"Build me a combo!" #2

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(Sep. 23, 2012  3:58 PM)TwiSteD EAGLE Wrote: Is this a GOOD custom?
If not what changes should I make

Rock Leone 230WB
Nope it isn't.You can change it to basalt/twisted aquario 230 CS if you want a 230 combo.
Can someone find some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. Thank you[/spoiler]

These are my parts

(Sep. 23, 2012  4:29 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote: Can someone find some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. Thank you[/spoiler]

These are my parts
Attack:Ray Unicorno 100 R2F
Spin Stealer:Meteo Ldrago 100 WD.

But my CS has about 21-23 seconds of stamina
And I don't think its very good for a tall Bey.
(Sep. 23, 2012  4:37 PM)?Mr.MyStery? Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  4:29 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote: Can someone find some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. Thank you[/spoiler]

These are my parts
Attack:Ray Unicorno 100 R2F
Spin Stealer:Meteo Ldrago 100 WD.
I dont have Unicorno
(Sep. 23, 2012  4:55 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  4:37 PM)?Mr.MyStery? Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  4:29 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote: Can someone find some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. Thank you[/spoiler]

These are my parts
Attack:Ray Unicorno 100 R2F
Spin Stealer:Meteo Ldrago 100 WD.
I dont have Unicorno
Striker and Unicorno are the same.

(Sep. 23, 2012  4:43 PM)TwiSteD EAGLE Wrote: But my CS has about 21-23 seconds of stamina
And I don't think its very good for a tall Bey.

Do you have a worn out CS?A worn out CS is good for 230.If you don't have a worn out CS I think you should use a D but i'm not really sure about D.
can i get a combo my parts are spiral evilx2 meteox2 lightning thermal fang/hasbro rock darkx2 midnight storm unicorno virgo ldrago2x2 ldrago gemios wolf zurafa pegesusx2 capricorn 100 90 r145 ch120 h145 125 d125x2 and my tips are f w2d mf wf/worn sd hf r2fx2 sf i onley have normal facebolts i plan on buying some metal faces soon
(Sep. 23, 2012  5:33 PM)matakj09 Wrote: can i get a combo my parts are spiral evilx2 meteox2 lightning thermal fang/hasbro rock darkx2 midnight storm unicorno virgo ldrago2x2 ldrago gemios wolf zurafa pegesusx2 capricorn 100 90 r145 ch120 h145 125 d125x2 and my tips are f w2d mf wf/worn sd hf r2fx2 sf i onley have normal facebolts i plan on buying some metal faces soon
Attack: MF Spiral _____ 90/CH120R²F
Defence: Nothing
Stamina: Thermal Capricorn/Pegasus II 90W²D/SD

@Ajitumari Spiral _____ CH120W²D is a bad combo because CH120 and Spiral are for Attack and W²D for decent Stamina combos
Can someone else make some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. I would like the 4 types (Stamina, Attack, Defense and Balanced). Thank you
These are my parts
Sorry if I'm being bothersome. My cousin is coming today and I REALLY need some good beys.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:12 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote: Can someone else make some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. I would like the 4 types (Stamina, Attack, Defense and Balanced). Thank you
These are my parts
Sorry if I'm being bothersome. My cousin is coming today and I REALLY need some good beys.
Attack: Ray Striker/Capricorn 100R²F(HF if Hasbro Stadiums)
Defence: Nothing
Stamina: Nothing
Balance: Nothing
Spin Stealer: Meteo L-Drago 100WD
Attack: Rya Striker D125 R2F (HF if Hasbro stadium...)
Defense: Nothing...
Stamina: Nothing...
Spin-Stealer: Meteo L-Drago 100WD

Everything else would be downright horrid, so just think of something if that's not enough...

