Capsule Toys ...

(Apr. 07, 2009  11:24 AM)hamix Wrote: Maybe they will come with extra barts compatible with the hybird system like the gyro was to the plastic.

barts? Chocked
maybe they are trying to make a chain just like the facehunters. kids will probably like to wear these.
I wonder if you can spin the Capsule Blades with the holder on. If they mini laucher attaches to the top then I guess you can. That's a bit more extra weight. And it looks like an old school WD. ^^;
Since we are talking about it, do you think someone could be commissioned to make the stuff from Ginga's belt? I would buy that.
(Apr. 08, 2009  4:17 AM)fragbait Wrote: Since we are talking about it, do you think someone could be commissioned to make the stuff from Ginga's belt? I would buy that.

Depends if you find a skilled craftsman who will; will cost you a pretty penny though.

The two feasible options are (1) Wait for a Takara release (presuming there is one) or (2) if capable attempt to Build it yourself (everything but the grip holster; that carp looks ridiculously complex). Check out your local hardware store etc. You never know what you can find until you look.
I think Takara will release them, but a homemade one is just so much cooler in my opinion. Plus, in the opening, you get a good look as to what is actually on his belt.
Since this is mostly ridiculous, I do not think it deserves its own thread ...

[Image: MFB_Tube.jpg]

1,299 Yen

The inner circumference is of 54.2 centimetres.

On Toys 'R' Us Japan.
I want that.

That needs to be a prize at BWR. :V
(Apr. 10, 2009  12:51 AM)Crimson Wrote: That needs to be a prize at BWR. :V

i may actually do this
54.2 cm ... i may be able to squeeze into it
I'm wonder if little kids will put this on and pretend they are life-size Beyblades

(Apr. 10, 2009  1:10 AM)Kei Wrote: I'm wonder if little kids will put this on and pretend they are life-size Beyblades



i've always wanted to cosplay as a beyblade
That is quite amazing...

I really don't know what to say, except this will probably be very popular with the Japanese kids, I can sense it.

But thanks Kai-V for posting this, it brightened my day. Smile
kai-v i pm you please respond i sent it 2 days ago
(if you're not kai-v ignore this post)
(Apr. 10, 2009  1:36 AM)blader9 Wrote: kai-v i pm you go check
About Daidouji, days ago ?

When replying, an error came up saying you had turned off private message receipt or something. Useful.

And this is absolutely not the place to write this. I am not a capsule toy, nor are you or Daidouji.
(Apr. 10, 2009  1:41 AM)Kai-V Wrote: About Daidouji, days ago ?

When replying, an error came up saying you had turned off private message receipt or something. Useful.

And this is absolutely not the place to write this. I am not a capsule toy, nor are you or Daidouji.

sorry just got desprate
just post the anwser in the ask a question thread if you want
(i want to be a capsule toy)
(Apr. 10, 2009  1:41 AM)Kai-V Wrote: I am not a capsule toy, nor are you or Daidouji.

(Apr. 10, 2009  1:43 AM)blader9 Wrote: (i want to be a capsule toy)

Ahahaha, I was going to delete these posts
Looks like MFB is doing a good job.
Not to sure if I will buy this stuff tho.. that Stardust Pegasis then? Or just Storm? I can't remember what they have and haven't released capsule-wise. Maybe it's Storm Pegasis and the red unknown blade is Dark Wolf or something? I dunno, I'm tired....
(Jun. 05, 2009  4:51 PM)Rocky Wrote: that Stardust Pegasis then? Or just Storm? I can't remember what they have and haven't released capsule-wise. Maybe it's Storm Pegasis and the red unknown blade is Dark Wolf or something? I dunno, I'm tired....
Oh, in the first picture, there is : Storm Pegasis, an unknown Lightning L Drago, Wind Aquario, Dark Bull, and an unknown Clay Aries.

In the second scan, the beyblades are basically Storm Pegasis, Rock Leone, Mad Cancer, Dark Wolf and Flame Sagittario.
I don't think the hand-spun tops will make many sales...:\