Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread

Poll: Do you want it to be coverted to a TCG (english)

I dont care
This looks nice
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Read V-Mundi. Everything you need to know about the game and have an easier time playing.
Can anyone help me to decide which deck I should make? Either Pale Moon or A hybrid deck using Nubatamas and Kagero. The hybrid deck is cheaper and I can get it right now,but for pale moon I have to wait for 07 to come out in september and I heard it was a luck based deck. But I really like the effects and artwork for pale moon.
Iv been in 5 cardfights so far and one all 5 only because I'm extremely lucky and always get the cards i need and triggers. The other day I used my dragonic overlords counter blast supported by baht for good measure (sense he got a damage trigger) and managed to draw to triggers to swing at him with 34000 power and 2 damage
If I bought cards at target, can I be sure they're not fake?
(Aug. 04, 2012  8:09 PM)Beyniac Wrote: If I bought cards at target, can I be sure they're not fake?
If they're from a trial deck, they're most likely not fake. If they're from a booster pack, they're most likely not fake. If they're from Target, then I'm pretty sure they're not fake.
(Aug. 04, 2012  8:09 PM)Beyniac Wrote: If I bought cards at target, can I be sure they're not fake?

Did they come in a blister pack?
Blister pack? I'm dumb. I don't know what that is...they came in a booster pack with 5 cards. I saw one typo in one of the cards so I got kinda worried.
It's turboraizer. There is supposed to be a space between two words but there isn't.
(Aug. 05, 2012  4:07 AM)Beyniac Wrote: It's turboraizer. There is supposed to be a space between two words but there isn't.
Try actually looking up the card before you automatically assume there is a typo, because there is not one.
It's name is Turboraizer, there is no typo, and they are not fakes.
Have a nice day.
(Aug. 05, 2012  4:08 AM)Beyblade mau5 Wrote: It's probably fine I don't think target would sell fakes
Because they don't.

Yah in the description. I dont think rightfrom is a word. Correct me if im wrong.
You really don't understand.
It's part of the card..did you think Hitsugiya was showing you a fake..?
Woah, I thought Vangaurd players call Genocide/Brutal Jack Genocide Jack as a joke, because you need to take damage and counterblast for it to lose its restraint. I literally just learned that Brutal is the dubbed/Hasbro'd name of Genocide Jack.
Bushiroad isn't the best when it comes to English, believe me. There are so many typos in these cards, such as Gattling-Claw Dragon (no, Gattling is not a word, it's Gatling). If you get a space in yours, it's probably a misprint or whatever it's called.
Also the box art for most trial decks is ugly as hell. Y U NO EVEN TRY BUSHIROAD?
Well, considering the original Japanese Trial Deck boxes were little more than plastic blister packs with a cardboard back, the English release boxes aren't all that bad. I actually kinda like that they're not all covered in super-flashy artwork, as it makes the foil card in the window stand out just a little bit more.
Actually that's a pretty good point. I hadn't thought of that. Smile
(Aug. 06, 2012  7:53 PM)Lucky-kun Wrote: Well, considering the original Japanese Trial Deck boxes were little more than plastic blister packs with a cardboard back, the English release boxes aren't all that bad. I actually kinda like that they're not all covered in super-flashy artwork, as it makes the foil card in the window stand out just a little bit more.

well that plus the english boxes arn't anoyingly painful to open like the jap ones are.

finally close to completing my royal paladin budget deck, just got the null guards and maybe a few akene to complete it. if anybody knows any good deals on 2 flash sheilds please pm me.
Arent the English boxes just the official Vanguard cards for English speakers in Singapore?
Pretty much, which is why the English itself is kinda bad. Singapore gets first dibs on English Vanguard cards because Bushiroad has its English office there. Other English countries such as US and England get it later.
(Aug. 08, 2012  3:05 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: Singapore gets first dibs on English Vanguard cards because Bushiroad has its English office there. Other English countries such as US and England get it later.

The delay is only by a week though.
feel like i should post this:
show me a vid with more "Vanguard Luck" than this and i shall reward you, but honestly, you can't get more "Vanguard Luck" out of anyone more than these 2, everytime we battle stuff like this happens, except that this one was expecaly extravagent.