"Build me a combo!" #2

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(Aug. 29, 2011  5:31 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: What the heck.Apparently,you have been living in a rock.I might say you are right on switching WD to D.But SW145?LOL.Where on Earth did you hear that?BD145 is a top tier part.SW145 is not and will never be.

Is BD145 Top tier with Gravity?? I didn't think so!
BD145 Ruins Gravity's smash unless BD145 is Used With MF I said SW145 because he didn't have R145!
Does SW145 actually help with Gravity's smash?SW145 is SW145,and not R145.Anyway,a better option is 100.I hate to fight with you.
Shadow Scythe:-You don't really have much combos for defence.
VariAres BD145RF
Gravity Perseus ATK R145RF
Meteo L-Drago CH120XF
Beat Lynx CH120R2F
MF-HHell Kerbecs DGrin(WB)
MF-HBasalt Kerbecs DGrin(WB)

Wouldn't these be better:
MF-H VariAres CH120RF
MF-H Beat Lynx 85RF
MF-H Gravity Perseus ATK BD145MF
MF-H Lightning L-Drago BD145RF
MF-H Meteo L-Drago CH120XF

Basalt Aquario TH170D/MF
Hell Kerbecs BD145D
Basalt Lynx D : D
Too much MF-H isn't good for your health(Get it?)Basalt Lynx ain't that good.Other than that,all are very good.
(Aug. 29, 2011  5:51 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: Does SW145 actually help with Gravity's smash.Anyway,a better option is 100.I hate to fight with you.
Shadow Scythe:-You don't really have much combos for defence.
VariAres BD145RF
Gravity Perseus ATK R145RF
Meteo L-Drago CH120XF
Beat Lynx CH120R2F
Hell Kerbecs BD145 DGrin(WB)
Basalt Kerbecs BD145DGrin(WB)

you're kidding me right?

Shadow scythe use MF Hell Kerbecs BD145D
OR Basalt Kerbecs TH170D
Sigh.Since when did D became a top tier?As far as I know,WB is once a top tier .You should stop attacking me.Yeah,I know,you are a MR.Know-It-All.
(Aug. 29, 2011  6:03 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: Sigh.Since when did D became a top tier?As far as I know,WB is once a top tier

OMG you can't use BD145 with DGrin because DGrin is a track + BOTTOM!
and you havn't been reading the D theory thread have you?
D has more stamina than D and when D is used right it Is superior to WB
Oh,that was a typo.He meant defense,and not stamina.MR.Know-It-all,yes,apparently,you are too smart.
(Aug. 29, 2011  6:10 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: Oh,that was a typo.He meant defense,and not stamina.MR.Know-It-all,yes,apparently,you are too smart.

yes I do mean that D is better for defense rather than WB..
LOL you don't have to be mean dude haha I'm just trying to be informative Smug
hi I need a good cambo the beyblades that i have are
earth egagle [no track]
earth virgo
storm and rock aquario
rock pagssus
storm pagasus
galaxy pegasus
rock leone
conter leone
rock aries
tourch aries
rock orso
ray striker
linghting l drago
thermal lacerta
thermal pisces
poison serpent
burn fireblaze
dark bull
rock scorpio
flame sagittario
dark wolf
dark gasher
evil gemios
storm capacorn
midnight bull
fury capacorn
cyber pagssus
all habro ok need reply by september 10
ATK:-Lightning L-Drago 100RF
DEFEeearth Bull GB145WB(Hasbro's CS are apparently too aggressive,so I used this instead)
STAEeearth Aquario 100WD
Know any good combos that can beat an MF beyblade without using another MF?
Lightning Ldrago, rock leon, flame sagetario, thermal lacerta, Drack libra, build me a combo now :-)
I am new to beyblading and I really want a strong beyblade for comps and to beat my cousin. Could you please build me a combo from my parts. Thanks.

My parts
Fusion wheels
T125 (Pisces spin track)
Sw145 (poison serpent track)
Energy rings
Ldrago ( lightning)
Meteo ldrago assault
Galaxy Pegasus
Basalt horogium and he'll kerbecs ( full beys complete)
You have l-drago, but not lightning? If you do,then :

attack: Lightning L-Drago BD145 HF. Get storm pegasis or the reshuffle set to change the tip to RF or to LRF

If you dont, then:

attack: Galaxy____ 100 HF(Dont tell me you dont have a HF)
defense: Earth____ T125 WB
stamina: Hell Kerbecs BD145(boost mode) WD

correct me if i'm wrong at these Uncertain
Attack: Lightning L-Drago CH120RF or Ray Pisces H145R2F
Defense: Earth Bull GB145CS or Earth Bull C145CS
Stamina: Earth Aquario 145WD or Burn Aquario 145WD
Is mf gravity perseus (counter mode)90rf good
and is libra good with BD145RSF?
Gravity Perseus Counter 90RF is good,but Libra BD145 RSF isn't that really good.CS is better.
Gravity Perseus 90RF isn't really good nowadays with BD145/TH170/230 everywhere.
Libra BD145RSF is decent.
Hah,can't you see that it is a top tier?
No it is not. It is close to being top tier (MF Gravity Perseus 90RF is the combo which is top tier).
Even with a metal face, it struggles against BD145/TH170/230.

Also you said Libra BD145RSF isn't really good, it too is top tier with the addition of a metal face....
metal face yeah..Heavy.RSF wasn't really that good for Defence,so I said it isn't that good.
RSF isn't really good for defense? It's on par with CS for pure defense.
It is weaker compared to RS and RB.
Also It has less stamina compared to CS.
I know RB and RS are better for defense. I never compared to them.
I did say "It's on par with CS for pure defense." CS is just used as it has more stamina.