EDIT: Sniped by Bob...
Hello Smile Can somebody please help me with my combo? My Combo is MF Diablo Kerbecs BD145 CS and my other Combo is MF Basalt Bull GB145 MB... Please help if the Combos are bad have no mercy say they suck or what not.. Please no Zero G parts... Thanks Guys!!
What teak is best with MF if you're using Flash?
(Sep. 23, 2012  1:28 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  1:24 AM)Bobmcdoogal Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  1:22 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote: I have a question. I'm getting a Thief Phoenic in the mail and wanted to know which of these wheels has the best synchrony with it in a Synchrom Attack combo, Ifraid or Saramanda (my bet is probably Saramanda).
I think it's Ifraid because of it's smash and Saramanda is for Defence Synchroms

Ok then (I lost the bet. Weep.). Which way would be better Ifraid facing up (Phoenic Ifraid) or Phoenic facing up (Ifraid Phoenic) (my bet is on Phoenic Ifraid).

I don't remember getting an answer.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)Akio314 Wrote: What teak is best with MF if you're using Flash?

Do you mean track? If so, then use W145.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)MrMaxDiablo Wrote: Hello Smile Can somebody please help me with my combo? My Combo is MF Diablo Kerbecs BD145 CS and my other Combo is MF Basalt Bull GB145 MB... Please help if the Combos are bad have no mercy say they suck or what not.. Please no Zero G parts... Thanks Guys!!

Your first combo is really good. You cab improve your second combo by changing it to an anti-attack combo, so use RF or R2F.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:15 PM)Bobmcdoogal Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:12 PM)Jaguar295 Wrote: Can someone else make some good combos for me? Please try to use all of the parts and list the type. I would like the 4 types (Stamina, Attack, Defense and Balanced). Thank you
These are my parts
Sorry if I'm being bothersome. My cousin is coming today and I REALLY need some good beys.
Attack: Ray Striker/Capricorn 100R²F(HF if Hasbro Stadiums)
Defence: Nothing
Stamina: Nothing
Balance: Nothing
Spin Stealer: Meteo L-Drago 100WD
Sorry but L-Drago doesnt have a left spin launcher. also, some other guy gave me a stamina bey before. It was Earth Pegasus II 105WD. I just need a regular defence bey. It doesn't need to be good. Same with balanced

(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)Akio314 Wrote: What teak is best with MF if you're using Flash?
Well with Flash, MF-H Flash(Attack) Orion W145MF

(Sep. 23, 2012  6:53 PM)Bobmcdoogal Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)Akio314 Wrote: What teak is best with MF if you're using Flash?
Well with Flash, MF-H Flash(Attack) Orion W145MF

What about T125, GB145, or H145? I don't have any Zero-G Beyblades.
You can also use S130. If you don't have it, use H145 or GB145
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:58 PM)UltimateFantasy Wrote: You can also use S130. If you don't have it, use H145 or GB145

Thanks, that helps a lot.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:46 PM)UltimateFantasy Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  1:28 AM)UltimateFantasy Wrote:
(Sep. 23, 2012  1:24 AM)Bobmcdoogal Wrote: I think it's Ifraid because of it's smash and Saramanda is for Defence Synchroms

Ok then (I lost the bet. Weep.). Which way would be better Ifraid facing up (Phoenic Ifraid) or Phoenic facing up (Ifraid Phoenic) (my bet is on Phoenic Ifraid).

I don't remember getting an answer.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)Akio314 Wrote: What teak is best with MF if you're using Flash?

Do you mean track? If so, then use W145.
(Sep. 23, 2012  6:42 PM)MrMaxDiablo Wrote: Hello Smile Can somebody please help me with my combo? My Combo is MF Diablo Kerbecs BD145 CS and my other Combo is MF Basalt Bull GB145 MB... Please help if the Combos are bad have no mercy say they suck or what not.. Please no Zero G parts... Thanks Guys!!

Your first combo is really good. You cab improve your second combo by changing it to an anti-attack combo, so use RF or R2F.

Thanks for the help... Also Would the first combo be good enough even in a hasbro stadium..??

does any1 kno how to make a "true" balance bey? ( i thought i made one with 8 attack, 8 defense and 8 stamina but it is starting to suck and b4 that i made a bey i thought might b a "true" balance bey with 7 attack, 7 defense and 11 stamina but that sucked alot) and does any1 kno how to make a compact bey? ( http://wiki.worldbeyblade.org/index.php/Compact ) here is my list of parts
thank u and yes i kno most of my parts suck you dont need 2 bring it up, im trying to get the new beys and the ones im missing from metal masters but the stores r jipping me on stock -.-
Is this a good defense type
Burn Byxis ED WD