Awesome! Cant wait for this! Also nice name deikailo!
If you can bring friends, do it! Let's make this community a success.

JEASUS I JUST GOT 100 Bucks Today ima take 60 out for tournament

Tournament for North Carolina is up. Not official yet, but it will be...

Tournament for North Carolina is up. Not official yet, but it will be...
I'm coming I will destroy all of you.

i don't think you can... lol joking!
Wow i think our Team will be a Monster :> to Take All Points From VA Bladers xD
What age range are we looking at here?
Just a heads up, despite the fact that I've never competed before, I just want you all to know that I will still be a threat. Really looking forward to this competition.
We don't go easy and we never underestimate our opponents either.
You should look into going to the North Carolina tournament the next day with us, too.
You should look into going to the North Carolina tournament the next day with us, too.
I can"t wait
It's going to north carolina. Should go there
if I get enough people there, I'll keep going south.

Do I need A beypointer to go, Or Can I just go for fun?
Nope, no beypointer. You just have to pay the fee and we record your score online. If you look below my avatar, you see my "beyrank", which keeps track of my wins/loss. Right now, I'm ranked #93 worldwide.
Ok, I'll probably be there.
Probably or definitely? I don't include maybes.
I'm going and Kaylaomaru might come with me too. And in the PM it said the format would be Double Elimination, what does that mean?
The PM was back when I thought I could get 30 people to come. It will be some form of round robin for now.
What is round robin