathscyther Central Defense: 10 wins (5 BF, 5 SF)
6 draws (All DBF)
Deathscyther win percentage: 50%
Average clicks lost per round:
Valkyrie: 2.1
Deathscyther: 2.75
Round by Round

Seems pretty good, especially if you can avoid bursting, but doesn't seem to hold up as good as heavy

Feel free to post your observations, thoughts, suggestions for other tests, etc. Or if any of you who have a Deathscyther would like to do some tests of your own for comparison that would be awesome.
can you compare spin time of ragnaruk heavy survive vs deathsyther oval survive vs sprigen spread fusion
I'm definitely getting Deathscyther. Thanks for the tests! Does oval look like it has any potential?
Thanks for these tests!

Exciting to see we have something that seems to be better than Kerbeus for Defense. People were worried about Kerbeus after my initial testings, but after playing in the Toronto tournament I felt like something a little stronger than Kerbeus was needed for Defense at a highly competitive level, at least. From what @[Bey Brad] has been saying so far though, it seems like Deathscyther is also the best Stamina ... which is a problem.

I'll try to get some of my own tests posted eventually since mine just came in today.
(Aug. 15, 2015  3:59 AM)ZachBob Wrote: I'm definitely getting Deathscyther. Thanks for the tests! Does oval look like it has any potential?
I don't think so, if it does, I haven't found it

(Aug. 15, 2015  4:01 AM)Kei Wrote: Thanks for these tests!

Exciting to see we have something that seems to be better than Kerbeus for Defense. People were worried about Kerbeus after my initial testings, but after playing in the Toronto tournament I felt like something a little stronger than Kerbeus was needed for Defense at a highly competitive level, at least. From what @[Bey Brad] has been saying so far though, it seems like Deathscyther is also the best Stamina ... which is a problem.

I'll try to get some of my own tests posted eventually since mine just came in today.

Yeah, it might turn out to be a bit OP for now, but oh well, hopefully more attack types balance it out. It does seem very burstable still when you get a good attack shot, so that is a good thing. Awesome, can't wait to see your tests. I want something to compare mine to
Thanks! I am glad to see Deathscyther having some use, I'm actually surprised it's good for defense or stamina being that the shape and the solid part of the layer makes me think otherwise when compared to Kerbeus.
Well I personally knew Deathscyther would not be good for attack because of the rounded edges it has on the layer, as I predicted it acts like a left spin burn wheel, where it has some smash potential, but it is too rounded to actually do major damage. I did not however expect it to be the new Kerbeous haha, really excited to launch Valkyrie full power at this new Defense power house haha. I wonder if at the next burst tourney it will be the new "go to" combination, or if people will still go for variations, hopefully it does not break the meta for the time being.

Just a side note, but could you possibly do Kerbeous Heavy Defense vs Deathscyther Heavy Defense, just to see if it is actually superior to Kerbeous?

P.S. I will surely do tests, I just need that tiny bit more money to get that extra Valkyrie (DX set, since i "lost" mine), I'll be working this Monday, so hopefully i will have enough by then to buy Deathscyther. (I'm buying two of Valk booster and Deathscyther, which is why i do not have enough yet lol).
Curious to see how it puts up with Kerbeus Heavy Defense. Can you do KHD vs Deathscyther Central/Spread Survive?

Thanks for the tests!
Yeah here's hoping that they come up with a superior attack type with teeth that don't wear as bad. I have a worn Valk, a good Valk that seems to be just starting to show a tiny bit of wear and another on it's way. Getting too expensive

Sure, I can probably do something like that. Up next is Death HS and HF against Valk though
(Aug. 15, 2015  4:28 AM)Zoroaste Wrote: I have a worn Valk, a good Valk that seems to be just starting to show a tiny bit of wear and another on it's way. Getting too expensive

OMG, I hate that because I play beyblade daily! My beyblade burst collection is going to be like 90% worn! I will most likely have to have a for fun collection, and a competitive collection... Which will be as expensive as HMS beyblades right now.

