Is diablo aquario tattoo face, ed145rs a good combo? If not build me a combo. Parts
(Almost all customized) meteo ldrago t125 lf, flame lacerta df145
Dark wolf wa13, storm pegasus w105 f, hyper Capricorn r125? Wd, Rick gasher w105 fs, dark wild 105 r2f, storm pegasus 100 r2f, storm Capricorn 105 jb, galaxy befall 145 wd, burn Scorpio ch120 es, rock orso 105, flam sagittario(fake parts
) torch orion t125 wb, storm Leon 145 bs, thermal Libra 105 jb, flame pegasus 230, rock gasher ad145, blitz/blits zurafa 100 es(mode change), phantom orion b:d (mode change) grand nemesis X
, poison gasher gb125 ms, cyclone Herculeo 105 f, phantom Cetus 100 cs, fang Leon w105 r2f, Big Bang pegasus F
(mode change) gravity destroyer c145 wb, screw fox 145 d, cosmic pegasus 130 w2d, phantom orion 145 es. Please make good combos for diablo metal wheel, and any other good combos would be good too!