Beyblade memes collection

[Image: 2a80dc9f65097ffd0a67ef3386d9f00c.png]
(Apr. 14, 2021  2:29 PM)GodzillaFan101 Wrote: [Image: 2a80dc9f65097ffd0a67ef3386d9f00c.png]

Bruh I found that meme too!
cool lol! its funny
when you buy a standard stadium on your moms card and accidentally put it in 2 quantity.
(Apr. 15, 2021  5:26 PM)eggblader Wrote: when you buy a standard stadium on your moms card and accidentally put it in 2 quantity.

[Image: Monkey-Puppet.jpg]
oof memes makeme happy
(Apr. 15, 2021  6:05 PM)GodzillaFan101 Wrote: oof memes makeme happy

when your bey bursts:
[Image: 31aVJ9gfnyL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]
Anyone looking at latest posts rn be like:
[Image: Pics-Art-04-19-09-02-00.jpg]
when your mom buys you two of the new random booster and you get the two cyclone ragnaruks:
[Image: Screenshot-2021-04-21-at-18-58-21.png]
[Image: 4pvy1g.jpg]
(Apr. 22, 2021  1:47 PM)UnionDragon007 Wrote: [Image: 4pvy1g.jpg]

haha elsa-boi's driver go brr
(Apr. 22, 2021  1:37 PM)valtaoi_007 Wrote: when your mom buys you two of the new random booster and you get the two cyclone ragnaruks:
[Image: Screenshot-2021-04-21-at-18-58-21.png]
"I have been blessed"
[Image: 027-A8-B29-A52-B-4-C71-A7-D4-216-B622-F5031.png]
(Apr. 22, 2021  4:51 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [Image: 027-A8-B29-A52-B-4-C71-A7-D4-216-B622-F5031.png]

I like this meme cause I posted it before
we bladers are smort
[Image: 84349-D1-F-6-CB5-42-F9-B343-B7933-E6-B1523.jpg]
(Apr. 22, 2021  4:51 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [Image: 027-A8-B29-A52-B-4-C71-A7-D4-216-B622-F5031.png]

Beyblades are why I got an A+++
[Image: 5-CB4302-B-4212-49-CD-A86-C-8-F91-DE72210-D.jpg]
Me at school with my new cyclone ragnaruk:
[Image: latest?cb=20140215233813]
........ es no picture
My friend: Aren't beyblades just spinny tops?
[Image: dsmGaKWMeHXe9QuJtq_ys30PNfTGnMsRuHuo_MUzGCg.jpg]
[Image: FB911254-8-E76-4-D0-D-A13-C-42-F9-B1264525.jpg]
(Apr. 22, 2021  4:57 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: [Image: FB911254-8-E76-4-D0-D-A13-C-42-F9-B1264525.jpg]

Sorry Professor Valt
[Image: 4-F1-A5-FC0-97-C7-4-A0-D-ADAA-674764-B7-ACD0.jpg]