Side note, I might glue some of the really worn down ones for some awesome crazy hit battles Eee
Yeah I was saving a whole set of layers minus valkyrie but then busted them out for deathscyther testing. Yup, definitely need ones especially for tournaments. Random booster commons will be good for something. Too bad there is only one valkyrie. Look at the number one dude. Looks like he uses fresh parts every tourney. I find the best worn fight so far is Spriggan vs Kerbeus. I have launched those two probably close to 1000 times. Lol
Great job. So it's a good defense layer but not so much for attack. Good to know. Can you do some oval testing. I know Beyblad has some spin stone with and without it but I would like to see some real stats.

And random boosters will be nice. I can keep those in my case for competitive play. (I found two bladers in Colorado that are in my class. Maybe I can bump that number up and get a tourney going. ) I'm glad there are so many valkryies so that I can buy a few and not feel like im buying multiple of the same bey which is something I don't really like to do. But right now we have at least three,then one from the random booster, then the rare silver Valkryie.

Thanks for the testing. Great job.
Well I did that oval offense test. I think I did a defense one too. I will post that as well. I just don't want to waste too much tooth wear on it because it really seems pretty bad
I Dunno, but my bursts aren't wearing and they suffer beatdowns by wolborg 4 and most of my metal fights! Funnier: I USE THEM EVERY DAY!
Could you potentially do benchmarks against Kerberus Heavy Defense using the attack combos? Also thanks for the testing cool to see someone is already trying out Deathscyther. I'm actually hoping this is good for defense seeing as I found Kerberus Heavy Defense very underwhelming. Valkyrie ____ Accel just destroyed it every time I saw that match up.
(Aug. 15, 2015  4:10 PM)Zoroaste Wrote: I did. They are right here.
Oh thanks man. I really should've looked around to see if you had any other tests my bad. So Deathscyther does seem a bit better. Now I'm actually quite interested to see how it will fair in a tournament and how it will affect the meta as a whole seeing that it does help the defensive category a bit. Maybe Stamina will get some type of boost soon so we have a more balanced meta.
Not an attempt at discrediting Zoroaste's tests, but you shouldn't put too much stock into one user's tests. These results need to be tested and verified by others in the community.
Agreed. Especially when, on my last test of the big 60 round one, I all of a sudden started owning it with Valkyrie.
Some quick and dirty Stamina tests:

Equipment/Notes (Click to View)

Deathscyther Heavy Survive vs. Kerbeus Heavy Survive
Deathscyther Heavy Survive: 14 Wins (14 SF)
Kerbeus Heavy Survive: 6 Wins (3 BF, 3 SF)
Deathscyther Win Percentage: 70%
2 Draws (2 DBF)

Deathscyther Heavy Survive vs. Kerbeus Heavy Defense
Deathscyther Heavy Survive: 8 Wins (8 SF)
Kerbeus Heavy Defense: 2 Wins (1 BF, 1 SF)
Deathscyther Win Percentage: 80%

Deathscyther is clearly the best Stamina Layer now. I did a ton of informal testing with Deathscyther Heavy Defense vs. Attack and it was pretty decent and certainly usable, but I'm getting the feeling that Kerbeus Heavy Defense is just a little bit better for defensive purposes because of the recoil those four points on Deathscyther can create. This is great though because it divides Stamina and Defense a little bit more clearly; initially, the line between the two in Burst so far was blurred.
nice test. I know what is my next purchase to test with hah!
Nice, thanks for the tests. Good call on comparing them both directly.
My first official tests ever:


Deathscyther Spread Survive Vs. Spriggan Heavy Accel

DsS: 13 wins (5 BF) (8 SF)
ShA: 7 wins (5 BF) (2 KO)
2 ties (DBF)

Round for round:

Deathscyther win percentage: 65%

Deathscyther Spread Defense
Vs. Spriggan Heavy Accel

DsD: 8 wins (7 SF, 1 BF)
ShA: 12 wins (6 KO, 6 BF)
1 Tie (DBF)

Round for round:

Deathscyther win percentage: 40%

I think that Deathscyther Spread/Heavy Survive is probably the most competitive combo in burst so far. I don't have a decent Valkyrie to test against it tho, so i'm not really sure at this point. But I know that Deathscyther Spread Survive out-spins all of my best combos.

I was actually pretty surprised to see the defense driver do so poorly for defense and burst defense compared to survive. However, Deathscyther's layer seems to resist bursting pretty well overall, I think. I have just been on point with my attack types lately.

I hope these are helpful, please let me know if I did anything wrong.