[Chicago, IL, USA] The Renegades (4 slots open!)

True. Duh. See? One of the effects of autopilot mode for my brain. I don't think hard.
ATTENTION: outnumbered and I would appreciate it very much for you to go to this thread (http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Illinois...pid1108107) because we are trying to get a qualifier together for the beyrevolution! Reply soon! If we get enough people we could have a qualifier! See beyrev thread 2nd-3rd posts.
(Jul. 02, 2012  2:45 PM)kaihiwatari5673 Wrote: i want to join your team. my best bey is earth virgo, flame byxis, dark bull, legend inferno sagittario. i have been blading for 1 year and a half now. i have mostly attack and balance types, 4 stamina, and 2 defense. i am 11. turning 12 in september.

I m goin 12 in november.Live in India .Wink
Can you not read? This team is for Illinois only...
I would like to join your team. I am 11 years old, my best beyblades are Diablo Herculeo 85FB?(The question mark is for the Bottom), Gargole Ifraid SA165GCF/WSF,Gryph Girago WA130HF, and Saramanda Balro DF145SWD, I have a little bit of every type of blade, but I particularly like Attack and Balance Grin, I have been blading for 2 years and... I'm going to the Revolution! Grin If you're going there, good luck!
You live in or near Chicago, right?
We are processing your application. Thank you. We will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime....go here. You could win travel expenses for your trip if we get this together!!

I'm already going to the Michigan Qualifier, but I can go! but, be prepared >Grin also really, be prepared, you need Zero-G Stadiums.
Ok, sorry for the long wait, but if you still want to join, you're in!
Yes! Hey, I got first place in the qualifier against Yuko, he is a tough competitor.
I got 1st u got 3rd in the qualifiers.
LOL yeah I meant third
That's awesome! Great job both of you! Glad we have you on the team shining god ms!
Just want to say a few things.
1. Our alliance request with Leone19s Team New England Bey Blazers has been accepted.
2. Heads up to all members: We will start trying to plan a team meeting that will take place maybe in two weeks. I have finals this coming week on Friday, and the week after that, then I'm done with school. So we will discuss, over pms, possible meet up dates and such. The meet ups will take place at Oak Park, Niles regardless of the date, time, etc.
3. We would like to have more people join, as we will have a tag team tournament at our meet up. This does not mean we will cut anyone slack, as it has hopefully been established that, especially as of recently, we do not let just anyone in. So if you have a friend who is a skilled blader, encourage them to apply. However, please do not get upset at us if we deny their application.
Thank you.
What have i missed? (I wasn't on for at least a solid month. OOPS.)
The post above yours pretty much explains everything. We will also have a plastics and hms division.
Age:9 (almost 10)
Umm...Cyclone Herculeo, Hyper Orso (x2) vulcan horuseus, meteo l-drago (x2) Grand Cetus, Gravity Destroyer, some Zero-G beys, Inferno Byxis, Forbidden Ionis, Thermal Lacerta (x2),Thunder Leone...Gosh, that's all i remember.
How long: Several Years
Skill level: somewhere between Beginner-Intermediate.
Note:please inform me if I need to attend a meeting
Well, if you can, tell us the rest of your beyblades, because those aren't very good.
You're from or near Chicago right?
(Jun. 09, 2013  11:23 PM)Ultramarine Wrote: Well, if you can, tell us the rest of your beyblades, because those aren't very good.
You're from or near Chicago right?
I'm From Berwyn (1/2 or 1 hr depending on who drives me), and I also have: Hades Gil/Kerbecs, twisted Befall/Tempo, Kreis Cygnus and...umm...I forget. (slightly bad memory xd).
Ok, we're considering your application now.
Yay! You know, that's awesome. By the way, I can set you up with a website, because Dad designs them. Here's his link: www.frixil.com
We have a website already, but we don't really need one anyway.
Thanks for the offer though.