[Buying]  [Buying] Various Plastic Beyblades

Hello! As of right now, I'm currently looking to buy the following. So, if you have any of the following for sale, please feel free to post below and PM me!

- Dragoon V2
- Draciel V2 (Just to have, lol)
- Dranzer V2

Y'know what, why not list some HMS that I'll probably never ever afford...

- Dragoon MS
- Jiraiya MS
- Death Gargoyle MS
- Wolborg MS
- Just about any other non Driger/Draciel/Gaia Dragoon HMS blade, hah

Hopefully I can get good deals out of all these Wink

So yeah, I'd prefer to buy this in any condition (used, mint, NIB) as long as they're not heavily used. PM me all offers!
toynk.com has great MF-H packs for like 5 bucks. check them out.
(Aug. 21, 2011  3:37 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: toynk.com has great MF-H packs for like 5 bucks. check them out.
That's what I was thinking... I'll check them out later today Smile
i have affordable prices on plastics most are $10 check my thread and shoot me a PM with what you want
Same. I've got lots of cheap beys.
Also, I am looking for a new BeyLauncher L/R, if possibly. PM me offers.
I think I'll bump this... I'm gonna hold off on the MFB parts, though, I'm getting a couple RBV7s soon and I'm hoping I get some of those parts (except Basalt, of course...)
So, yeah...
Name a price you'd prefer for BeyLauncher LR.
(Aug. 29, 2011  12:30 AM)BeyBladestation Wrote: Name a price you'd prefer for BeyLauncher LR.

You're supposed to PM him offers.
I know that, and I did just that second.

Hmm.. Sending a PM on an MF-H Pack with cool tool.
I'd just like to say, I'm not looking for anymore offers on ANYTHING for now. I just spent all my money on a plastic bey, so I'll have no money to pay you.
I thought it was time to edit this, so...
EDIT: Also, I DO NOT want full beys, just the parts in my OP.
Soldier-F3AR should have a Fang MW.
Could you be more specific like what plastic beys you want, like from which series.. (G, V, GT etc. You get the idea right)..It's just because the price tends to differ a lot depending upon each plastic beyblade. Grin
(Sep. 27, 2011  3:33 AM)Dragoonrocks Wrote: Could you be more specific like what plastic beys you want, like from which series.. (G, V, GT etc. You get the idea right)..It's just because the price tends to differ a lot depending upon each plastic beyblade. Grin
I said 'CHEAP' so it doesn't matter what kind I get, but as long as they're for a pretty nice price, I may buy. Pretty much anything except HMS...
Also, do not direct me to eBay auctions. I have reasons...
Bump! Major update! Read the OP for things I am interested in buying! Wink
I have 1x Wide Defense and 1x R2F for sale right now!
PM me if you're interested in buying my stuff Smile
(Jan. 21, 2012  1:03 AM)Galaxy Wrote: I have 1x Wide Defense and 1x R2F for sale right now!
PM me if you're interested in buying my stuff Smile
Replied! Grin
Updated with what I have bought/what I have offered on. Whatever is not stricken through, I would still like to receive offers. PM me.
Pm sent for 85 + RF.